################################################################################ # Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Tenable Network Security # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ################################################################################ module NaslDoc module CLI class CommentException < Exception end class DuplicateArgumentException < CommentException end class DuplicateTagException < CommentException end class TagFormatException < CommentException end class UnrecognizedTagException < CommentException end class UnsupportedClassException < CommentException end class Comment # Common attributes. attr_reader :name, :type, :valid # Freeform text attributes. attr_accessor :description, :summary # Tag attributes. attr_accessor :anonparams, :categories, :deprecated, :includes, :nessus attr_accessor :params, :remarks, :return # Export and function attributes. attr_accessor :function # File attributes. attr_accessor :filename, :signed # Global attributes. attr_accessor :variables @@tags = [ 'anonparam', 'category', 'deprecated', 'include', 'nessus', 'param', 'remark', 'return' ] def initialize(node, path) # Create common attributes. @name = nil @type = nil @valid = false # Create freeform text attributes. @summary = nil @description = nil # Create tag attributes. @anonparams = {} @categories = [] @deprecated = nil @includes = [] @nessus = nil @params = {} @remarks = [] @return = nil # Create export and function attributes. @function = nil # Create file attributes. @filename = nil @signed = nil # Create global attributes. @variables = [] # Determine if this is a nasldoc comment. text = node.text.body; @valid = !Regexp.new("(^\s*\#{2,3}\s*$|#{trusted_regex})").match(text).nil? return unless @valid # Remember the type. unless node.next.nil? @type = node.next.class.name.gsub(/.*::/, '').downcase.to_sym else # The first comment in a file might not have a next node. @type = :file end # Store any other attributes we may need, since we're not keeping a # reference to the node. case @type when :export extract_function(node.function) when :file extract_file(node, path) when :function extract_function(node) when :global extract_global(node) else raise UnsupportedClassException, "The class #{node.next.class.name} is not supported." end # Parse the comment's text. parse(text) end def parse(text) # Remove the trusted header. re_sig = Regexp.new(trusted_regex) text.gsub!(re_sig, ''); # Remove the comment prefixes ('#') from the text. text.gsub!(/^#+/, ''); # Parse all the paragraphs of free-form text. parse_paragraphs(text) # Parse all the tags. parse_tags(text) end def parse_paragraphs(text) re_none = Regexp.new(/[^[:space:]]/) re_tags = Regexp.new(tags_regex) # Collect together a list of paragraphs. min = 9999 paras = [] text.each_line('') do |para| # Skip if the paragraph has a line starting with a tag, or has no # content. next unless para =~ re_none next if para =~ re_tags para.rstrip! paras << para # Determine the minimum indentation across all paragraphs. para.each_line do |line| padding = line[/^ */] min = [min, padding.length].min # No point in continuing if we hit the lower bound. break if min == 0 end end # Strip the minimum number of spaces from the left. if min > 0 regex = Regexp.new("^ {#{min}}") paras.map! { |p| p.gsub(regex, '') } end # The first paragraph is the summary. @summary = paras.shift # The following paragraphs are the description. @description = paras end def parse_tags(text) re_name = Regexp.new("[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*") re_tags = Regexp.new(tags_regex) # Tags start a line which continues until the next tag or blank line. text.each_line('') do |para| # Skip if the paragraph it doesn't have a line starting with a tag. next if para !~ re_tags # Break the paragraphs into blocks, each starting with a tag. until para.empty? # Find the bounds of the block. beg = para.index(re_tags) break if beg.nil? fin = para.index(re_tags, beg + 1) || -1 # Pull the block out of the paragraph. block = para[beg..fin] para = para[fin..-1] # Remove the tag from the block. tag = block[re_tags] block = block[tag.length..-1] next if block.nil? # Squash all spaces on the block, being mindful that if the block is # nil the tag is useless. block.gsub!(/[ \n\r\t]+/, ' ') next if block.nil? block.strip! next if block.nil? # Squash the tag and trim the '@' off for accessing the object's # attribute. tag.lstrip! attr = tag[1..-1] case tag when '@anonparam', '@param' # Parse the argument name. name = block[re_name] if name.nil? raise TagFormatException, "Failed to parse the #{tag}'s name for #@name." end block = block[name.length..-1] if block.nil? raise TagFormatException, "Failed to parse the #{tag}'s block for #@name." end block.lstrip! block = block.gsub(/^.*>/, "") # Check for previous declarations of this name. if @anonparams.key?(name) raise DuplicateTagException, "The param '#{name}' was previously declared as an @anonparam for #@name." end if @params.key?(name) and not @params[name].nil? raise DuplicateTagException, "The param '#{name}' was previously declared as a @param for #@name." end hash = self.send(attr + 's') hash[name] = block when '@category' unless @categories.empty? raise DuplicateTagException, "The #{tag} tag appears more than once for #@name." end @categories = block.split(/,/).map &:strip when '@deprecated', '@nessus', '@return' unless self.send(attr).nil? raise DuplicateTagException, "The #{tag} tag appears more than once for #@name." end self.send(attr + '=', block) when '@include', '@remark' self.send(attr + 's').push(block) else raise UnrecognizedTagException, "The #{tag} tag is not recognized in #@name." end end end end def tags_regex "^\s*@(#{@@tags.join('|')})" end def trusted_regex "^#TRUSTED [[:xdigit:]]{1024}$" end def extract_file(node, path) # Remember the filename. @filename = File.basename(path) # Name this comment for use in error messages. @name = "file #@filename" # Determine whether the filename is signed, but don't validate the # signature. @signed = !Regexp.new(trusted_regex).match(node.text.body).nil? end def extract_function(node) # Remember the function name. fn = node.next @function = fn.to_s @fn_type = fn.fn_type # Name this comment for use in error messages. @name = "function #@function" # Add in all named parameters, even ones that weren't annotated. fn.params.each { |arg| @params[arg.name] = nil } end def extract_global(node) # Remember all the variables. @variables = node.next.idents.map &:name # Name this comment for use in error messages. @name = "global variable(s) #{@variables.join(', ')}" end end end end