Shindo.tests('AWS::Elasticache | security groups', ['aws', 'elasticache']) do group_name = 'fog-test' description = 'Fog Test' pending if Fog.mocking? model_tests( AWS[:elasticache].security_groups, {:id => group_name, :description => description}, false ) do # An EC2 group to authorize ec2_group = => 'AWS').security_groups.create( :name => 'fog-test-elasticache', :description => 'fog test' ) # Reload to get the instance owner_id @instance.reload tests('#authorize_ec2_group') do @instance.authorize_ec2_group( returns('authorizing') do group = @instance.ec2_groups.detect do |g| g['EC2SecurityGroupName'] == end group['Status'] end returns(false, 'not ready') { @instance.ready? } end @instance.wait_for { ready? } tests('#revoke_ec2_group') do @instance.revoke_ec2_group( returns('revoking') do group = @instance.ec2_groups.detect do |g| g['EC2SecurityGroupName'] == end group['Status'] end returns(false, 'not ready') { @instance.ready? } end ec2_group.destroy end collection_tests( AWS[:elasticache].security_groups, {:id => group_name, :description => description}, false ) end