require 'sinatra/base' require 'warden/github' module Sinatra module Auth module Github # Simple way to serve an image early in the stack and not get blocked by # application level before filters class AccessDenied < Sinatra::Base enable :raise_errors disable :show_exceptions get '/_images/securocat.png' do send_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "views", "securocat.png")) end end # The default failure application, this is overridable from the extension config class BadAuthentication < Sinatra::Base enable :raise_errors disable :show_exceptions helpers do def unauthorized_template @unauthenticated_template ||=, "views", "401.html")) end end get '/unauthenticated' do status 403 unauthorized_template end end module Helpers def warden env['warden'] end def authenticate!(*args) warden.authenticate!(*args) end def authenticated?(*args) warden.authenticated?(*args) end def logout! warden.logout end # The authenticated user object # # Supports a variety of methods, name, full_name, email, etc def github_user warden.user end # Send a V3 API GET request to path # # path - the path on to hit # # Returns a rest client response object # # Examples # github_raw_request("/user") # # => RestClient::Response def github_raw_request(path) github_user.github_raw_request(path) end # Send a V3 API GET request to path and parse the response body # # path - the path on to hit # # Returns a parsed JSON response # # Examples # github_request("/user") # # => { 'login' => 'atmos', ... } def github_request(path) github_user.github_request(path) end # See if the user is a public member of the named organization # # name - the organization name # # Returns: true if the user is public access, false otherwise def github_public_organization_access?(name) github_user.publicized_organization_member?(name) end # See if the user is a member of the named organization # # name - the organization name # # Returns: true if the user has access, false otherwise def github_organization_access?(name) github_user.organization_member?(name) end # See if the user is a member of the team id # # team_id - the team's id # # Returns: true if the user has access, false otherwise def github_team_access?(team_id) github_user.team_member?(team_id) end # Enforce user membership to the named organization # # name - the organization to test membership against # # Returns an execution halt if the user is not a member of the named org def github_public_organization_authenticate!(name) authenticate! halt([401, "Unauthorized User"]) unless github_public_organization_access?(name) end # Enforce user membership to the named organization if membership is publicized # # name - the organization to test membership against # # Returns an execution halt if the user is not a member of the named org def github_organization_authenticate!(name) authenticate! halt([401, "Unauthorized User"]) unless github_organization_access?(name) end # Enforce user membership to the team id # # team_id - the team_id to test membership against # # Returns an execution halt if the user is not a member of the team def github_team_authenticate!(team_id) authenticate! halt([401, "Unauthorized User"]) unless github_team_access?(team_id) end def _relative_url_for(path) request.script_name + path end end def self.registered(app) app.use AccessDenied app.use BadAuthentication app.use Warden::Manager do |manager| manager.default_strategies :github manager.failure_app = app.github_options[:failure_app] || BadAuthentication manager.scope_defaults :default, :config => { :client_id => app.github_options[:client_id] || ENV['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'], :client_secret => app.github_options[:secret] || ENV['GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'], :scope => app.github_options[:scopes] || '', :redirect_uri => app.github_options[:callback_url] || '/auth/github/callback' } manager.serialize_from_session { |key| Warden::GitHub::Verifier.load(key) } manager.serialize_into_session { |user| Warden::GitHub::Verifier.dump(user) } end # Sign cookie sessions in with AS::Verifier ENV['WARDEN_GITHUB_VERIFIER_SECRET'] ||= ENV['GITHUB_VERIFIER_SECRET'] unless ENV['WARDEN_GITHUB_VERIFIER_SECRET'] warn "No WARDEN_GITHUB_VERIFIER_SECRET environmental variable found." warn "Your sessions are likely being stored insecurely." end app.helpers Helpers app.get '/auth/github/callback' do if params["error"] redirect "/unauthenticated" else authenticate! return_to = session.delete('return_to') || _relative_url_for('/') redirect return_to end end end end end end