<div id='help' style='display: none' title="Help"> <h2>Starting a scan</h2> <h4>Single</h4> <p> A single scan can be performed easily enough, you just select a Dispatcher, enter the URL of your target and hit "Launch Scan". </p> <h4>High Performance</h4> <p> A high performance scan utilizes more than one Arachni Instance to perform the audit.<br/> The master instance will perform the crawl and then calculate and distribute the workload amongst its slaves.<br/> This allows scan-time to be severely decreased, by as much as n times less under ideal circumstances, where n equals the number of running instances. </p> <p> You can find more info <a href="https://github.com/Zapotek/arachni/wiki/Web-user-interface#wiki-usage_start-a-scan_hpg">here</a>. </p> </div> <button style='display: inline' onclick="$('#help').dialog( { height: 530, width: 500 } );return false;"/>Help</button> <form action="/scan" method="post" style='display: inline' > <%= csrf_tag %> <input type="submit" value="Launch Scan" /> <div id="page-intro"> <div class="left"> Select a Dispatcher: <select id="dispatcher" name="dispatcher"> <% stats.each_pair do |d_url, d_stats| %> <option value="<%=d_url%>"> <%=show_dispatcher_line( d_stats )%> <%= !d_stats['neighbours'].empty? ? '[HP]' : nil %> </option> <%end%> </select> <span class="hpg"> <br/> Use High Performance Grid (HPG) mode <input type="checkbox" id="high_performance_checkbox" name="high_performance" /> <strong>Attention:</strong> The HPG is highly unstable and experimental. </span> <h2>URL: <input name="url" value="<%=session['opts']['settings']['url']%>" size="50" /></h2> </div> <div class="left hpg_options"> <h2>Distribution options</h2> Use a maximum of <input name="max_slaves" value="10" size="2" /> slave instances with at least <input name="min_pages_per_instance" value="30" size="2" /> pages per instance. </div> </div> </form> <%= erb :'js/home', { layout: false }, stats: stats %> <%= erb :flash, {:layout => false} %>