require 'helper' class TestJumpstartFileTools < Test::Unit::TestCase context "Testing JumpStart::FileUtils#append_after_line class method.\n" do setup do FileUtils.remove_lines("#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/append_after_line_test.txt", :pattern => "Inserted by append_after_line method test.") end should "insert specified line at line number 4 of target file" do FileUtils.append_after_line("#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/append_after_line_test.txt", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 3", "Inserted by append_after_line method test.") file = IO.readlines("#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/append_after_line_test.txt") assert_equal 4, (file.find_index("Inserted by append_after_line method test.\n").to_i + 1) end should "fail because new line is not specified." do assert_raises(ArgumentError) {FileUtils.append_after_line("#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/append_after_line_test.txt", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 3")} end should "fail because the target file does not exist" do assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) {FileUtils.append_after_line("#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/this_file_does_not_exist.txt", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 3", "Inserted by append_after_line method test.")} end end context "Testing JumpStart::FileUtils#append_to_end_of_file class method.\n" do setup do @file_path = "#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/append_to_end_of_file_test.txt" FileUtils.remove_lines(@file_path, :pattern => "TEST LINE INSERTED") FileUtils.remove_lines(@file_path, :pattern => "TEST LINE INSERTED FROM FILE") end should "add the string passed in the method call to the specified file" do FileUtils.append_to_end_of_file("TEST LINE INSERTED", @file_path) file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal 6, (file.find_index("TEST LINE INSERTED\n").to_i + 1) end should "add the string passed in the method call to the specified file and remove the last line" do # Two appended lines so that the file doesn't lose all lines over time. FileUtils.append_to_end_of_file("TEST LINE INSERTED", @file_path) FileUtils.append_to_end_of_file("TEST LINE INSERTED", @file_path, true) file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal "TEST LINE INSERTED\n", file.last assert_equal 6, file.count end should "add the contents of the file passed in the method call to the specified file" do FileUtils.append_to_end_of_file("#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/append_to_end_of_file_source.txt", @file_path) file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal 6, (file.find_index("TEST LINE INSERTED FROM FILE\n").to_i + 1) end should "add the contents of the file passed in the method call to the specified file and remove the last line" do # Two appended lines so that the file doesn't lose all lines over time. FileUtils.append_to_end_of_file("#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/append_to_end_of_file_source.txt", @file_path) FileUtils.append_to_end_of_file("#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/append_to_end_of_file_source.txt", @file_path, true) file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal "TEST LINE INSERTED FROM FILE\n", file.last assert_equal 6, file.count end should "fail because no target file is specified" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) {FileUtils.append_to_end_of_file("TEST LINE INSERTED")} end should "fail because target file does not exist" do assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) {FileUtils.append_to_end_of_file("TEST LINE INSERTED", "#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/does_not_exist/file.txt")} end end context "Testing JumpStart::FileUtils#insert_text_at_line_number class method.\n" do setup do @file_path = "#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/insert_text_at_line_number_test.txt" @source_path = "#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/insert_text_at_line_number_source.txt" FileUtils.remove_lines(@file_path, :pattern => "TEST LINE INSERTED") end should "insert text from string into target file at line 3" do FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number("TEST LINE INSERTED", @file_path, 3) file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal "TEST LINE INSERTED\n", file[2] assert_equal 5, file.count end should "insert text from source file into target file at line 2" do FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number(@source_path, @file_path, 2) file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal "TEST LINE INSERTED FROM FILE\n", file[1] assert_equal 5, file.count end should "raise an exception if a line number is not passed to the method" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) {FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number(@source_path, @file_path)} end should "raise an exception if the line number is not 1 or higher" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) {FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number(@source_path, @file_path, 0)} assert_raises(ArgumentError) {FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number(@source_path, @file_path, -10)} end end context "Testing JumpStart::FileUtils#remove_files class method.\n" do setup do @file_path = "#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils" FileUtils.touch("#{@file_path}/remove_files_test_1.txt") FileUtils.touch("#{@file_path}/remove_files_test_2.txt") FileUtils.touch("#{@file_path}/remove_files_test_3.txt") @file_array = [] end should "delete the file remove_files_test_1.txt" do file = FileUtils.join_paths(@file_path, "/remove_files_test_1.txt") @file_array << file FileUtils.remove_files(@file_array) assert !File.exists?("#{@file_path}/remove_files_test_1.txt") end should "delete all three test files" do @file_array << "/remove_files_test_1.txt" << "/remove_files_test_2.txt" << "/remove_files_test_3.txt"!{|x| FileUtils.join_paths(@file_path, x)} FileUtils.remove_files(@file_array) assert !File.exists?("#{@file_path}/remove_files_test_1.txt") assert !File.exists?("#{@file_path}/remove_files_test_2.txt") assert !File.exists?("#{@file_path}/remove_files_test_3.txt") end end context "Testing JumpStart::FileUtils#remove_lines class method.\n" do setup do @file_path = "#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/remove_lines_test.txt" end should "remove line 5 from the test file using the :lines argument" do FileUtils.remove_lines(@file_path, :lines => [5]) file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal 9, file.length assert_equal "6\n", file.fetch(4) FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number("5", @file_path, 5) end should "remove lines 5 & 9 from the test file using the :lines argument" do FileUtils.remove_lines(@file_path, :lines => [1,10]) file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal 8, file.length FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number("1", @file_path, 1) FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number("10", @file_path, 10) end should "remove line 5 from the test file using the :line argument" do FileUtils.remove_lines(@file_path, :line => 5) file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal 9, file.length assert_equal "6\n", file.fetch(4) FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number("5", @file_path, 5) end should "return an argument error as :lines and :line cannot be specified at the same time." do assert_raises(ArgumentError) {FileUtils.remove_lines(@file_path, :line => 5, :lines => [6,7])} end should "remove line 5 from the test file using the :pattern argument" do FileUtils.remove_lines(@file_path, :pattern => "5") file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal 9, file.length assert_equal "6\n", file.fetch(4) FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number("5", @file_path, 5) end should "remove line 5 from the test file using the pattern argument, and remove line 9 from the file using the :line argument" do FileUtils.remove_lines(@file_path, :pattern => "5", :line => 9) file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal 8, file.length assert_equal "6\n", file.fetch(4) assert_equal "10\n", file.fetch(7) FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number("5", @file_path, 5) FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number("9", @file_path, 9) end should "remove line 5 from the test file using the pattern argument, and remove line 9 from the file using the :lines argument" do FileUtils.remove_lines(@file_path, :pattern => "5", :lines => [8,9]) file = IO.readlines(@file_path) assert_equal 7, file.length assert_equal "6\n", file.fetch(4) assert_equal "7\n", file.fetch(5) assert_equal "10\n", file.fetch(6) FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number("5", @file_path, 5) FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number("8", @file_path, 8) FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number("9", @file_path, 9) end end context "Testing JumpStart::FileUtils#config_nginx class method.\n" do setup do @source_path = "#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/config_nginx_source.txt" @target_path = "#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/config_nginx_test.txt" @project_name = "test_project" FileUtils.remove_lines(@target_path, :pattern => "LINE ADDED BY TEST") end should "copy nginx source file into target path" do FileUtils.config_nginx(@source_path, @target_path, @project_name) file = IO.readlines(@target_path) assert_equal "LINE ADDED BY TEST\n", file[80] end end context "Testing JumpStart::FileUtils#config_hosts class method.\n" do setup do @project_name = "test_project" @target_path = "#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/hosts_test" FileUtils.remove_lines(@target_path, :pattern => " test_project.local") end should "add line for test_project.local to hosts_test file" do FileUtils.config_hosts(@target_path, @project_name) file = IO.readlines(@target_path) assert_equal " test_project.local\n", file[10] end end context "Testing JumpStart::FileUtils#replace_strings class method.\n" do setup do @target_file = "#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/config_capistrano_test.rb" @app_name = "test_project" @remote_server = "my_test_remote_server" @source_file = IO.readlines("#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/config_capistrano_source.rb"), 'w+') do |file| file.puts @source_file end end should "replace strings with replace_strings method" do FileUtils.replace_strings(@target_file, :app_name => 'test_app', :REMOTE_SERVER => 'remote_box') file = IO.readlines(@target_file) assert_equal "set :application, 'test_app'\n", file[0] assert_equal "set :domain, 'remote_box'\n", file[1] assert_equal "run \"\#{sudo} nginx_auto_config /usr/local/bin/nginx.remote.conf /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test_app\"\n", file[44] end end context "Testing JumpStart::FileUtils#check_source_type class method.\n" do should "return source as a string" do assert_equal "source_as_a_string", FileUtils.check_source_type("source_as_a_string") end should "return source as an array" do assert_equal ["Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 1\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 2\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 3\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 4\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 5\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 6\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 7\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 8\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 9\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 10"], FileUtils.check_source_type("#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/check_source_type.txt") end should "return source as an array, even without a file extension." do assert_equal ["Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 1\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 2\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 3\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 4\n", "Line from check_source_type.txt. Line number: 5"], FileUtils.check_source_type("#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/check_source_type") end end context "Testing JumpStart::#join_paths class method.\n" do should "return the relative path passed to it unaltered." do assert_equal "path/to/file.txt", FileUtils.join_paths("path/to/file.txt") end should "return the absolute path passed to it unaltered." do assert_equal "/path/to/file.txt", FileUtils.join_paths("/path/to/file.txt") end should "return the path even if it is passed as a variable" do string = "/path/to/file.txt" assert_equal string, FileUtils.join_paths(string) end should "return a valid path if too many forward slashes are entered as an array" do a = %w[this/ //array/// /of/ /paths/ /has// /far/ //too/ ////many/ /forward// /slashes.txt] assert_equal "this/array/of/paths/has/far/too/many/forward/slashes.txt", FileUtils.join_paths(a) end should "return a valid path if too many forward slashes are entered as strings" do a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j = 'this/', '//array///', '/of/', '/paths/', '/has//', '/far/', '//too/', '////many/', '/forward//', '/slashes.txt' assert_equal "this/array/of/paths/has/far/too/many/forward/slashes.txt", FileUtils.join_paths(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) end should "return a valid path if paths are missing forward slashes and entered as an array" do a = %w[this array of paths has far too many forward slashes.txt] assert_equal "this/array/of/paths/has/far/too/many/forward/slashes.txt", FileUtils.join_paths(a) end should "return a valid path if paths are passed as strings and have no forward slashes" do a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j = 'this', 'array', 'of', 'paths', 'has', 'far', 'too', 'many', 'forward', 'slashes.txt' assert_equal "this/array/of/paths/has/far/too/many/forward/slashes.txt", FileUtils.join_paths(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) end should "return a valid path some paths have too many forward slashes and some don't. Some arguments are passed in arrays, some as strings" do a,b,c,d,e,f,g = 'this/', '//array///', %w[/of/], '/paths/', %w[/has// /far/], '//too/', %w[////many/ /forward// /slashes.txt] assert_equal "this/array/of/paths/has/far/too/many/forward/slashes.txt", FileUtils.join_paths(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) end should "return a valid path some paths have too many forward slashes and some don't. Some arguments are passed in arrays, some as strings, mixed with nil values" do a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j = 'this/', '//array///', nil, %w[/of/], '/paths/', %w[/has// /far/], nil, '//too/', nil, %w[////many/ /forward// /slashes.txt] assert_equal "this/array/of/paths/has/far/too/many/forward/slashes.txt", FileUtils.join_paths(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) end should "return a valid path, even if too many files are specified" do a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k = 'this/', '//array///', nil, %w[/of/], '/paths/', %w[/has// /far/], nil, '//too/', nil, %w[////many/ /forward// /slashes.txt], "another_file.rb" assert_equal "this/array/of/paths/has/far/too/many/forward/slashes.txt", FileUtils.join_paths(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) end should "return a valid path, even if too many files are specified and the supplied paths contain whitespace and line breaks" do a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k = "this/\n", ' //array///', nil, %w[/of/], '/paths/ ', %w[/has// /far/], nil, "//too/\n", nil, "another_file.rb" j = ["////many/\n", " /forward// ", "\n /slashes.txt\n\n\n"] assert_equal "this/array/of/paths/has/far/too/many/forward/slashes.txt", FileUtils.join_paths(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) end should "return an absolute path" do a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k = "///this/\n", ' //array///', nil, %w[/of/], '/paths/ ', %w[/has// /far/], nil, "//too/\n", nil, "another_file.rb" j = ["////many/\n", " /forward// ", "\n /slashes.txt\n\n\n"] assert_equal "/this/array/of/paths/has/far/too/many/forward/slashes.txt", FileUtils.join_paths(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) end end context "Testing JumpStart::FileUtils#sort_contained_files_and_dirs class method" do setup do @path = "#{JumpStart::ROOT_PATH}/test/test_jumpstart_templates/test_fileutils/sort_contained_files_and_dirs_test" end should "seperate files and dirs contained in the directory specified and output the collections in a hash" do results = FileUtils.sort_contained_files_and_dirs(@path) assert_equal ["/file_1.txt", "/file_2", "/folder_1/file_3.txt", "/folder_1/folder_2/file_4.txt", "/folder_1/folder_2/folder_3/file_5.txt", "/folder_1/folder_2/folder_4/file_6.txt"], results[:files].sort assert_equal ["/folder_1", "/folder_1/folder_2", "/folder_1/folder_2/folder_3", "/folder_1/folder_2/folder_4"], results[:dirs].sort end should "return an empty hash when passed nil" do results = FileUtils.sort_contained_files_and_dirs(nil) assert_equal( {:files => [], :dirs => []}, results) end should "return an empty hash when passed a path that does not exist" do results = FileUtils.sort_contained_files_and_dirs("#{@path}/the_mighty_zargs_imaginary_path") assert_equal( {:files => [], :dirs => []}, results) end end end