require 'json' require 'logger' require 'uri' require 'webrick' require_relative '../pf2' require_relative './reporter' module Pf2 class Serve CONFIG = { Host: ENV.fetch('PF2_SERVE_HOST', 'localhost'), Port: ENV.fetch('PF2_SERVE_PORT', '51502').to_i, # 1502 = 0xF2 (as in "Pf2") Logger:, AccessLog: [], } def self.start # Ignore Bundler as in `bundle exec`. if File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME) == 'bundle' && ARGV.first == 'exec' return end server = server.mount_proc('/profile') do |req, res| profile = Pf2.stop profile = JSON.parse(profile, symbolize_names: true, max_nesting: false) res.header['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' res.header['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' res.body = JSON.generate( Pf2.start end Pf2.start do hostport = "#{server.config[:Host]}:#{server.config[:Port]}" # Print host:port to trigger VS Code's auto port-forwarding feature STDERR.puts "[Pf2] Listening on #{hostport}." STDERR.puts "[Pf2] Open{URI.encode_www_form_component("http://#{hostport}/profile")} for visualization." STDERR.puts "" server.start end end def self.at_exit STDERR.puts "" STDERR.puts "[Pf2] Script execution complete (Pf2 server is still listening). Hit Ctrl-C to quit." # Allow the user to download the profile after the target program exits sleep end end end Pf2::Serve.start at_exit do Pf2::Serve.at_exit end