# Introspection This document explains how to get started using introspection with fog-openstack. Please also refer to the [Getting Started with Fog and the OpenStack](getting_started.md) document. Introspection service is implemented by the OpenStack ironic-inspector project. Introspection is strongly related to the Baremetal service (Ironic project). Effectively, Instrospection communicates and operates on nodes defined by the Baremetal layer (Ironic). # OpenStack setup ## The catalog For the fog-openstack's introspection service to work, the corresponding service must be defined in the OpenStack catalog. ```bash openstack catalog show inspector +-----------+-----------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-----------+-----------------------------------------+ | endpoints | regionOne | | | publicURL: | | | internalURL: | | | adminURL: | | | | | name | inspector | | type | introspection | +-----------+-----------------------------------------+ ``` Depending on the OpenStack release, the introspection service might be installed but not defined yet in the catalog. In such case, you must add the service and corresponding endpoints to create the catalog entry: ```bash source ./stackrc openstack service create --name inspector --description "OpenStack Introspection" introspection openstack endpoint create --region regionOne inspector --publicurl http://example.com:5050/v1 --internalurl http://example.com:5050/v1 --adminurl http://example.com:5050/v1 ``` ## The introspection timeout The default timeout value after which introspection is considered failed is set by an 1 hour (3600 s) default. Although in production environment, baremetal introspection requires time, testing in virtual environment doesn't, this is why if you are in the latter case the timeout value can be reduced for speeding results: ```bash sudo openstack-config --set /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf DEFAULT timeout 300 ``` # Work flow Assuming Baremetal nodes have been defined (imported), a usual work-flow might consist of: * Start introspection * Check introspection status or abort introspection * Retrieve introspection data * optionally, pre-defined DSL based rules can be defined and applied during introspection. For more details about this process please refer to http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic-inspector/workflow.html Using 'irb', we start with authentication: ```ruby @user = "admin" @project = "admin" @password = "secret" @base_url = "http://keystone.example.com:5000/v3/auth/tokens" require 'rubygems' require 'fog/openstack' @connection_params = { :openstack_auth_url => @base_url, :openstack_username => @user, :openstack_api_key => @password, :openstack_project_name => @project, :openstack_domain_id => "default" } ``` ## Baremetal node introspection ### Baremetal nodes Find the available Baremetal nodes. ```ruby iron = Fog::Baremetal::OpenStack.new(@connection_params) nodes = iron.node_list ``` ### Start introspection Let's start introspection using the first available node. Note: To be introspected, a node must be in "manage" state. If needed, use Baremetal Service to change the state with set_node_provision_state. For more information, please refer to http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/deploy/install-guide.html#hardware-inspection ```ruby node_id = nodes.body["nodes"][0]["uuid"] inspector = Fog::Introspection::OpenStack.new(@connection_params) introspection1 = inspector.create_introspection(node_id) ``` If everything went well the status returned by the request must be 202 which means accepted: ```ruby introspection1.status => 202 ``` ### Check introspection status To check the status of the introspection: ```ruby inspector.get_introspection(node_id) ``` The body returned has 2 fields: * finished: A boolean, set to true if introspection process is finished * error: A null string unless an error occurred or the process was canceled by the operator (in case introspection was aborted) ### Abort an ongoing introspection To abort a node introspection: ```ruby inspector.abort_introspection(node_id) ``` ### Retrieve introspected data ```ruby inspector.get_introspection_details(node_id) ``` The response body will provide a *very* long list of information about the node. ## DSL rules ### Create rules ```ruby rule_set1 = { "description" => "Successful Rule", "actions" => [ { "action" => "set-attribute", "path" => "/extra/rule_success", "value" => "yes" } ], "conditions" => [ { "field" => "memory_mb", "op" => "ge", "value" => 256 }, { "field" => "local_gb", "op" => "ge", "value" => 1 } ] } rule_set2 = { "description" => "Failing Rule", "actions" => [ { "action" => "set-attribute", "path" => "/extra/rule_success", "value" => "no" }, { "action" => "fail", "message" => "This rule should not have run" } ], "conditions" => [ { "field" => "memory_mb", "op" => "lt", "value" => 42 }, { "field" => "local_gb", "op" => "eq", "value" => 0 } ], } inspector.create_rules(rule_set1) inspector.create_rules(rule_set2) ``` ### List all rules ```ruby inspector.list_rules.body => {"rules"=> [{"description"=>"Successful Rule", "links"=>[{"href"=>"/v1/rules/4bf1bf40-d30f-4f31-a970-f0290d7e751b", "rel"=>"self"}], "uuid"=>"4bf1bf40-d30f-4f31-a970-f0290d7e751b"}, {"description"=>"Failing Rule", "links"=>[{"href"=>"/v1/rules/0d6e6687-3f69-4c14-8cab-ea6ada78036f", "rel"=>"self"}], "uuid"=>"0d6e6687-3f69-4c14-8cab-ea6ada78036f"}]} ``` ### Show rules details ```ruby inspector.get_rules('0d6e6687-3f69-4c14-8cab-ea6ada78036f').body => {"actions"=> [{"action"=>"set-attribute", "path"=>"/extra/rule_success", "value"=>"no"}, {"action"=>"fail", "message"=>"This rule should not have run"}], "conditions"=>[{"field"=>"memory_mb", "op"=>"lt", "value"=>42}, {"field"=>"local_gb", "op"=>"eq", "value"=>0}], "description"=>"Failing Rule", "links"=>[{"href"=>"/v1/rules/0d6e6687-3f69-4c14-8cab-ea6ada78036f", "rel"=>"self"}], "uuid"=>"0d6e6687-3f69-4c14-8cab-ea6ada78036f"} ``` ### Delete a specific rules set ```ruby inspector.delete_rules'0d6e6687-3f69-4c14-8cab-ea6ada78036f') inspector.list_rules.body => {"rules"=> [{"description"=>"Successful Rule", "links"=>[{"href"=>"/v1/rules/4bf1bf40-d30f-4f31-a970-f0290d7e751b", "rel"=>"self"}], "uuid"=>"4bf1bf40-d30f-4f31-a970-f0290d7e751b"}]} ``` ### Destroys all rules ```ruby inspector.delete_rules_all inspector.list_rules.body => {"rules"=>[]} ```