require 'active_record' unless defined? ActiveRecord module Paranoia @@default_sentinel_value = nil # Change default_sentinel_value in a rails initilizer def self.default_sentinel_value=(val) @@default_sentinel_value = val end def self.default_sentinel_value @@default_sentinel_value end def self.included(klazz) klazz.extend Query klazz.extend Callbacks end module Query def paranoid? ; true ; end def with_deleted if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= "4.1" unscope where: paranoia_column else all.tap { |x| x.default_scoped = false } end end def only_deleted with_deleted.where.not(table_name => { paranoia_column => paranoia_sentinel_value} ) end alias :deleted :only_deleted def restore(id, opts = {}) Array(id) { |one_id| only_deleted.find(one_id).restore!(opts) } end end module Callbacks def self.extended(klazz) klazz.define_callbacks :restore klazz.define_singleton_method("before_restore") do |*args, &block| set_callback(:restore, :before, *args, &block) end klazz.define_singleton_method("around_restore") do |*args, &block| set_callback(:restore, :around, *args, &block) end klazz.define_singleton_method("after_restore") do |*args, &block| set_callback(:restore, :after, *args, &block) end end end def destroy callbacks_result = transaction do run_callbacks(:destroy) do touch_paranoia_column end end callbacks_result ? self : false end # As of Rails 4.1.0 +destroy!+ will no longer remove the record from the db # unless you touch the paranoia column before. # We need to override it here otherwise children records might be removed # when they shouldn't if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= "4.1" def destroy! destroyed? ? super : destroy || raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed) end end def delete return if new_record? touch_paranoia_column(false) end def restore!(opts = {}) self.class.transaction do run_callbacks(:restore) do # Fixes a bug where the build would error because attributes were frozen. # This only happened on Rails versions earlier than 4.1. noop_if_frozen = ActiveRecord.version <"4.1") if (noop_if_frozen && !@attributes.frozen?) || !noop_if_frozen write_attribute paranoia_column, paranoia_sentinel_value update_column paranoia_column, paranoia_sentinel_value end restore_associated_records if opts[:recursive] end end self end alias :restore :restore! def destroyed? send(paranoia_column) != paranoia_sentinel_value end alias :deleted? :destroyed? private # touch paranoia column. # insert time to paranoia column. # @param with_transaction [Boolean] exec with ActiveRecord Transactions. def touch_paranoia_column(with_transaction=false) # This method is (potentially) called from really_destroy # The object the method is being called on may be frozen # Let's not touch it if it's frozen. unless self.frozen? if with_transaction with_transaction_returning_status { touch(paranoia_column) } else touch(paranoia_column) end end end # restore associated records that have been soft deleted when # we called #destroy def restore_associated_records destroyed_associations = do |association| association.options[:dependent] == :destroy end destroyed_associations.each do |association| association_data = send( unless association_data.nil? if association_data.paranoid? if association.collection? association_data.only_deleted.each { |record| record.restore(:recursive => true) } else association_data.restore(:recursive => true) end end end if association_data.nil? && association.macro.to_s == "has_one" association_class_name = association.options[:class_name].present? ? association.options[:class_name] : association_foreign_key = association.options[:foreign_key].present? ? association.options[:foreign_key] : "#{}_id" Object.const_get(association_class_name).only_deleted.where(association_foreign_key,, recursive: true) end end clear_association_cache if destroyed_associations.present? end end class ActiveRecord::Base def self.acts_as_paranoid(options={}) raise "primary key required for " unless self.primary_key alias :destroy! :destroy alias :delete! :delete def really_destroy! dependent_reflections = do |name, reflection| reflection.options[:dependent] == :destroy end if dependent_reflections.any? dependent_reflections.each do |name, _| associated_records = self.send(name) # has_one association can return nil if associated_records && associated_records.respond_to?(:with_deleted) # Paranoid models will have this method, non-paranoid models will not associated_records.with_deleted.each(&:really_destroy!) self.send(name).reload elsif associated_records && !associated_records.respond_to?(:each) # single record associated_records.really_destroy! end end end touch_paranoia_column if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= "4.1" destroy! end include Paranoia class_attribute :paranoia_column, :paranoia_sentinel_value self.paranoia_column = (options[:column] || :deleted_at).to_s self.paranoia_sentinel_value = options.fetch(:sentinel_value) { Paranoia.default_sentinel_value } default_scope { where(table_name => { paranoia_column => paranoia_sentinel_value }) } before_restore { self.class.notify_observers(:before_restore, self) if self.class.respond_to?(:notify_observers) } after_restore { self.class.notify_observers(:after_restore, self) if self.class.respond_to?(:notify_observers) } end # Please do not use this method in production. # Pretty please. def self.I_AM_THE_DESTROYER! # TODO: actually implement spelling error fixes puts %Q{ Sharon: "There should be a method called I_AM_THE_DESTROYER!" Ryan: "What should this method do?" Sharon: "It should fix all the spelling errors on the page!" } end def self.paranoid? ; false ; end def paranoid? ; self.class.paranoid? ; end # Override the persisted method to allow for the paranoia gem. # If a paranoid record is selected, then we only want to check # if it's a new record, not if it is "destroyed". def persisted? paranoid? ? !new_record? : super end private def paranoia_column self.class.paranoia_column end def paranoia_sentinel_value self.class.paranoia_sentinel_value end end require 'paranoia/rspec' if defined? RSpec