require 'securerandom' module PulseMeter module Mixins # Mixin with various useful functions module Utils # Tries to find a class with the name specified in the argument string # @param const_name [String] class name # @return [Class] if given class definde # @return [NilClass] if given class is not defined def constantize(const_name) return unless const_name.respond_to?(:to_s) const_name.to_s.split('::').reduce(Module, :const_get) rescue NameError nil end # Ensures that hash value specified by key can be converted to positive integer. # In case it can makes in-place conversion and returns the value. # @param options [Hash] hash to be looked at # @param key [Object] hash key # @param default [Object] default value to be returned # @raise [ArgumentError] unless value is positive integer # @return [Fixnum] def assert_positive_integer!(options, key, default = nil) value = options[key] || default raise ArgumentError, "#{key} should be defined" unless value raise ArgumentError, "#{key} should be integer" unless value.respond_to?(:to_i) raise ArgumentError, "#{key} should be positive" unless value.to_i > 0 options[key] = value.to_i end # Ensures that hash value specified by key is can be converted to float # and it is within given range. # In case it can makes in-place conversion and returns the value. # @param options [Hash] hash to be looked at # @param key [Object] hash key # @param from [Float] lower bound # @param to [Float] upper bound # @raise [ArgumentError] unless value is float within given range # @return [Float] def assert_ranged_float!(options, key, from, to) f = options[key] raise ArgumentError, "#{key} should be defined" unless f raise ArgumentError, "#{key} should be float" unless f.respond_to?(:to_f) f = f.to_f raise ArgumentError, "#{key} should be between #{from} and #{to}" unless f >= from && f <= to options[key] = f end # Generates uniq random string # @return [String] def uniqid SecureRandom.hex(32) end # Capitalizes the first letter of each word in string # @param str [String] # @return [String] # @raise [ArgumentError] unless passed value responds to to_s def titleize(str) raise ArgumentError unless str.respond_to?(:to_s) str.to_s.split(/[\s_]+/).map(&:capitalize).join(' ') end # Converts string from snake_case to CamelCase # @param str [String] string to be camelized # @param first_letter_upper [TrueClass, FalseClass] says if the first letter must be uppercased # @return [String] # @raise [ArgumentError] unless passed value responds to to_s def camelize(str, first_letter_upper = false) raise ArgumentError unless str.respond_to?(:to_s) terms = str.to_s.split(/_/) first = terms.shift (first_letter_upper ? first.capitalize : first.downcase) + end # Deeply capitalizes Array values or Hash keys def camelize_keys(item) case item when Array{|i| camelize_keys(i)} when Hash h = {} item.each{ |k, v| h[camelize(k)] = camelize_keys(v)} h else item end end end end end