require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe Sphinx::Client, 'disconnected' do context 'in with_server method' do before :each do @sphinx = @servers = [{:host => 'localhost', :port => 1}, {:host => 'localhost', :port => 2}] end context 'without retries' do it 'should use single Server instance' do 2.times do cnt = 0 @sphinx.send(:with_server) { |server| cnt += 1; server.should == @sphinx.servers[0] } cnt.should == 1 end end it 'should raise an exception on error' do 2.times do cnt = 0 expect { @sphinx.send(:with_server) { |server| cnt += 1; server.should == @sphinx.servers[0]; raise Sphinx::SphinxConnectError } }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxConnectError) cnt.should == 1 end end it 'should select server based on index' do @sphinx.SetServers(@servers) cnt = 0 @sphinx.send(:with_server, 0) { |server| cnt += 1; server.should == @sphinx.servers[0] } cnt.should == 1 cnt = 0 @sphinx.send(:with_server, 1) { |server| cnt += 1; server.should == @sphinx.servers[1] } cnt.should == 1 cnt = 0 @sphinx.send(:with_server, 2) { |server| cnt += 1; server.should == @sphinx.servers[0] } cnt.should == 1 end it 'should select given server' do @sphinx.SetServers(@servers) cnt = 0 @sphinx.send(:with_server, @sphinx.servers[0]) { |server| cnt += 1; server.should == @sphinx.servers[0] } cnt.should == 1 cnt = 0 @sphinx.send(:with_server, @sphinx.servers[1]) { |server| cnt += 1; server.should == @sphinx.servers[1] } cnt.should == 1 end end context 'with retries' do before :each do @sphinx.SetConnectTimeout(0, 3) end it 'should raise an exception on error' do cnt = 0 expect { @sphinx.send(:with_server) { |server| cnt += 1; server.should == @sphinx.servers[0]; raise Sphinx::SphinxConnectError } }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxConnectError) cnt.should == 3 end it 'should round-robin servers and raise an exception on error' do @sphinx.SetServers(@servers) cnt = 0 expect { @sphinx.send(:with_server) { |server| cnt += 1; server.should == @sphinx.servers[(cnt - 1) % 2]; raise Sphinx::SphinxConnectError } }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxConnectError) cnt.should == 3 end it 'should round-robin servers with respect to passed index and raise an exception on error' do @sphinx.SetServers(@servers) cnt = 0 expect { @sphinx.send(:with_server, 1) { |server| cnt += 1; server.should == @sphinx.servers[cnt % 2]; raise Sphinx::SphinxConnectError } }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxConnectError) cnt.should == 3 end it 'should round-robin with respect to attempts number passed' do @sphinx.SetServers(@servers) cnt = 0 expect { @sphinx.send(:with_server, 0, 5) { |server| cnt += 1; server.should == @sphinx.servers[(cnt - 1) % 2]; raise Sphinx::SphinxConnectError } }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxConnectError) cnt.should == 5 end end end context 'in with_socket method' do before :each do @sphinx = @socket = mock('TCPSocket') end context 'without retries' do before :each do @server = mock('Server') @server.should_receive(:get_socket).and_yield(@socket).and_return(@socket) @server.should_receive(:free_socket).with(@socket).at_least(1) end it 'should initialize session' do @socket.should_receive(:write).with([1].pack('N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).with(4).and_return([1].pack('N')) cnt = 0 @sphinx.send(:with_socket, @server) { |socket| cnt += 1; socket.should == @socket } cnt.should == 1 end it 'should raise exception when searchd protocol is not 1+' do @socket.should_receive(:write).with([1].pack('N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).with(4).and_return([0].pack('N')) cnt = 0 expect { @sphinx.send(:with_socket, @server) { cnt += 1; } }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxConnectError, 'expected searchd protocol version 1+, got version \'0\'') cnt.should == 0 end it 'should handle request timeouts' do @socket.should_receive(:write).with([1].pack('N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).with(4).and_return([1].pack('N')) @sphinx.SetRequestTimeout(1) cnt = 0 expect { @sphinx.send(:with_socket, @server) { cnt += 1; sleep 2 } }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxResponseError, 'failed to read searchd response (msg=time\'s up!)') cnt.should == 1 @sphinx.GetLastError.should == 'failed to read searchd response (msg=time\'s up!)' @sphinx.IsConnectError.should be_false end it 'should re-reaise Sphinx errors' do @socket.should_receive(:write).with([1].pack('N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).with(4).and_return([1].pack('N')) cnt = 0 expect { @sphinx.send(:with_socket, @server) { cnt += 1; raise Sphinx::SphinxInternalError, 'hello' } }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxInternalError, 'hello') cnt.should == 1 @sphinx.GetLastError.should == 'hello' @sphinx.IsConnectError.should be_false end end context 'with retries' do before :each do @sphinx.SetRequestTimeout(0, 3) # two more times yielding - retries @server = mock('Server') @server.should_receive(:get_socket).at_least(1).times.and_yield(@socket).and_return(@socket) @server.should_receive(:free_socket).with(@socket).at_least(1) end it 'should raise an exception on error' do @socket.should_receive(:write).exactly(3).times.with([1].pack('N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).exactly(3).times.with(4).and_return([1].pack('N')) cnt = 0 expect { @sphinx.send(:with_socket, @server) { cnt += 1; raise Sphinx::SphinxInternalError, 'hello' } }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxInternalError, 'hello') cnt.should == 3 @sphinx.GetLastError.should == 'hello' @sphinx.IsConnectError.should be_false end end end context 'in parse_response method' do before :each do @sphinx = @socket = mock('TCPSocket') end it 'should receive response' do @socket.should_receive(:read).with(8).and_return([Sphinx::SEARCHD_OK, 1, 4].pack('n2N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).with(4).and_return([0].pack('N')) @sphinx.send(:parse_response, @socket, 1) end it 'should raise exception on zero-sized response' do @socket.should_receive(:read).with(8).and_return([Sphinx::SEARCHD_OK, 1, 0].pack('n2N')) expect { @sphinx.send(:parse_response, @socket, 1) }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxResponseError, 'received zero-sized searchd response') end it 'should raise exception when response is incomplete' do @socket.should_receive(:read).with(8).and_return([Sphinx::SEARCHD_OK, 1, 4].pack('n2N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).with(4).and_return('') expect { @sphinx.send(:parse_response, @socket, 1) }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxResponseError) end it 'should set warning message when SEARCHD_WARNING received' do @socket.should_receive(:read).with(8).and_return([Sphinx::SEARCHD_WARNING, 1, 14].pack('n2N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).with(14).and_return([5].pack('N') + 'helloworld') @sphinx.send(:parse_response, @socket, 1).should == 'world' @sphinx.GetLastWarning.should == 'hello' end it 'should raise exception when SEARCHD_ERROR received' do @socket.should_receive(:read).with(8).and_return([Sphinx::SEARCHD_ERROR, 1, 9].pack('n2N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).with(9).and_return([1].pack('N') + 'hello') expect { @sphinx.send(:parse_response, @socket, 1) }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxInternalError, 'searchd error: hello') end it 'should raise exception when SEARCHD_RETRY received' do @socket.should_receive(:read).with(8).and_return([Sphinx::SEARCHD_RETRY, 1, 9].pack('n2N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).with(9).and_return([1].pack('N') + 'hello') expect { @sphinx.send(:parse_response, @socket, 1) }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxTemporaryError, 'temporary searchd error: hello') end it 'should raise exception when unknown status received' do @socket.should_receive(:read).with(8).and_return([65535, 1, 9].pack('n2N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).with(9).and_return([1].pack('N') + 'hello') expect { @sphinx.send(:parse_response, @socket, 1) }.to raise_error(Sphinx::SphinxUnknownError, 'unknown status code: \'65535\'') end it 'should set warning when server is older than client' do @socket.should_receive(:read).with(8).and_return([Sphinx::SEARCHD_OK, 1, 9].pack('n2N')) @socket.should_receive(:read).with(9).and_return([1].pack('N') + 'hello') @sphinx.send(:parse_response, @socket, 5) @sphinx.GetLastWarning.should == 'searchd command v.0.1 older than client\'s v.0.5, some options might not work' end end context 'in Query method' do before :each do @sphinx = sphinx_create_client end it 'should generate valid request with default parameters' do expected = sphinx_fixture('default_search') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with default parameters and index' do expected = sphinx_fixture('default_search_index') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query', 'index') } end it 'should generate valid request with limits' do expected = sphinx_fixture('limits') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetLimits(10, 20) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with limits and max number to retrieve' do expected = sphinx_fixture('limits_max') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetLimits(10, 20, 30) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with limits and cutoff to retrieve' do expected = sphinx_fixture('limits_cutoff') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetLimits(10, 20, 30, 40) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with max query time specified' do expected = sphinx_fixture('max_query_time') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetMaxQueryTime(1000) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end describe 'with match' do [ :all, :any, :phrase, :boolean, :extended, :fullscan, :extended2 ].each do |match| it "should generate valid request for SPH_MATCH_#{match.to_s.upcase}" do expected = sphinx_fixture("match_#{match}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetMatchMode(Sphinx::const_get("SPH_MATCH_#{match.to_s.upcase}")) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it "should generate valid request for \"#{match}\"" do expected = sphinx_fixture("match_#{match}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetMatchMode(match.to_s) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it "should generate valid request for :#{match}" do expected = sphinx_fixture("match_#{match}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetMatchMode(match) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end end end describe 'with rank' do [ :proximity_bm25, :bm25, :none, :wordcount, :proximity, :matchany, :fieldmask, :sph04 ].each do |rank| it "should generate valid request for SPH_RANK_#{rank.to_s.upcase}" do expected = sphinx_fixture("ranking_#{rank}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetRankingMode(Sphinx::Client.const_get("SPH_RANK_#{rank.to_s.upcase}")) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it "should generate valid request for \"#{rank}\"" do expected = sphinx_fixture("ranking_#{rank}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetRankingMode(rank.to_s) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it "should generate valid request for :#{rank}" do expected = sphinx_fixture("ranking_#{rank}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetRankingMode(rank) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end end end describe 'with sorting' do [ :attr_desc, :relevance, :attr_asc, :time_segments, :extended, :expr ].each do |mode| it "should generate valid request for SPH_SORT_#{mode.to_s.upcase}" do expected = sphinx_fixture("sort_#{mode}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetSortMode(Sphinx::Client.const_get("SPH_SORT_#{mode.to_s.upcase}"), mode == :relevance ? '' : 'sortby') sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it "should generate valid request for \"#{mode}\"" do expected = sphinx_fixture("sort_#{mode}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetSortMode(mode.to_s, mode == :relevance ? '' : 'sortby') sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it "should generate valid request for :#{mode}" do expected = sphinx_fixture("sort_#{mode}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetSortMode(mode, mode == :relevance ? '' : 'sortby') sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end end end it 'should generate valid request with weights' do expected = sphinx_fixture('weights') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetWeights([10, 20, 30, 40]) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with field weights' do expected = sphinx_fixture('field_weights') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetFieldWeights({'field1' => 10, 'field2' => 20}) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with index weights' do expected = sphinx_fixture('index_weights') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetIndexWeights({'index1' => 10, 'index2' => 20}) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with ID range' do expected = sphinx_fixture('id_range') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetIDRange(10, 20) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with ID range and 64-bit ints' do expected = sphinx_fixture('id_range64') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetIDRange(8589934591, 17179869183) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with values filter' do expected = sphinx_fixture('filter') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetFilter('attr', [10, 20, 30]) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with two values filters' do expected = sphinx_fixture('filters') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetFilter('attr2', [40, 50]) @sphinx.SetFilter('attr1', [10, 20, 30]) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with values filter excluded' do expected = sphinx_fixture('filter_exclude') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetFilter('attr', [10, 20, 30], true) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with values filter range' do expected = sphinx_fixture('filter_range') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetFilterRange('attr', 10, 20) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with two filter ranges' do expected = sphinx_fixture('filter_ranges') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetFilterRange('attr2', 30, 40) @sphinx.SetFilterRange('attr1', 10, 20) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with filter range excluded' do expected = sphinx_fixture('filter_range_exclude') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetFilterRange('attr', 10, 20, true) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with signed int64-based filter range' do expected = sphinx_fixture('filter_range_int64') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetFilterRange('attr1', -10, 20) @sphinx.SetFilterRange('attr2', -1099511627770, 1099511627780) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with float filter range' do expected = sphinx_fixture('filter_float_range') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetFilterFloatRange('attr', 10.5, 20.3) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with float filter excluded' do expected = sphinx_fixture('filter_float_range_exclude') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetFilterFloatRange('attr', 10.5, 20.3, true) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with different filters' do expected = sphinx_fixture('filters_different') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetFilterRange('attr1', 10, 20, true) @sphinx.SetFilter('attr3', [30, 40, 50]) @sphinx.SetFilterRange('attr1', 60, 70) @sphinx.SetFilter('attr2', [80, 90, 100], true) @sphinx.SetFilterFloatRange('attr1', 60.8, 70.5) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with geographical anchor point' do expected = sphinx_fixture('geo_anchor') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetGeoAnchor('attrlat', 'attrlong', 20.3, 40.7) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end describe 'with group by' do [ :day, :week, :month, :year, :attr, :attrpair ].each do |groupby| it "should generate valid request for SPH_GROUPBY_#{groupby.to_s.upcase}" do expected = sphinx_fixture("group_by_#{groupby}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetGroupBy('attr', Sphinx::const_get("SPH_GROUPBY_#{groupby.to_s.upcase}")) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it "should generate valid request for \"#{groupby}\"" do expected = sphinx_fixture("group_by_#{groupby}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetGroupBy('attr', groupby.to_s) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it "should generate valid request for :#{groupby}" do expected = sphinx_fixture("group_by_#{groupby}") @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetGroupBy('attr', groupby) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end end it 'should generate valid request for SPH_GROUPBY_DAY with sort' do expected = sphinx_fixture('group_by_day_sort') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetGroupBy('attr', Sphinx::SPH_GROUPBY_DAY, 'somesort') sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with count-distinct attribute' do expected = sphinx_fixture('group_distinct') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetGroupBy('attr', Sphinx::SPH_GROUPBY_DAY) @sphinx.SetGroupDistinct('attr') sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end end it 'should generate valid request with retries count specified' do expected = sphinx_fixture('retries') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetRetries(10) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request with retries count and delay specified' do expected = sphinx_fixture('retries_delay') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetRetries(10, 20) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request for SetOverride' do expected = sphinx_fixture('set_override') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetOverride('attr1', Sphinx::SPH_ATTR_INTEGER, { 10 => 20 }) @sphinx.SetOverride('attr2', Sphinx::SPH_ATTR_FLOAT, { 11 => 30.3 }) @sphinx.SetOverride('attr3', Sphinx::SPH_ATTR_BIGINT, { 12 => 1099511627780 }) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end it 'should generate valid request for SetSelect' do expected = sphinx_fixture('select') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetSelect('attr1, attr2') sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.Query('query') } end end context 'in RunQueries method' do before(:each) do @sphinx = sphinx_create_client end it 'should generate valid request for multiple queries' do expected = sphinx_fixture('miltiple_queries') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) @sphinx.SetRetries(10, 20) @sphinx.AddQuery('test1') @sphinx.SetGroupBy('attr', Sphinx::SPH_GROUPBY_DAY) @sphinx.AddQuery('test2') sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.RunQueries } end end context 'in BuildExcerpts method' do before :each do @sphinx = sphinx_create_client end it 'should generate valid request with default parameters' do expected = sphinx_fixture('excerpt_default') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.BuildExcerpts(['10', '20'], 'index', 'word1 word2') } end it 'should generate valid request with custom parameters' do expected = sphinx_fixture('excerpt_custom') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) sphinx_safe_call do @sphinx.BuildExcerpts(['10', '20'], 'index', 'word1 word2', { 'before_match' => 'before', 'after_match' => 'after', 'chunk_separator' => 'separator', 'limit' => 10 }) end end it 'should generate valid request with custom parameters as symbols' do expected = sphinx_fixture('excerpt_custom') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) sphinx_safe_call do @sphinx.BuildExcerpts(['10', '20'], 'index', 'word1 word2', { :before_match => 'before', :after_match => 'after', :chunk_separator => 'separator', :limit => 10 }) end end it 'should generate valid request with flags' do expected = sphinx_fixture('excerpt_flags') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) sphinx_safe_call do @sphinx.BuildExcerpts(['10', '20'], 'index', 'word1 word2', { 'exact_phrase' => true, 'single_passage' => true, 'use_boundaries' => true, 'weight_order' => true, 'query_mode' => true }) end end it 'should generate valid request with flags as symbols' do expected = sphinx_fixture('excerpt_flags') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) sphinx_safe_call do @sphinx.BuildExcerpts(['10', '20'], 'index', 'word1 word2', { :exact_phrase => true, :single_passage => true, :use_boundaries => true, :weight_order => true, :query_mode => true }) end end end context 'in BuildKeywords method' do before :each do @sphinx = sphinx_create_client end it 'should generate valid request' do expected = sphinx_fixture('keywords') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.BuildKeywords('test', 'index', true) } end end context 'in UpdateAttributes method' do before :each do @sphinx = sphinx_create_client end it 'should generate valid request' do expected = sphinx_fixture('update_attributes') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.UpdateAttributes('index', ['group'], { 123 => [456] }) } end it 'should generate valid request for MVA' do expected = sphinx_fixture('update_attributes_mva') @sock.should_receive(:write).with(expected) sphinx_safe_call { @sphinx.UpdateAttributes('index', ['group', 'category'], { 123 => [ [456, 789], [1, 2, 3] ] }, true) } end end context 'in EscapeString method' do before :each do @sphinx = end it 'should escape special characters' do @sphinx.escape_string("escaping-sample@query/string").should == "escaping\\-sample\\@query\\/string" end end end