class Chef module Compliance module Reporter # # Used to send inspec reports to Chef Automate via the data_collector service # class Automate def initialize(opts) @entity_uuid = opts[:entity_uuid] @run_id = opts[:run_id] @node_name = opts[:node_info][:node] @environment = opts[:node_info][:environment] @roles = opts[:node_info][:roles] @recipes = opts[:node_info][:recipes] @insecure = opts[:insecure] @chef_tags = opts[:node_info][:chef_tags] @policy_group = opts[:node_info][:policy_group] @policy_name = opts[:node_info][:policy_name] @source_fqdn = opts[:node_info][:source_fqdn] @organization_name = opts[:node_info][:organization_name] @ipaddress = opts[:node_info][:ipaddress] @fqdn = opts[:node_info][:fqdn] @run_time_limit = opts[:run_time_limit] @control_results_limit = opts[:control_results_limit] @timestamp = opts.fetch(:timestamp) { } @url = Chef::Config[:data_collector][:server_url] @token = Chef::Config[:data_collector][:token] end def validate_config! unless @entity_uuid # TODO - this is a weird leakage of naming from the parent class # but entity_uuid is never an attribute that the user can see; # it is sourced from chef_guid, which we don't technically know about in this class - # but telling the operator about a missing chef_guid is more helpful than telling # them about a missing field they've never heard of. Better would be a dock link # that described how to fix this situation. raise "CMPL004: automate_reporter: chef_guid is not available and must be provided. Aborting because we cannot report the scan." end unless @run_id raise "CMPL005: automate_reporter: run_id is not available, aborting because we cannot report the scan." end unless @url && @token raise "CMPL006: data_collector.token and data_collector.server_url must be configured in client.rb! Further information:" end end # Method used in order to send the inspec report to the data_collector server def send_report(report) headers = { "Content-Type" => "application/json", "x-data-collector-auth" => "version=1.0", "x-data-collector-token" => @token, } all_report_shas = report[:profiles].map { |p| p[:sha256] } missing_report_shas = missing_automate_profiles(headers, all_report_shas) full_report = truncate_controls_results(enriched_report(report), @control_results_limit) full_report = strip_profiles_meta(full_report, missing_report_shas, @run_time_limit) json_report = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(full_report, validate_utf8: false) # Automate GRPC currently has a message limit of ~4MB # if json_report.bytesize > 4 * 1024 * 1024 Chef::Log.warn "Generated report size is #{(json_report.bytesize / (1024 * 1024.0)).round(2)} MB. #{ChefUtils::Dist::Automate::PRODUCT} has an internal 4MB limit that is not currently configurable." end unless json_report Chef::Log.warn "Something went wrong, report can't be nil" return false end begin "Report to #{ChefUtils::Dist::Automate::PRODUCT}: #{@url}" Chef::Log.debug "Compliance Report: #{json_report}", json_report, headers) true rescue => e Chef::Log.error "send_report: POST to #{@url} returned: #{e.message}" false end end def http_client(url = @url) if @insecure, ssl_verify_mode: :verify_none) else end end def enriched_report(final_report) final_report[:profiles].compact! # Label this content as an inspec_report final_report[:type] = "inspec_report" final_report[:node_name] = @node_name final_report[:end_time] = @timestamp.utc.strftime("%FT%TZ") final_report[:node_uuid] = @entity_uuid final_report[:environment] = @environment final_report[:roles] = @roles final_report[:recipes] = @recipes final_report[:report_uuid] = @run_id final_report[:source_fqdn] = @source_fqdn final_report[:organization_name] = @organization_name final_report[:policy_group] = @policy_group final_report[:policy_name] = @policy_name final_report[:chef_tags] = @chef_tags final_report[:ipaddress] = @ipaddress final_report[:fqdn] = @fqdn final_report end CONTROL_RESULT_SORT_ORDER = %w{ failed skipped passed }.freeze # Truncates the number of results per control in the report when they exceed max_results. # The truncation prioritizes failed and skipped results over passed ones. # Controls where results have been truncated will get a new object 'removed_results_counts' # with the status counts of the truncated results def truncate_controls_results(report, max_results) return report unless max_results.is_a?(Integer) && max_results > 0 report.fetch(:profiles, []).each do |profile| profile.fetch(:controls, []).each do |control| # Only bother with truncation if the number of results exceed max_results next unless control[:results].length > max_results res = control[:results] res.sort_by! { |r| CONTROL_RESULT_SORT_ORDER.index(r[:status]) } # Count the results that will be truncated truncated = { failed: 0, skipped: 0, passed: 0 } (max_results..res.length - 1).each do |i| case res[i][:status] when "failed" truncated[:failed] += 1 when "skipped" truncated[:skipped] += 1 when "passed" truncated[:passed] += 1 end end # Truncate the results array now control[:results] = res[0..max_results - 1] control[:removed_results_counts] = truncated end end report end # Contacts the metasearch Automate API to check which of the inspec profile sha256 ids # passed in via `report_shas` are missing from the Automate profiles metadata database. def missing_automate_profiles(headers, report_shas) Chef::Log.debug "Checking the #{ChefUtils::Dist::Automate::PRODUCT} profiles metadata for: #{report_shas}" meta_url = URI(@url) meta_url.path = "/compliance/profiles/metasearch" response_str = http_client(meta_url.to_s).post(nil, "{\"sha256\": #{report_shas}}", headers) missing_shas = Chef::JSONCompat.parse(response_str)["missing_sha256"] unless missing_shas.empty? "#{ChefUtils::Dist::Automate::PRODUCT} is missing metadata for the following profile ids: #{missing_shas}" end missing_shas rescue => e Chef::Log.error "missing_automate_profiles error: #{e.message}" # If we get an error it's safer to assume none of the profile shas exist in Automate report_shas end # Profile 'name' is a required property. # By not sending it in the report, we make it clear to the ingestion backend that the profile metadata has been stripped from this profile in the report. # Profile 'title' and 'version' are still kept for troubleshooting purposes in the backend. SEEN_PROFILE_UNNECESSARY_FIELDS = %i{ copyright copyright_email groups license maintainer name summary supports}.freeze SEEN_PROFILE_UNNECESSARY_CONTROL_FIELDS = %i{ code desc descriptions impact refs source_location tags title }.freeze # TODO: This mutates the report and probably doesn't need to. def strip_profiles_meta(report, missing_report_shas, run_time_limit) report[:profiles].each do |p| next if missing_report_shas.include?(p[:sha256]) p.delete_if { |f| SEEN_PROFILE_UNNECESSARY_FIELDS.include?(f) } next unless p[:controls].is_a?(Array) p[:controls].each do |c| c.delete_if { |f| SEEN_PROFILE_UNNECESSARY_CONTROL_FIELDS.include?(f) } c.delete(:waiver_data) if c[:waiver_data] == {} next unless c[:results].is_a?(Array) c[:results].each do |r| if r[:run_time].is_a?(Float) && r[:run_time] < run_time_limit r.delete(:start_time) r.delete(:run_time) end end end end report[:run_time_limit] = run_time_limit report end end end end end