![style_palette](https://raw.github.com/fguillen/StylePalette/master/etc/style_palette.png) # StylePaletteGallery Gallery playground to test the gem [StylePalette](https://github.com/fguillen/StylePalette) ## Installation git clone git@github.com:fguillen/StylePaletteGallery.git cd StylePaletteGallery ## Usage StylePalette.brush(, ) StylePalette.brush("cat", :tags).background # => #f5abd5 StylePalette.brush("cat", :tags).foreground # => #000 StylePalette::Helper.style("cat", :tags) # => background-color: #f5abd5; color: #000; StylePalette::Helper.label("cat", :tags) # => cat ## Configuration & Initialization Create a _json_ file with the name of the **palettes** and with an array of _colorized_ styles for each palette, like this: { "states": [ { "style": "background-color: #cd8745; color: #000;" }, { "style": "background-color: #82d37c; color: #000;" }, { "style": "background-color: #81dbde; color: #000;" } ], "tags": [ { "style": "background-color: #f5acb0; color: #000;" }, { "style": "background-color: #f5abd5; color: #000;" }, { "style": "background-color: #e7abf5; color: #000;" }, { "style": "background-color: #b2a6f5; color: #000;" } ] } Check a [configuration example file](https://github.com/fguillen/StylePalette/blob/master/etc/style_palettes.example.json). Then initialize StylePalette this way: StylePalette.palettes_config = ## Rails integration Configuration: # config/style_palettes.json { "states": [ { "style": "background-color: #cd8745; color: #000;" }, { "style": "background-color: #82d37c; color: #000;" }, { "style": "background-color: #81dbde; color: #000;" } ] } Initialization: # config/initializers/style_palette.rb StylePalette.palettes_config = "#{Rails.root}/config/style_palettes.json" Helper: # app/helpers/application_helper.rb def render_label(word, palette_name) StylePalette::Helper.label(word, palette_name).html_safe end Use: # in any template <%= render_label(current_user.state, :states) %> ## Word/Color assignment In the basic configuration ColorPallete takes a random _color_ for each _word_ (**always the same color for each word**), this is very helpful when you don't really care about the associated color for each word, for example if you have docens of _tags_ you are not gonna assign one specific color to each _tag_ just create a big enough palette and let StylePalette to choose. But if you want to _force_ a color for an specific word you can do it using the special _regex_ attribute for a color in this way: "states": [ { "style": "background-color: #cd8745; color: #000;" }, { "style": "background-color: #82d37c; color: #000;" }, { "style": "background-color: #81dbde; color: #000;", "regex": "blocked" } ], Now if the _word_ is **blocked** then the last color is gonna be choosen. As you can guess, any valid _regex_ can be used in this field. Check the [examples in the tests](https://github.com/fguillen/StylePalette/blob/master/test/style_palette_test.rb) Also check the next examples: ### Number assignment "number": [ { "style": "background-color: #CCCCCC; color: #000;", "regex": "^0$" }, { "style": "background-color: #91E391; color: #000;", "regex": "^[^-]" }, { "style": "background-color: #E68585; color: #000;", "regex": "^-" } ], StylePalette::Helper.label(0, :number) # => 0 StylePalette::Helper.label(123, :number) # => 123 StylePalette::Helper.label(-99, :number) # => -99 * For _zero_ the first color will be choosen * For _positive numbers_ the second color will be choosen * For _negative numbers_ the last color while be choosen ### Range assignment "ranges": [ { "style": "background-color: #fff385; color: #000;", "range": "..0" }, { "style": "background-color: #85ffd0; color: #000;", "range": "0..20" }, { "style": "background-color: #85c2ff; color: #000;", "range": "20..80" }, { "style": "background-color: #ff85f3; color: #000;", "range": "80.." } ] StylePalette::Helper.label(0, :ranges) # => 0 StylePalette::Helper.label(45, :ranges) # => 45 ### Boolean assignment "boolean": [ { "style": "background-color: #91E391; color: #000;", "regex": "^(yes|1|true)$" }, { "style": "background-color: #E68585; color: #000;", "regex": "^(no|0|false)$" } ], StylePalette::Helper.label(0, :boolean) # => 0 StylePalette::Helper.label("no", :boolean) # => no StylePalette::Helper.label("yes", :boolean) # => yes StylePalette::Helper.label(true, :boolean) # => true ## The Gallery playground You can check your _style palettes_ in the [StylePaletteGallery](http://stylepalettegallery.fernandoguillen.info/) or [fork the app](https://github.com/fguillen/StylePaletteGallery) and create your own playground.