require "thor" require "lita/daemon" require "lita/version" module Lita # The command line interface for Lita. class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions def self.source_root File.expand_path("../../../templates", __FILE__) end default_task :start desc "start", "Starts Lita" option :config, aliases: "-c", banner: "PATH", default: File.expand_path("lita_config.rb", Dir.pwd), desc: "Path to the configuration file to use" option :daemonize, aliases: "-d", default: false, desc: "Run Lita as a daemon", type: :boolean option :log_file, aliases: "-l", banner: "PATH", default: Process.euid == 0 ? "/var/log/lita.log" : File.expand_path("lita.log", ENV["HOME"]), desc: "Path where the log file should be written when daemonized" option :pid_file, aliases: "-p", banner: "PATH", default: Process.euid == 0 ? "/var/run/" : File.expand_path("", ENV["HOME"]), desc: "Path where the PID file should be written when daemonized" option :kill, aliases: "-k", default: false, desc: "Kill existing Lita processes when starting the daemon", type: :boolean def start begin Bundler.require rescue Bundler::GemfileNotFound no_gemfile_warning = <<-WARN.chomp The default command "start" must be run inside a Lita project. Try running \ `lita new` to generate a new Lita project or `lita help` to see all commands. WARN say no_gemfile_warning, :red abort end if options[:daemonize] options[:pid_file], options[:log_file], options[:kill] ).daemonize end[:config]) end desc "new NAME", "Generates a new Lita project (default name: lita)" def new(name = "lita") directory "robot", name end desc "adapter NAME", "Generates a new Lita adapter" def adapter(name) generate_templates(generate_config(name, "adapter")) end desc "handler NAME", "Generates a new Lita handler" def handler(name) generate_templates(generate_config(name, "handler")) end desc "version", "Outputs the current version of Lita" def version puts VERSION end map %w(-v --version) => :version private def generate_config(name, plugin_type) name, gem_name = normalize_names(name) constant_name = name.split(/_/).map { |p| p.capitalize }.join namespace = "#{plugin_type}s" constant_namespace = namespace.capitalize spec_type = plugin_type == "handler" ? "lita_handler" : "lita" required_lita_version = Lita::VERSION.split(/\./)[0...-1].join(".") { name: name, gem_name: gem_name, constant_name: constant_name, plugin_type: plugin_type, namespace: namespace, constant_namespace: constant_namespace, spec_type: spec_type, required_lita_version: required_lita_version }.merge(generate_user_config).merge(optional_content) end def generate_user_config git_user = `git config`.chomp git_user = "TODO: Write your name" if git_user.empty? git_email = `git config`.chomp git_email = "TODO: Write your email address" if git_email.empty? { author: git_user, email: git_email } end def generate_templates(config) name = config[:name] gem_name = config[:gem_name] namespace = config[:namespace] travis = config[:travis] target = File.join(Dir.pwd, gem_name) template( "plugin/lib/lita/plugin_type/", "#{target}/lib/lita/#{namespace}/#{name}.rb", config ) template("plugin/lib/", "#{target}/lib/#{gem_name}.rb", config) template( "plugin/spec/lita/plugin_type/", "#{target}/spec/lita/#{namespace}/#{name}_spec.rb", config ) template( "plugin/spec/", "#{target}/spec/spec_helper.rb", config ) copy_file("plugin/Gemfile", "#{target}/Gemfile") template("plugin/", "#{target}/#{gem_name}.gemspec", config) copy_file("plugin/gitignore", "#{target}/.gitignore") copy_file("plugin/travis.yml", "#{target}/.travis.yml") if travis template("plugin/", "#{target}/LICENSE", config) copy_file("plugin/Rakefile", "#{target}/Rakefile") template("plugin/", "#{target}/", config) end def normalize_names(name) name = name.downcase.sub(/^lita[_-]/, "") gem_name = "lita-#{name}" name ="-", "_") [name, gem_name] end def optional_content coveralls_question = <<-Q.chomp Do you want to generate code coverage information with SimpleCov \ and Q { travis: yes?("Do you want to test your plugin on Travis CI?"), coveralls: yes?(coveralls_question) } end end end