o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1355470625.390669:@value"-.{I" class:EFI"BundledAsset;�FI"logical_path;�FI"mercury/uploader.js;�FI" pathname;�FI"z/Users/brownjohn/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/mercury-rails-0.8.0/app/assets/javascripts/mercury/uploader.js.coffee;�FI"content_type;�FI"application/javascript;�FI" mtime;�FI"2012-08-08T16:13:36+08:00;�FI"length;�Fi/,I"digest;�F"%1bc0abdfbba3e20873a67a084c8b2617I"source;�FI"/,(function() { var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty; this.Mercury.uploader = function(file, options) { if (Mercury.config.uploading.enabled) { Mercury.uploader.show(file, options); } return Mercury.uploader; }; jQuery.extend(Mercury.uploader, { show: function(file, options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; this.file = new Mercury.uploader.File(file); if (this.file.errors) { alert("Error: " + this.file.errors); return; } if (!this.supported()) { return; } Mercury.trigger('focus:window'); this.initialize(); return this.appear(); }, initialize: function() { if (this.initialized) { return; } this.build(); this.bindEvents(); return this.initialized = true; }, supported: function() { var xhr; xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; if (window.Uint8Array && window.ArrayBuffer && !XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary) { XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary = function(datastr) { var data, index, ui8a, _i, _len; ui8a = new Uint8Array(datastr.length); for (index = _i = 0, _len = datastr.length; _i < _len; index = ++_i) { data = datastr[index]; ui8a[index] = datastr.charCodeAt(index) & 0xff; } return this.send(ui8a.buffer); }; } return !!(xhr.upload && xhr.sendAsBinary && (Mercury.uploader.fileReaderSupported() || Mercury.uploader.formDataSupported())); }, fileReaderSupported: function() { return !!window.FileReader; }, formDataSupported: function() { return !!window.FormData; }, build: function() { var _ref, _ref1; this.element = jQuery('<div>', { "class": 'mercury-uploader', style: 'display:none' }); this.element.append('<div class="mercury-uploader-preview"><b><img/></b></div>'); this.element.append('<div class="mercury-uploader-details"></div>'); this.element.append('<div class="mercury-uploader-progress"><span></span><div class="mercury-uploader-indicator"><div><b>0%</b></div></div></div>'); this.updateStatus('Processing...'); this.overlay = jQuery('<div>', { "class": 'mercury-uploader-overlay', style: 'display:none' }); this.element.appendTo((_ref = jQuery(this.options.appendTo).get(0)) != null ? _ref : 'body'); return this.overlay.appendTo((_ref1 = jQuery(this.options.appendTo).get(0)) != null ? _ref1 : 'body'); }, bindEvents: function() { var _this = this; return Mercury.on('resize', function() { return _this.position(); }); }, appear: function() { var _this = this; this.fillDisplay(); this.position(); this.overlay.show(); return this.overlay.animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200, 'easeInOutSine', function() { _this.element.show(); return _this.element.animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200, 'easeInOutSine', function() { _this.visible = true; return _this.loadImage(); }); }); }, position: function() { var height, width; width = this.element.outerWidth(); height = this.element.outerHeight(); return this.element.css({ top: (Mercury.displayRect.height - height) / 2, left: (Mercury.displayRect.width - width) / 2 }); }, fillDisplay: function() { var details; details = [Mercury.I18n('Name: %s', this.file.name), Mercury.I18n('Size: %s', this.file.readableSize), Mercury.I18n('Type: %s', this.file.type)]; return this.element.find('.mercury-uploader-details').html(details.join('<br/>')); }, loadImage: function() { var _this = this; if (Mercury.uploader.fileReaderSupported()) { return this.file.readAsDataURL(function(result) { _this.element.find('.mercury-uploader-preview b').html(jQuery('<img>', { src: result })); return _this.upload(); }); } else { return this.upload(); } }, upload: function() { var formData, xhr, _this = this; xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; jQuery.each(['onloadstart', 'onprogress', 'onload', 'onabort', 'onerror'], function(index, eventName) { return xhr.upload[eventName] = function(event) { return _this.uploaderEvents[eventName].call(_this, event); }; }); xhr.onload = function(event) { var response, src; if (event.currentTarget.status >= 400) { _this.updateStatus('Error: Unable to upload the file'); Mercury.notify('Unable to process response: %s', event.currentTarget.status); return _this.hide(); } else { try { response = Mercury.config.uploading.handler ? Mercury.config.uploading.handler(event.target.responseText) : jQuery.parseJSON(event.target.responseText); src = response.url || response.image.url; if (!src) { throw 'Malformed response from server.'; } Mercury.trigger('action', { action: 'insertImage', value: { src: src } }); return _this.hide(); } catch (error) { _this.updateStatus('Error: Unable to upload the file'); Mercury.notify('Unable to process response: %s', error); return _this.hide(); } } }; xhr.open('post', Mercury.config.uploading.url, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json, text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr.setRequestHeader(Mercury.config.csrfHeader, Mercury.csrfToken); if (Mercury.uploader.fileReaderSupported()) { return this.file.readAsBinaryString(function(result) { var multipart; multipart = new Mercury.uploader.MultiPartPost(Mercury.config.uploading.inputName, _this.file, result); _this.file.updateSize(multipart.delta); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + multipart.boundary); return xhr.sendAsBinary(multipart.body); }); } else { formData = new FormData(); formData.append(Mercury.config.uploading.inputName, this.file.file, this.file.file.name); return xhr.send(formData); } }, updateStatus: function(message, loaded) { var percent; this.element.find('.mercury-uploader-progress span').html(Mercury.I18n(message).toString()); if (loaded) { percent = Math.floor(loaded * 100 / this.file.size) + '%'; this.element.find('.mercury-uploader-indicator div').css({ width: percent }); return this.element.find('.mercury-uploader-indicator b').html(percent).show(); } }, hide: function(delay) { var _this = this; if (delay == null) { delay = 0; } return setTimeout(function() { return _this.element.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 200, 'easeInOutSine', function() { return _this.overlay.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 200, 'easeInOutSine', function() { _this.overlay.hide(); _this.element.hide(); _this.reset(); _this.visible = false; return Mercury.trigger('focus:frame'); }); }); }, delay * 1000); }, reset: function() { this.element.find('.mercury-uploader-preview b').html(''); this.element.find('.mercury-uploader-indicator div').css({ width: 0 }); this.element.find('.mercury-uploader-indicator b').html('0%').hide(); return this.updateStatus('Processing...'); }, uploaderEvents: { onloadstart: function() { return this.updateStatus('Uploading...'); }, onprogress: function(event) { return this.updateStatus('Uploading...', event.loaded); }, onabort: function() { this.updateStatus('Aborted'); return this.hide(1); }, onload: function() { return this.updateStatus('Successfully uploaded...', this.file.size); }, onerror: function() { this.updateStatus('Error: Unable to upload the file'); return this.hide(3); } } }); Mercury.uploader.File = (function() { function File(file) { var errors; this.file = file; this.fullSize = this.size = this.file.size || this.file.fileSize; this.readableSize = this.size.toBytes(); this.name = this.file.name || this.file.fileName; this.type = this.file.type || this.file.fileType; errors = []; if (this.size >= Mercury.config.uploading.maxFileSize) { errors.push(Mercury.I18n('Too large')); } if (!(Mercury.config.uploading.allowedMimeTypes.indexOf(this.type) > -1)) { errors.push(Mercury.I18n('Unsupported format')); } if (errors.length) { this.errors = errors.join(' / '); } } File.prototype.readAsDataURL = function(callback) { var reader, _this = this; if (callback == null) { callback = null; } reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(this.file); return reader.onload = function() { if (callback) { return callback(reader.result); } }; }; File.prototype.readAsBinaryString = function(callback) { var reader, _this = this; if (callback == null) { callback = null; } reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsBinaryString(this.file); return reader.onload = function() { if (callback) { return callback(reader.result); } }; }; File.prototype.updateSize = function(delta) { return this.fullSize = this.size + delta; }; return File; })(); Mercury.uploader.MultiPartPost = (function() { function MultiPartPost(inputName, file, contents, formInputs) { this.inputName = inputName; this.file = file; this.contents = contents; this.formInputs = formInputs != null ? formInputs : {}; this.boundary = 'Boundaryx20072377098235644401115438165x'; this.body = ''; this.buildBody(); this.delta = this.body.length - this.file.size; } MultiPartPost.prototype.buildBody = function() { var boundary, name, value, _ref; boundary = '--' + this.boundary; _ref = this.formInputs; for (name in _ref) { if (!__hasProp.call(_ref, name)) continue; value = _ref[name]; this.body += "" + boundary + "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + name + "\"\r\n\r\n" + (unescape(encodeURIComponent(value))) + "\r\n"; } return this.body += "" + boundary + "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + this.inputName + "\"; filename=\"" + this.file.name + "\"\r\nContent-Type: " + this.file.type + "\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\n" + this.contents + "\r\n" + boundary + "--"; }; return MultiPartPost; })(); }).call(this); ;�FI"required_assets_digest;�F"%5e7f5a5fada1e3a41fadfa36eeea36f0I" _version;�F"%9f3b95dd7ea3030dc35985c0a8020862