= Treasure Data command line tool {<img src="https://travis-ci.org/treasure-data/td.svg?branch=master" alt="Build Status" />}[https://travis-ci.org/treasure-data/td] {<img src="https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/treasure-data/td?branch=master&svg=true" alt="appveyor" />}[https://ci.appveyor.com/project/treasure-data/td/branch/master] {<img src="https://coveralls.io/repos/treasure-data/td/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github" alt="Coverage Status" />}[https://coveralls.io/github/treasure-data/td?branch=master] This CUI utility wraps the {Ruby Client Library td-client-ruby}[https://github.com/treasure-data/td-client-ruby] to interact with the REST API in managing databases and jobs on the Treasure Data Cloud. For more info about Treasure Data, see <http://treasure-data.com/>. For full documentation see <http://docs.treasure-data.com/>. = Getting Started Install td command as a gem. > gem install td See help message for details. > td You need to authorize the account, before executing any other commands. > td account = Sample Workflow > td account -f # authorize an account user: k@treasure-data.com password: ********** > td database:create mydb # create a database > td table:create mydb www_access # create a table = Packaging == Mac OS X Disable RVM or rbenv and use ruby.pkg's ruby (/usr/local/td/ruby/bin/ruby). And then run following commands: $ /usr/local/td/ruby/bin/gem install bundler rubyzip $ /usr/local/td/ruby/bin/bundle install $ /usr/local/td/ruby/bin/rake pkg:build == Windows Install following binary packages: * MinGW with MSYS Basic System and using mingw-get-inst * Git for Windows, with Windows Command Prompt support * Ruby ruby-1.9.3p327 using RubyInstaller for Windows, with PATH update * Inno Setup 5 Then run following commands on MinGW Shell: $ mingw-get install msys-vim $ mingw-get install msys-wget $ gem install bundler rubyzip $ bundle install # don't use "--path" option $ rake exe:build # don't use "bundle exec" == Bulk Import Some of the +td+ commands prefixed with +td+ +import+ leverages the {Java Bulk Import CLI td-import-java}[https://github.com/treasure-data/td-import-java] to process and Bulk load data in the Treasure Data Cloud. The Bulk Import CLI is downloaded automatically at the first call to any of the command that require it; the use will need internet connectivity in order to fetch the Bulk Import CLI JAR file from the {Central Maven repository}[http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/treasuredata/td-import/] and take advantage of these advanced features. If you need to setup a proxy, please consult this {documentation}[http://docs.treasuredata.com/articles/faq#how-can-i-use-the-td-command-through-a-proxy] page. The log levels and properties of the Bulk Import CLI can be configured in a +logging.properties+ file. A default configuration is provided in a file within the gem or Toolbelt folder root, in the +java/+ folder. If you wish to customize it, please make a copy of this file and store it in the: ~/.td/java folder on Mac OSX or Linux %USERPROFILE%\.td\java folder on Windows == Testing Hooks The CLI implements several hooks to enable/disable/trigger special behaviors. These hooks are expressed as environment variables and can therefore be provided in several ways: === How to Use * Unix / Linux / MacOSX * environment variable export in the shell the command is executed. The setting remains active until the shell is closed. E.g.: $ export TD_TOOLBELT_DEBUG=1 * in the shell configuration file, to be active in any new shell that is opened. E.g.: add export TD_TOOLBELT_DEBUG=1 to <tt>~/.bashrc</tt> or equivalent shell configuration file. To make the setting active in the current shell, source the configuration file, e.g.: $ source ~/.bashrc * on the command line at runtime (active only for the duration of the command). E.g.: $ TD_TOOLBELT_DEBUG=1 td .... * as alias on in the current shell. The setting remains active until the shell is closed. E.g.: $ alias td='TD_TOOLBELT_DEBUG=1 td' * as alias in configuration file, to be active in any new shell that is opened. E.g.: alias td='TD_TOOLBELT_DEBUG=1 td'` to <tt>~/.bashrc</tt> or equivalent shell configuration file. To make the setting active in the current shell, source the configuration file, e.g.: $ source ~/.bashrc * Windows * in the command prompt the command is executed. The setting remains active until the command prompt window is closed. E.g.: cmd> set TD_TOOLBELT_DEBUG=1 * as a global environment variable in the system settings. It will be active for all new command prompt windows. These are the available hooks: * Enable debugging mode: $ TD_TOOLBELT_DEBUG=1 * JAR auto update (enabled by default is not specified). This setting does not affect <tt>import:jar_update</tt>: * Enable: $ TD_TOOLBELT_JAR_UPDATE=1 * Disable: $ TD_TOOLBELT_JAR_UPDATE=0 * Specify an alternative endpoint to use updating the toolbelt (default: http://toolbelt.treasuredata.com): $ TD_TOOLBELT_UPDATE_ROOT="http://toolbelt.treasuredata.com" * Specify an alternative endpoint to use updating the JAR file (default: http://central.maven.org): $ TD_TOOLBELT_JARUPDATE_ROOT="http://central.maven.org" = Copyright Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2015 Treasure Data Inc. License:: Apache License, Version 2.0