def stack_to_node(stack, includeShape = false) str = "#{stack.state} (#{stack.lexer.position.char_position})" if includeShape str = str.inspect + " [shape=box]" end str end def parsestack_as_dot_digraph(stack, nodes =, links = nodes[stack] = stack_to_node(stack, true) stack.links.each do |link| nodes, links = parsestack_as_dot_digraph(link.stack, nodes, links) links[link] = "#{stack_to_node(stack).inspect} -> #{stack_to_node(link.stack).inspect} [label=#{link.tree.inspect_compact.inspect}]" end return nodes, links end def parsestacks_as_dot_digraph(stacks) nodes, links = {}, {} stacks.each do |stack| nodes, links = parsestack_as_dot_digraph(stack, nodes, links) end "digraph G {\nsize=\"8,11\"\n" + nodes.values.uniq.join("\n") + "\n" + links.values.uniq.join("\n") + "\n" + "}" end class DotGraphPrinter def initialize(size = "11,9", orientation = "landscape") @size, @orientation = size, orientation end def to_graph(ast) @nodes, @links =, eval_to_dot(ast, nil) to_graph_from_nodes_and_links(@nodes, @links) end protected def to_graph_from_nodes_and_links(nodes, links) "digraph G {\n" + "size = #{@size.inspect}\n" + "orientation = #{@orientation}\n" + @nodes.values.uniq.join("\n") + "\n" + @links.values.uniq.join("\n") + "\n" + "}" end end class SyntaxTreeAsDotGraph < DotGraphPrinter def add_parent_link(parent, child, label = nil, weight = nil) if parent @links[[parent, child]] = "#{} -> #{}" if label or weight @links[[parent, child]] += " [" + (label ? "label=#{label.inspect}" : "") + ((label and weight) ? "," : "") + (weight ? "weight=#{weight.inspect}" : "") + "]" end end end def eval_to_dot(ast, parent = nil, linkname = nil, weight = nil) if ast if ast.kind_of?(SyntaxTree) case when "_ArrayNode" add_parent_link(parent, ast, linkname, weight) @nodes[ast] = "#{} [label=" + '"[]"]' ast.each_with_index {|c,i| eval_to_dot(c, ast, i.inspect)} else if parent end # Special handling of Token nodes since we only want to print # the lexeme if ast.children_names.sort == ["lexeme", "value"].sort @nodes[ast] = "#{} [shape=box,label=#{ast.lexeme.inspect}]" add_parent_link(parent, ast, linkname, weight) else add_parent_link(parent, ast, linkname, weight) @nodes[ast] = "#{} [label=#{}]" ast.childrens.each_with_index {|c,i| eval_to_dot(c, ast, ast.children_names[i]) } end end elsif ast.class == Array # Or nodes return array but they should return ArrayNodes... add_parent_link(parent, ast, linkname, weight) @nodes[ast] = "#{} [label=\"[]\"]" ast.each_with_index {|c,i| eval_to_dot(c, ast, i)} end end end end def syntaxtree_as_dot_digraph(syntaxtree) end