.TH confctl 8 2020\-11\-01 master .SH NAME .PP \fB\fCconfctl\fR \- Nix deployment management tool .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fB\fCconfctl\fR [\fIglobal options\fP] \fIcommand\fP [\fIcommand options\fP] [\fIarguments...\fP] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fB\fCconfctl\fR is a Nix deployment configuration management tool. It can be used to build and deploy \fINixOS\fP and \fIvpsAdminOS\fP machines. .SH SOFTWARE PINS .PP Each machine managed by \fB\fCconfctl\fR uses predefined software packages like \fB\fCnixpkgs\fR, \fB\fCvpsadminos\fR and possibly other components. These packages are pinned to particular versions, e.g. specific git commits. .PP Software pins are defined in the Nix configuration and then prefetched using \fB\fCconfctl\fR\&. Selected software pins are added to environment variable \fB\fCNIX_PATH\fR for \fB\fCnix\-build\fR and can also be read by \fB\fCNix\fR while building machines. .PP Software pins can be defined using channels or on specific machines. The advantage of using channels is that changing a pin in a channel changes also all machines that use the channel. Channels are defined in file \fB\fCconfigs/swpins.nix\fR using option \fB\fCconfctl.swpins.channels\fR\&. Deployments declare software pins and channels in their respective \fB\fCmodule.nix\fR files, option \fB\fCcluster..swpins.channels\fR is a list of channels to use and option \fB\fCcluster..swpins.pins\fR is an attrset of pins to extend or override pins from channels. .PP Software pins declared in the Nix configuration have to be prefetched before they can be used to build machines. See the \fB\fCconfctl swpins\fR command family for more information. .SH PATTERNS .PP \fB\fCconfctl\fR commands accept patterns instead of names. These patterns work similarly to shell patterns, see \[la]http://ruby-doc.org/core/File.html#method-c-fnmatch-3F\[ra] for more information. .SH GLOBAL OPTIONS .TP \fB\fC\-c\fR, \fB\fC\-\-color\fR \fB\fCalways\fR|\fB\fCnever\fR|\fB\fCauto\fR Set output color mode. Defaults to \fB\fCauto\fR, which enables colors when the standard output is connected to a terminal. .SH COMMANDS .TP \fB\fCconfctl init\fR Create a new configuration in the current directory. The current directory is set up to be used with \fB\fCconfctl\fR\&. .TP \fB\fCconfctl add\fR \fIname\fP Add new machine to the configuration. .TP \fB\fCconfctl rename\fR \fIold\-name\fP \fInew\-name\fP Rename machine from the configuration. .TP \fB\fCconfctl rediscover\fR Auto\-discover machines within the \fB\fCcluster/\fR directory and generate a list of their modules in \fB\fCcluster/cluster.nix\fR\&. .TP \fB\fCconfctl ls\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP] List matching machines available for deployment. .PP \fB\fC\-\-show\-trace\fR Enable traces in Nix. .PP \fB\fC\-\-managed\fR \fB\fCy\fR|\fB\fCyes\fR|\fB\fCn\fR|\fB\fCno\fR|\fB\fCa\fR|\fB\fCall\fR The configuration can contain machines which are not managed by confctl and are there just for reference. This option determines what kind of machines should be listed. .PP \fB\fC\-L\fR, \fB\fC\-\-list\fR List possible attributes that can be used with options \fB\fC\-\-output\fR or \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR and exit. .PP \fB\fC\-o\fR, \fB\fC\-\-output\fR \fIattributes\fP Comma\-separated list of attributes to output. Defaults to the value of option \fB\fCconfctl.list.columns\fR\&. .PP \fB\fC\-H\fR, \fB\fC\-\-hide\-header\fR Do not print the line with column labels. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .TP \fB\fCconfctl build\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP] Build matching machines. The result of a build is one generation for each built machine. Subsequent builds either return an existing generation if there had been no changes for a machine or a new generation is created. Built generations can be managed using \fB\fCconfctl generation\fR command family. .PP \fB\fC\-\-show\-trace\fR Enable traces in Nix. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .PP \fB\fC\-j\fR, \fB\fC\-\-max\-jobs\fR \fInumber\fP Maximum number of build jobs, passed to \fB\fCnix\-build\fR\&. See man .BR nix-build (1). .PP \fB\fC\-\-cores\fR \fInumber\fP Number of CPU cores to use, passed to \fB\fCnix\-build\fR\&. See man .BR nix-build (1). .TP \fB\fCconfctl deploy\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP [\fB\fCboot\fR|\fB\fCswitch\fR|\fB\fCtest\fR|\fB\fCdry\-activate\fR]] Deploy either a new or an existing build generation to matching machines. .IP \fIswitch\-action\fP is the argument to \fB\fCswitch\-to\-configuration\fR called on the target machine. The default action is \fB\fCswitch\fR\&. .PP \fB\fC\-\-show\-trace\fR Enable traces in Nix. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .PP \fB\fC\-g\fR, \fB\fC\-\-generation\fR \fIgeneration\fP|\fB\fCcurrent\fR Do not build a new generation, but deploy an existing generation. .PP \fB\fC\-\-outdated\fR Run \fB\fCconfctl status\fR and deploy only outdated machines. \fB\fCconfctl\fR will first build machines described by \fImachine\-pattern\fP and then check their status. .PP \fB\fC\-\-outdated\-swpins\fR Run \fB\fCconfctl status \-g none\fR and deploy only machines that have outdated software pins. .PP \fB\fC\-i\fR, \fB\fC\-\-interactive\fR Deploy machines one by one while asking for confirmation for activation. .PP \fB\fC\-\-dry\-activate\-first\fR After the new system is copied to the target machine, try to switch the configuration using \fIdry\-activate\fP action to see what would happen before the real switch. .PP \fB\fC\-\-one\-by\-one\fR Instead of copying the systems to all machines in bulk before activations, copy and deploy machines one by one. .PP \fB\fC\-\-max\-concurrent\-copy\fR \fIn\fP Use at most \fIn\fP concurrent nix\-copy\-closure processes to deploy closures to the target machines. Defaults to \fB\fC5\fR\&. .PP \fB\fC\-\-copy\-only\fR Do not activate the copied closures. .PP \fB\fC\-\-reboot\fR Applicable only when \fIswitch\-action\fP is \fB\fCboot\fR\&. Reboot the machine after the configuration is activated. .PP \fB\fC\-\-wait\-online\fR [\fIseconds\fP | \fB\fCwait\fR | \fB\fCnowait\fR] Determines whether to wait for the machines to come back online if \fB\fC\-\-reboot\fR is used. \fB\fCconfctl\fR will wait for \fB\fC600 seconds\fR by default. .PP \fB\fC\-j\fR, \fB\fC\-\-max\-jobs\fR \fInumber\fP Maximum number of build jobs, passed to \fB\fCnix\-build\fR\&. See man .BR nix-build (1). .PP \fB\fC\-\-cores\fR \fInumber\fP Number of CPU cores to use, passed to \fB\fCnix\-build\fR\&. See man .BR nix-build (1). .PP \fB\fC\-\-no\-health\-checks\fR Do not run configured health checks. Health checks are run by default when \fIswitch\-action\fP is \fB\fCswitch\fR, \fB\fCtest\fR or \fB\fCboot\fR with \fB\fC\-\-reboot\fR\&. .PP \fB\fC\-\-keep\-going\fR Do not abort when health checks fail. .TP \fB\fCconfctl health\-check\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP] Run health checks on all or selected machines. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .PP \fB\fC\-j\fR, \fB\fC\-\-max\-jobs\fR \fInumber\fP Maximum number of check jobs, defaults to \fB\fC5\fR\&. .TP \fB\fCconfctl status\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP] Probe managed machines and determine their status. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .PP \fB\fC\-g\fR, \fB\fC\-\-generation\fR \fIgeneration\fP|\fB\fCcurrent\fR|\fB\fCnone\fR Check status against a selected generation instead of a new build. If set to \fB\fCnone\fR, only the currently configured software pins are checked and not the system version itself. .PP \fB\fC\-j\fR, \fB\fC\-\-max\-jobs\fR \fInumber\fP Maximum number of build jobs, passed to \fB\fCnix\-build\fR\&. See man .BR nix-build (1). .PP \fB\fC\-\-cores\fR \fInumber\fP Number of CPU cores to use, passed to \fB\fCnix\-build\fR\&. See man .BR nix-build (1). .TP \fB\fCconfctl changelog\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP [\fIsw\-pattern\fP]] Show differences in deployed and configured software pins. For git software pins, it's a git log. .IP By default, \fB\fCconfctl\fR assumes that the configuration contains upgraded software pins, i.e. that the configuration is equal to or ahead of the deployed machines. \fB\fCconfctl changelog\fR then prints a lists of changes that are missing from the deployed machines. Too see a changelog for downgrade, use option \fB\fC\-d\fR, \fB\fC\-\-downgrade\fR\&. .IP \fB\fCconfctl changelog\fR will not show changes to the deployment configuration itself, it works only on software pins. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .PP \fB\fC\-g\fR, \fB\fC\-\-generation\fR \fIgeneration\fP|\fB\fCcurrent\fR Show changelog against software pins from a selected generation instead of the current configuration. .PP \fB\fC\-d\fR, \fB\fC\-\-downgrade\fR Use when the configuration has older software pins than deployed machines, e.g. when doing a downgrade. Show a list of changes that are deployed on the machines and are missing in the configured software pins. .PP \fB\fC\-v\fR, \fB\fC\-\-verbose\fR Show full\-length changelog descriptions. .PP \fB\fC\-p\fR, \fB\fC\-\-patch\fR Show patches. .PP \fB\fC\-j\fR, \fB\fC\-\-max\-jobs\fR \fInumber\fP Maximum number of build jobs, passed to \fB\fCnix\-build\fR\&. See man .BR nix-build (1). .PP \fB\fC\-\-cores\fR \fInumber\fP Number of CPU cores to use, passed to \fB\fCnix\-build\fR\&. See man .BR nix-build (1). .TP \fB\fCconfctl diff\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP [\fIsw\-pattern\fP]] Show differences in deployed and configured software pins. For git software pins, it's a git diff. .IP By default, \fB\fCconfctl\fR assumes that the configuration contains upgraded software pins, i.e. that the configuration is equal to or ahead of the deployed machines. \fB\fCconfctl diff\fR then considers changes that are missing from the deployed machines. Too see a diff for downgrade, use option \fB\fC\-d\fR, \fB\fC\-\-downgrade\fR\&. .IP \fB\fCconfctl diff\fR will not show changes to the deployment configuration itself, it works only on software pins. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .PP \fB\fC\-g\fR, \fB\fC\-\-generation\fR \fIgeneration\fP|\fB\fCcurrent\fR Show diff against software pins from a selected generation instead of the current configuration. .PP \fB\fC\-d\fR, \fB\fC\-\-downgrade\fR Use when the configuration has older software pins than deployed machines, e.g. when doing a downgrade. Show a list of changes that are deployed on the machines and are missing in the configured software pins. .PP \fB\fC\-j\fR, \fB\fC\-\-max\-jobs\fR \fInumber\fP Maximum number of build jobs, passed to \fB\fCnix\-build\fR\&. See man .BR nix-build (1). .PP \fB\fC\-\-cores\fR \fInumber\fP Number of CPU cores to use, passed to \fB\fCnix\-build\fR\&. See man .BR nix-build (1). .TP \fB\fCconfctl test\-connection\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP] Try to open a SSH connection to the selected machines. This command can be used to confirm SSH host keys of the selected machines. .PP \fB\fC\-\-managed\fR \fB\fCy\fR|\fB\fCyes\fR|\fB\fCn\fR|\fB\fCno\fR|\fB\fCa\fR|\fB\fCall\fR The configuration can contain machines which are not managed by confctl and are there just for reference. This option determines what kind of machines should be selected. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .TP \fB\fCconfctl ssh\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP [\fIcommand\fP [\fIarguments...\fP]]] Run command over SSH on the selected machines. If \fImachine\-pattern\fP matches only one machine and no \fIcommand\fP is provided, an interactive shell is started. .PP \fB\fC\-\-managed\fR \fB\fCy\fR|\fB\fCyes\fR|\fB\fCn\fR|\fB\fCno\fR|\fB\fCa\fR|\fB\fCall\fR The configuration can contain machines which are not managed by confctl and are there just for reference. This option determines what kind of machines should be selected. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .PP \fB\fC\-p\fR, \fB\fC\-\-parallel\fR Run the command on all machines in parallel. By default, the command is run on machines sequentially. .PP \fB\fC\-g\fR, \fB\fC\-\-aggregate\fR If the command has the same output and exit status on a group of one or more machines, print it just once for the group. This option suppresses output until the command has been run on all machines. .PP \fB\fC\-i\fR, \fB\fC\-\-input\-string\fR \fIdata\fP Data passed to the executed command on standard input. .PP \fB\fC\-f\fR, \fB\fC\-\-input\-file\fR \fIfile\fP Pass \fIfile\fP as standard input to the executed command. .TP \fB\fCconfctl cssh\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP] Open ClusterSSH to selected or all machines. .PP \fB\fC\-\-managed\fR \fB\fCy\fR|\fB\fCyes\fR|\fB\fCn\fR|\fB\fCno\fR|\fB\fCa\fR|\fB\fCall\fR The configuration can contain machines which are not managed by confctl and are there just for reference. This option determines what kind of machines should be selected. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .TP \fB\fCconfctl generation ls\fR [\fImachine\-pattern\fP [\fIgeneration\-pattern\fP]|\fIn\fP\fB\fCd\fR|\fB\fCold\fR] List all or selected generations. By default only local build generations are listed. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-l\fR, \fB\fC\-\-local\fR List build generations. .PP \fB\fC\-r\fR, \fB\fC\-\-remote\fR List remote generations found on deployed machines. .TP \fB\fCconfctl generation rm\fR [\fImachine\-pattern\fP [\fIgeneration\-pattern\fP|\fIn\fP\fB\fCd\fR|\fB\fCold\fR]] Remove selected generations. .IP \fIn\fP\fB\fCd\fR will remove generations older than \fIn\fP days. .IP \fB\fCold\fR will remove all generations except the current one, i.e. the one that was built by \fB\fCconfctl build\fR the last. .IP By default, only local build generations are considered. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .PP \fB\fC\-l\fR, \fB\fC\-\-local\fR Consider local build generations. .PP \fB\fC\-r\fR, \fB\fC\-\-remote\fR Consider generations found on deployed machines. .PP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]gc\fR, \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]collect\-garbage\fR Run \fB\fCnix\-collect\-garbage\fR to delete unreachable store paths from deployed machines where generations were removed. Enabled by default. .PP \fB\fC\-\-max\-concurrent\-gc\fR \fIn\fP Run \fB\fCnix\-collect\-garbage\fR at most on \fIn\fP machines at the same time. Defaults to \fB\fC5\fR\&. .TP \fB\fCconfctl generation rotate\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP] Delete old build generations of all or selected machines. Old generations are deleted based on rules configured in \fB\fCconfigs/confctl.nix\fR\&. .IP This command deletes old build generations from \fB\fCconfctl\fR, and given machine configuration also runs \fB\fCnix\-collect\-garbage\fR\&. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .PP \fB\fC\-l\fR, \fB\fC\-\-local\fR Consider local build generations. .PP \fB\fC\-r\fR, \fB\fC\-\-remote\fR Consider generations found on deployed machines. .PP \fB\fC\-\-max\-concurrent\-gc\fR \fIn\fP Run \fB\fCnix\-collect\-garbage\fR at most on \fIn\fP machines at the same time. Defaults to \fB\fC5\fR\&. .TP \fB\fCconfctl collect\-garbage\fR [\fIoptions\fP] [\fImachine\-pattern\fP] Run \fB\fCnix\-collect\-garbage\fR on all or selected machines to delete unreachable store paths. .PP \fB\fC\-a\fR, \fB\fC\-\-attr\fR \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC=\fR\fIvalue\fP | \fIattribute\fP\fB\fC!=\fR\fIvalue\fP Filter machines by selected attribute, which is either tested for equality or inequality. Any attribute from configuration module \fB\fCcluster.\fR can be tested. .PP \fB\fC\-t\fR, \fB\fC\-\-tag\fR \fItag\fP|\fB\fC^\fR\fItag\fP Filter machines that have \fItag\fP set. If the tag begins with \fB\fC^\fR, then filter machines that do not have \fItag\fP set. .PP \fB\fC\-y\fR, \fB\fC\-\-yes\fR Do not ask for confirmation on standard input, assume the answer is yes. .PP \fB\fC\-\-max\-concurrent\-gc\fR \fIn\fP Run \fB\fCnix\-collect\-garbage\fR at most on \fIn\fP machines at the same time. Defaults to \fB\fC5\fR\&. .TP \fB\fCconfctl gen\-data vpsadmin all\fR Generate all required data files from vpsAdmin API. .TP \fB\fCconfctl gen\-data vpsadmin containers\fR Generate container data files from vpsAdmin API. .TP \fB\fCconfctl gen\-data vpsadmin network\fR Generate network data files from vpsAdmin API. .TP \fB\fCconfctl swpins cluster ls\fR [\fIname\-pattern\fP [\fIsw\-pattern\fP]] List cluster machines with pinned software packages. .TP \fB\fCconfctl swpins cluster set\fR \fIname\-pattern\fP \fIsw\-pattern\fP \fIversion...\fP Set selected software packages to new \fIversion\fP\&. The value of \fIversion\fP depends on the type of the software pin, for git it is a git reference, e.g. a revision. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]commit\fR Commit changed swpins files to git. Disabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]changelog\fR Include changelog in the commit message when \fB\fC\-\-commit\fR is used. Enabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-d\fR, \fB\fC\-\-downgrade\fR Use when the new version is older than the previously set version. Used for generating changelog for the commit message. .TP \fB\fCconfctl swpins cluster update\fR [\fIname\-pattern\fP [\fIsw\-pattern\fP]] Update selected or all software packages that have been configured to support this command. The usual case for git is to pin to the current branch head. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]commit\fR Commit changed swpins files to git. Disabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]changelog\fR Include changelog in the commit message when \fB\fC\-\-commit\fR is used. Enabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-d\fR, \fB\fC\-\-downgrade\fR Use when the new version is older than the previously set version. Used for generating changelog for the commit message. .TP \fB\fCconfctl swpins channel ls\fR [\fIchannel\-pattern\fP [\fIsw\-pattern\fP]] List existing channels with pinned software packages. .TP \fB\fCconfctl swpins channel set\fR \fIchannel\-pattern\fP \fIsw\-pattern\fP \fIversion...\fP Set selected software packages in channels to new \fIversion\fP\&. The value of \fIversion\fP depends on the type of the software pin, for git it is a git reference, e.g. a revision. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]commit\fR Commit changed swpins files to git. Disabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]changelog\fR Include changelog in the commit message when \fB\fC\-\-commit\fR is used. Enabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-d\fR, \fB\fC\-\-downgrade\fR Use when the new version is older than the previously set version. Used for generating changelog for the commit message. .TP \fB\fCconfctl swpins channel update\fR [\fIchannel\-pattern\fP [\fIsw\-pattern\fP]] Update selected or all software packages in channels that have been configured to support this command. The usual case for git is to pin to the current branch head. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]commit\fR Commit changed swpins files to git. Disabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]changelog\fR Include changelog in the commit message when \fB\fC\-\-commit\fR is used. Enabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-d\fR, \fB\fC\-\-downgrade\fR Use when the new version is older than the previously set version. Used for generating changelog for the commit message. .TP \fB\fCconfctl swpins core ls\fR [\fIsw\-pattern\fP] List core software packages used internally by confctl. .TP \fB\fCconfctl swpins core set\fR \fIsw\-pattern\fP \fIversion...\fP Set selected core software package to new \fIversion\fP\&. The value of \fIversion\fP depends on the type of the software pin, for git it is a git reference, e.g. a revision. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]commit\fR Commit changed swpins files to git. Disabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]changelog\fR Include changelog in the commit message when \fB\fC\-\-commit\fR is used. Enabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-d\fR, \fB\fC\-\-downgrade\fR Use when the new version is older than the previously set version. Used for generating changelog for the commit message. .TP \fB\fCconfctl swpins core update\fR [\fIsw\-pattern\fP] Update selected or all core software packages that have been configured to support this command. The usual case for git is to pin to the current branch head. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]commit\fR Commit changed swpins files to git. Disabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]changelog\fR Include changelog in the commit message when \fB\fC\-\-commit\fR is used. Enabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-d\fR, \fB\fC\-\-downgrade\fR Use when the new version is older than the previously set version. Used for generating changelog for the commit message. .TP \fB\fCconfctl swpins update\fR Update software pins that have been configured for updates, including pins in all channels, all machine\-specific pins and the core pins. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]commit\fR Commit changed swpins files to git. Disabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-\-[no\-]changelog\fR Include changelog in the commit message when \fB\fC\-\-commit\fR is used. Enabled by default. .TP \fB\fC\-d\fR, \fB\fC\-\-downgrade\fR Use when the new version is older than the previously set version. Used for generating changelog for the commit message. .TP \fB\fCconfctl swpins reconfigure\fR Regenerate all confctl\-managed software pin files according to the Nix configuration. .SH USER\-DEFINED COMMANDS .PP User\-defined Ruby scripts can be placed in directory \fB\fCscripts\fR\&. Each script should create a subclass of \fB\fCConfCtl::UserScript\fR and call class\-method \fB\fCregister\fR\&. Scripts can define their own \fB\fCconfctl\fR subcommands. .SS Example user script .PP .RS .nf class MyScript < ConfCtl::UserScript register def setup_cli(app) app.desc 'My CLI command' app.command 'my\-command' do |c| c.action &ConfCtl::Cli::Command.run(c, MyCommand, :run) end end end class MyCommand < ConfCtl::Cli::Command def run puts 'Hello world' end end .fi .RE .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR confctl-options.nix (8) .SH BUGS .PP Report bugs to \[la]https://github.com/vpsfreecz/confctl/issues\[ra]\&. .SH ABOUT .PP \fB\fCconfctl\fR was originally developed for the purposes of vpsFree.cz \[la]https://vpsfree.org\[ra] and its cluster configuration \[la]https://github.com/vpsfreecz/vpsfree-cz-configuration\[ra]\&.