module HashWiaModule def initialize hash=nil if hash hash.each { |k,v| self[k] = v } end end # overload common key names with %i(size length zip minmax store cycle chunk sum uniq chain).each do |el| define_method el do self[el] end end def [] key data = super key data = super key.to_s if data.nil? data = super key.to_sym if key.respond_to?(:to_sym) && data.nil? # if we are returning hash as a value, just include with wia methods hash if data.is_a?(Hash) data.extend HashWiaModule end data end def []= key, value if @frozen_keys && !keys.include?(key) raise NoMethodError, "HashWia keys are frozen and can't be modified (key: #{key})" end delete key super key, value end def delete key self[key].tap do super key super key.to_s super key.to_sym if key.respond_to?(:to_sym) end end # we never return array from hash, ruby internals def to_ary nil end # key is common id direct access # allow direct get or fuction the same if name given def key name=nil name.nil? ? self[:key] : self[name.to_s] end # true clone of the hash with 0 references to the old one def clone Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(self)) end def merge hash dup.tap do |h| hash.each { |k, v| h[k] = v } end end def freeze_keys! @frozen_keys = true self end def each &block to_a.each do |key, data| if data.is_a?(Hash) data.extend HashWiaModule end key, data end self end def method_missing name, *args, &block strname = name.to_s if strname.sub!(/\?$/, '') # !!self[strname] elsif strname.sub!(/=$/, '') # = :bar self[strname.to_sym] = args.first else value = self[strname] if value.nil? if block # { rand } self[name] = block elsif !keys.include?(name.to_sym) # raise'%s not defined' % strname) else nil end else value end end end end