# frozen_string_literal: true module Airbrake module Sneakers # Provides integration with Sneakers. # # @see https://github.com/jondot/sneakers # @since v7.2.0 class ErrorReporter # @return [Array] ignored keys values of which raise # SystemStackError when `as_json` is called on them # @see https://github.com/airbrake/airbrake/issues/850 IGNORED_KEYS = %i[delivery_tag consumer channel].freeze # rubocop:disable Style/OptionalArguments def call(exception, worker = nil, context) # Later versions add a middle argument. Airbrake.notify(exception, filter_context(context)) do |notice| notice[:context][:component] = 'sneakers' notice[:context][:action] = worker.class.to_s end end # rubocop:enable Style/OptionalArguments private def filter_context(context) return context unless context[:delivery_info] h = context.dup h[:delivery_info] = context[:delivery_info].reject do |k, _v| IGNORED_KEYS.include?(k) end h end end end end Sneakers.error_reporters << Airbrake::Sneakers::ErrorReporter.new module Sneakers # @todo Migrate to Sneakers v2.12.0 middleware API when it's released # @see https://github.com/jondot/sneakers/pull/364 module Worker # Sneakers v2.7.0+ renamed `do_work` to `process_work`. if method_defined?(:process_work) alias process_work_without_airbrake process_work else alias process_work_without_airbrake do_work end def process_work(delivery_info, metadata, msg, handler) timing = Airbrake::Benchmark.measure do process_work_without_airbrake(delivery_info, metadata, msg, handler) end rescue Exception => exception # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException Airbrake.notify_queue( queue: self.class.to_s, error_count: 1, timing: 0.01, ) raise exception else Airbrake.notify_queue( queue: self.class.to_s, error_count: 0, timing: timing, ) end end end