module Authpds module Controllers module AuthpdsController def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do include InstanceMethods helper_method :current_user_session, :current_user, :current_primary_institution end end module InstanceMethods # Get the current UserSession if it exists def current_user_session @current_user_session ||= UserSession.find end # Get the current User if there is a UserSession def current_user @current_user ||= current_user_session.record unless current_user_session.nil? end # Determine current primary institution based on: # 0. institutions are not being used (returns nil) # 1. institution query string parameter in URL # 2. institution associated with the client IP # 3. primary institution for the current user # 4. first default institution def current_primary_institution @current_primary_institution ||= (InstitutionList.institutions_defined?) ? (params["#{institution_param_key}"].nil? or InstitutionList.instance.get(params["#{institution_param_key}"]).nil?) ? (primary_institution_from_ip.nil?) ? (current_user.nil? or current_user.primary_institution.nil?) ? InstitutionList.instance.defautls.first : current_user.primary_institution : primary_institution_from_ip : InstitutionList.instance.get(params["#{institution_param_key}"]) : nil end # Grab the first institution that matches the client IP def primary_institution_from_ip InstitutionList.instance.institutions_with_ip(request.remote_ip).first unless request.nil? end # Determine institution layout based on: # 1. primary institution's resolve_layout # 2. default - views/layouts/application def institution_layout (current_primary_institution.nil? or current_primary_institution.application_layout.nil?) ? :application : current_primary_institution.application_layout end # Override to add institution. def url_for(options={}) options["#{institution_param_key}"] = params["#{institution_param_key}"] unless params["#{institution_param_key}"].nil? or options["#{institution_param_key}"] super(options) end def user_session_redirect_url(url) (url.nil?) ? (request.referer.nil?) ? root_url : request.referer : url end def institution_param_key @institution_param_key ||= UserSession.institution_param_key end end end end end