require 'timeout'
module Smash
module CloudPowers
module LogicHelp
# Sets an Array of instance variables, individually to a value that a
# user given block returns.
# Parameters
# * keys +Array+
# * * each object will be used as the name for the instance variable that
# your block returns
# +block+ (optional)
# * this block is called for each object in the Array and is used as the value
# for the instance variable that is being named and created for each key
# Returns +Array+ - each object will either be the result of
# #instance_variable_set(key, value) => +value+
# or instance_variable_get(key)
# Example
# keys = ['foo', 'bar', 'yo']
# attr_map!(keys) { |key| sleep 1; "#{key}:#{}" }
# # => ['foo:1475434058', 'bar:1475434059', 'yo:1475434060']
# puts @bar
# # => 'bar:1475434059'
def attr_map(attributes = self.i_vars)
attributes = [attributes, nil] unless attributes.respond_to? :map
attributes.inject(self) do |this, (attribute, before_value)|
results = if block_given?
first_place, second_place = yield attribute, before_value
second_place.nil? ? [attribute, first_place] : [first_place, second_place]
[attribute, before_value]
this.instance_variable_set(to_i_var(results.first), results.last)
# Does its best job at guessing where this method was called from, in terms
# of where it is located on the file system. It helps track down where a
# project root is etc.
# Returns
# * +Pathname+
# Notes
# * Uses ::#caller() to figure out where the request came from
def called_from
sanitized_path_string = caller.first.gsub(/:.*/,'')
calling_file = File.expand_path(sanitized_path_string)
# Gather up this object's instance variables and create a +Hash+ from the
# name/value pairs
# Returns
# * +Hash+
# Example
# 5class A; attr_accessor :eh; end
# a.i_var_hash
# => { eh: nil }
def i_var_hash
self.instance_variables.inject({}) do |hash, (k,v)|
hash[k.to_s.gsub('@', '')] = self.instance_variable_get to_i_var(k)
# Create an attr_accessor feeling getter and setter for an instance
# variable. The method doesn't create a getter or setter if it is already
# defined.
# Parameters
# * base_name +String+ - the name, without the '@' symbol
# # ok
# add_instance_attr_accessor('my_variable_name', my_value)
# =>
# # not ok
# add_instance_attr_accessor('@#!!)', my_value)
# => no new instance variable found
# * value +Object+ - the actual instance variable that matches the +base_name+
# Returns
# * the value of the instance variable that matches the +base_name+ (first) argument
# Notes
# * if a matching getter or setter method can be found, this method won't
# stomp on it. nothing happens, in that case
# * if an appropriately named instance variable can't be found, the getter
# method will return nil until you set it again.
# * it is the responsibility of you and me to make sure our variable names
# are valid, i.e. proper Ruby instance variable names
def instance_attr_accessor(base_name)
i_var_name = to_i_var(base_name)
getter_signature = to_snake(base_name)
setter_signature = "#{getter_signature}="
unless respond_to? getter_signature
define_singleton_method(getter_signature) do
unless respond_to? setter_signature
define_singleton_method(setter_signature) do |argument|
instance_variable_set(i_var_name, argument)
# Lets you retry a piece of logic with 1 second sleep in between attempts
# until another bit of logic does what it's supposed to, kind of like
# continuing to poll something and doing something when a package is ready
# to be taken and processed.
# Parameters
# * allowed_attempts +Number+|+Infinity(default)+ - The number of times
# the loop should be allowed to...well, loop, before a failed retry occurs.
# * &test +Block+ - A predicate method or block of code that is callable
# is used to test if the block being retried is successful yet.
# * []
# Example
# check_stuff = lambda { |params| return true }
# smart_retry(3, check_stuff(params)) { do_stuff_that_needs_to_be_checked }
def smart_retry(test, allowed_attempts = Float::INFINITY)
result = yield if block_given?
tries = 1
until || tries >= allowed_attempts
result = yield if block_given?
tries += 1
sleep 1
# This method provides a default overrideable message body for things like
# basic status updates.
# Parameters
# * instanceId +Hash+
# Notes
# * camel casing is used on the keys because most other languages prefer
# that and it's not a huge problem in ruby. Besides, there's some other
# handy methods in this module to get you through those issues, like
# +#to_snake()+ and or +#modify_keys_with()+
def update_message_body(opts = {})
# TODO: Better implementation of merging message bodies and config needed
unless opts.kind_of? Hash
update = opts.to_s
opts = {}
opts[:extraInfo] = { message: update }
updated_extra_info = opts.delete(:extraInfo) || {}
instanceId: @instance_id || 'none-aquired',
type: 'status-update',
content: 'running',
extraInfo: updated_extra_info
# Wait until a block finishes or a given time ellapses.
# Parameters
# * +wait_time+ +Integer+ - time to wait before returning
# * &block - block to execute. a "truthy" result
# will finish this method
# Returns
# * +nil+ - if the time ellapses or your block returns nil
# * +Object+ - if your block succeeds, its return value is returned
# Example
# wait_until(3) { sleep 1; 'bla' }
# => 'bla' # returns after 1 second, not 3
# wait_until(1) { sleep 3; 'bla' }
# => nil # returns after 1 second because the block never finished
def wait_until(wait_time = 5)
Timeout::timeout(wait_time) { block_given? ? (yield) : (sleep wait_time) }
rescue Timeout::Error => e