module RunLoop # A class for interacting with the lldb command-line tool class LLDB # Returns a list of lldb pids. # @return [Array] An array of integer pids. def self.lldb_pids ps_output = `#{LLDB_FIND_PIDS_CMD}`.strip lines = ps_output.lines("\n").map { |line| line.strip } lldb_processes = { |line| self.is_lldb_process?(line) } do |ps_description| tokens = ps_description.strip.split(' ').map { |token| token.strip } pid = tokens.fetch(0, nil) if pid.nil? nil else pid.to_i end end.compact.sort end # @!visibility private # Is the process described an lldb process? # # @param [String] ps_details Details about a process as returned by `ps` # @return [Boolean] True if the details describe an lldb process. def self.is_lldb_process?(ps_details) return false if ps_details.nil? ps_details[/Contents\/Developer\/usr\/bin\/lldb/, 0] != nil end # Attempts to gracefully kill all running lldb processes. def self.kill_lldb_processes self.lldb_pids.each do |pid| self.kill_with_signal(pid, 'KILL') end end private # @!visibility private LLDB_FIND_PIDS_CMD = 'ps x -o pid,command | grep -v grep | grep lldb' # @!visibility private def self.kill_with_signal(pid, signal) options = {:timeout => 1.0, :delay => 0.1}, signal, 'lldb', options).kill_process end end end