Feature: Refreshing a card @refresh Scenario: Refresh the card with ID Given the Trello API is stubbed with "200_card_by_id" And a card exists When I run `troo refresh card 200` Then the output should contain "refreshed" @refresh Scenario: Cannot refresh; card not found Given the Trello API is stubbed with "400_card_by_id" When I run `troo refresh card 400` Then the output should contain "Card cannot be found" @refresh Scenario: Refresh the default card Given the Trello API is stubbed with "200_card_by_id" And a default card exists When I run `troo refresh card` Then the output should contain "refreshed" @refresh Scenario: Cannot refresh; no default card When I run `troo refresh card` Then the output should contain: """ Card cannot be found. Specify an or use 'troo default card ' to set a default card first. """