require 'omf-web/widget/abstract_widget' require 'omf-web/data_source_proxy' module OMF::Web::Widget # Supports widgets which visualize the content of a +Table+ # which may also dynamically change. # class DataWidget < AbstractWidget #depends_on :css, "/resource/css/graph.css" attr_reader :name, :opts #:base_id # opts # :data_sources .. Either a single table, or a hash of 'name' => table. # :js_class .. Javascript class used for visualizing data # :wopts .. options sent to the javascript instance # :js_url .. URL where +jsVizClass+ can be loaded from # :dynamic .. update the widget when the data_table is changing # :updateInterval .. if web sockets aren't used, check every :updateInterval sec [3] # def initialize(opts = {}) opts = opts.dup # not sure why we may need to this. Is this hash used anywhere wlse? unless vizType = opts[:type].split('/')[-1] raise "Missing widget option ':viz_type' for widget '#{name}' (#{opts.inspect})" end name = opts[:name] ||= 'Unknown' opts[:js_module] = "graph/#{vizType}" opts[:js_url] = "graph/js/#{vizType}.js" opts[:js_class] = "OML.#{vizType}" opts[:base_el] = "\##{dom_id}" super opts if (ds = opts.delete(:data_source)) # single source #data_sources = {:default => ds} data_sources = [ds] end unless data_sources ||= opts.delete(:data_sources) raise "Missing option ':data_sources' for widget '#{name}'" end if data_sources.kind_of? Hash # turn into array an set stream data_sources = do |sname, ds_descr| ds_descr[:stream] ||= sname end end unless data_sources.kind_of? Array #data_sources = {:default => data_sources} raise "Unexpected ':data_sources' for widget '#{name}' - #{data_sources}" end i = 0 opts[:data_sources] = do |ds_descr| unless ds_descr.is_a? Hash ds_descr = {:name => ds_descr} end ds_descr[:alias] = "#{name}_#{self.object_id}_#{i += 1}" #{:stream => ds_descr, :name => name} unless OMF::Web::DataSourceProxy.validate_ds_description(ds_descr) raise "Unknown data source requested for data widget - #{ds_descr}" end ds_descr end #puts "DTA_WIDGTE>>> #{opts[:data_sources].inspect}" end # This is the DOM id which should be used by the renderer for this widget. # We need to keep this here as various renderes at various levels may need # to get a reference to it to allow for such functionalities as # hiding, stacking, ... def dom_id "w#{object_id.abs}" end def content() OMF::Web::Theme.require 'data_renderer', @opts) end def collect_data_sources(ds_set) @opts[:data_sources].each do |ds| #ds_set.add(ds[:id] || ds[:name] || ds[:stream]) ds_set.add(ds) end ds_set end end # DataWidget end