![Openpay Ruby](http://www.openpay.mx/img/github/ruby.jpg) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/open-pay/openpay-ruby.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/open-pay/openpay-ruby) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/openpay.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/openpay) ##Description ruby client for *Openpay api* services (version 1.0.10) This is a ruby client implementing the payment services for *Openpay* at openpay.mx For more information about Openpay visit: - http://openpay.mx/ For the full *Openpay api* documentation take a look at: - http://docs.openpay.mx/ ## Installation Add the following line to your Gem file #openpay gem gem 'openpay' Update your bundle: $ bundle Or install it from the command line: $ gem install openpay ###Requirements * ruby 1.9 or higher ## Usage ### Initialization ```ruby require 'openpay' #merchant and private key merchant_id='mywvupjjs9xdnryxtplq' private_key='sk_92b25d3baec149e6b428d81abfe37006' #An openpay resource factory instance is created out of the OpenpayApi #it points to the development environment by default. openpay=OpenpayApi.new(merchant_id,private_key) #To enable production mode you should pass a third argument as true. #openpay_prod=OpenpayApi.new(merchant_id,private_key,true) #This ruby client manages a default timeout of 90 seconds to make the request # to Openpay services, if you need to modify this value, you need to explicitly # define the type of environment and followed by the new value for the timeout. #Syntax: # openpay_prod=OpenpayApi.new(merchant_id,private_key,isProduction,timeout) #Example: # openpay_prod=OpenpayApi.new(merchant_id,private_key,false,30) ``` The openpay factory instance is in charge to generate the required resources through a factory method (create). Resource classes should be initialized using the factory method as described below. ```ruby #creating an instance for each available resource bankaccounts=openpay.create(:bankaccounts) cards=openpay.create(:cards) charges=openpay.create(:charges) customers=openpay.create(:customers) fees=openpay.create(:fees) payouts=openpay.create(:payouts) plans=openpay.create(:plans) subscriptions=openpay.create(:subscriptions) transfers=openpay.create(:transfers) ``` According to the current version of the *Openpay api* the available resources are: - *bankaccounts* - *cards* - *charges* - *customers* - *fees* - *payouts* - *plans* - *subscriptions* - *transfers* Each rest resource exposed in the rest *Openpay api* is represented by a class in this ruby API, being **OpenpayResource** the base class. ### Implementation Each resource depending of its structure and available methods, will have one or more of the methods described under the methods subsection. Below a short description about the implementation high level details. For detailed documentation take a look a the openpay api documentation. #### Arguments Given most resources belong, either to a merchant or a customer, the api was designed taking this in consideration, so: The first argument represent the json/hash object, while the second argument which is optional represents the **customer_id**. So if just one argument is provided the action will be performed at the merchant level, but if the second argument is provided passing the **customer_id**, the action will be performed at the customer level. The following illustrates the api design. ```ruby #Merchant hash_out=open_pay_resource.create(hash_in) json_out=open_pay_resource.create(json_in) #Customer hash_out=open_pay_resource.create(hash_in,customer_id) json_out=open_pay_resource.create(json_in,customer_id) ``` #### Methods Inputs/Outputs This api supports both ruby hashes and json strings as inputs and outputs. (See previous example) If a ruby hash is passed in as in input, a hash will be returned as the method output. if a json string is passed in as an input, a json string will be returned as the method function output. This code excerpt from a specification demonstrates how you can use hashes and json strings interchangeably. Methods without inputs will return a ruby hash. ```ruby it 'creates a fee using a json message' do #create new customer customer_hash= FactoryGirl.build(:customer) customer=@customers.create(customer_hash) #create customer card , using factory girl to build the hash for us card_hash=FactoryGirl.build(:valid_card) card=@cards.create(card_hash, customer['id']) #create charge charge_hash=FactoryGirl.build(:card_charge, source_id: card['id'], order_id: card['id'], amount: 4000) charge=@charges.create(charge_hash, customer['id']) #create customer fee , using json as input, we get json as ouput fee_json =%^{"customer_id":"#{customer['id']}","amount":"12.50","description":"Cobro de ComisiĆ³n"}^ expect(@fees.create(fee_json)).to have_json_path('amount') end ``` Here you can see how the **card_hash** representation looks like. ```ruby require 'pp' pp card_hash => {:bank_name=>"visa", :holder_name=>"Vicente Olmos", :expiration_month=>"09", :card_number=>"4111111111111111", :expiration_year=>"14", :bank_code=>"bmx", :cvv2=>"111", :address=> {:postal_code=>"76190", :state=>"QRO", :line1=>"LINE1", :line2=>"LINE2", :line3=>"LINE3", :country_code=>"MX", :city=>"Queretaro"}} ``` Next, how we construct the preceding hash using **FactoryGirl**. **FactoryGirl** was used in our test suite to facilitate hash construction. It may help you as well at your final implementation if you decide to use hashes. (more examples at *test/Factories.rb*) ```ruby FactoryGirl.define do factory :valid_card, class:Hash do bank_name 'visa' holder_name 'Vicente Olmos' expiration_month '09' card_number '4111111111111111' expiration_year '14' bank_code 'bmx' cvv2 '111' address {{ postal_code: '76190', state: 'QRO', line1: 'LINE1', line2: 'LINE2', line3: 'LINE3', country_code: 'MX', city: 'Queretaro', }} initialize_with { attributes } end ``` ###Methods design This ruby API standardize the method names across all different resources using the **create**,**get**,**update** and **delete** verbs. For full method documentation take a look at: - http://docs.openpay.mx/ The test suite at *test/spec* is a good source of reference. #####create Creates the given resource ```ruby open_pay_resource.create(representation,customer_id=nil) ``` #####get Gets an instance of a given resource ```ruby open_pay_resource.get(object_id,customer_id=nil) ``` #####update Updates an instance of a given resource ```ruby open_pay_resource.update(representation,customer_id=nil) ``` #####delete Deletes an instance of the given resource ```ruby open_pay_resource.delete(object_id,customer_id=nil) ``` #####all Returns an array of all instances of a resource ```ruby open_pay_resource.all(customer_id=nil) ``` #####each Returns a block for each instance resource ```ruby open_pay_resource.each(customer_id=nil) ``` #####delete_all(available only under the development environment) Deletes all instances of the given resource ```ruby #in case this method is executed under the production environment an OpenpayException will be raised. open_pay_resource.delete_all(customer_id=nil) ``` ###API Methods #### bank_accounts - creates a merchant bank account , is not supported through the API, use the console instead. - creates a customer bank account bank_accounts.create(account_hash,customer_id) - get a given bank account for a given customer bank_account=bank_accounts.get(customer_id,bankaccount_id) - each customer bank account bank_accounts.each(customer_id) do |bank_account| bank_account['alias'] end - list merchant / customer bank accounts search_params = OpenpayUtils::SearchParams.new search_params.limit = 1 merchant_filtered_list = bank_accounts.list(search_params) customer_filtered_list = bank_accounts.list(search_params, customer_id) - all bank accounts for a given customer accounts=bank_accounts.all(customer_id) - deletes a given customer bank account bank_accounts.delete(customer_id,bank_id) - deletes all customer bank accounts (sandbox mode only) bank_accounts.delete_all(customer['id']) #### cards - creates a merchant card cards.create(card_json) - creates a customer card cards.create(card_hash, customer_id) - gets merchant card card=cards.get(card_id) - gets customer card card=cards.get(card_id, customer_id) - each merchant card cards.each {|merchant_card| p card} - list merchant / customer cards search_params = OpenpayUtils::SearchParams.new search_params.limit = 1 merchant_filtered_list = cards.list(search_params) customer_filtered_list = cards.list(search_params, customer_id) - each customer card cards.each(customer_id) {|customer_card | p customer_card } - all merchant cards merchant_cards=cards.all - all customer cards customer_cards=cards.all(customer_id) - delete merchant card cards.delete(card_id) - delete customer card cards.delete(card_id,customer_id) - delete all merchant cards cards.delete_all - delete all customer cards cards.delete_all(customer_id) #### charges - creates merchant charge charges.create(charge_hash) - creates customer charge charges.create(charge_hash,customer_id) - gets merchant charge merchant_charge=charges.get(charge_id) - gets customer charge customer_charge=charges.get(charge_id,customer_id) - each merchant charge charges.each {|charge| p charge} - list merchant / customer charges search_params = OpenpayUtils::SearchParams.new search_params.limit = 1 merchant_filtered_list = charges.list(search_params) customer_filtered_list = charges.list(search_params, customer_id) - each customer charge charges.each(customer_id) {|charge| p charge} - all merchant charge charges.all - all customer charge charges.all(customer_id) - capture merchant card charges.capture(charge_id) - capture customer card charges.capture(charge['id'],customer['id']) - confirm capture merchant #pass a hash with the following options, no customer_id needed confirm_capture_options = { transaction_id: transaction['id'], amount: 100 } charges.confirm_capture(confirm_capture_options) - confirm capture customer #pass a hash with the following options, pass the customer_id confirm_capture_options = { customer_id: customer['id'], transaction_id: charge['id'], amount: 100 } charges.confirm_capture(confirm_capture_options) - refund merchant charge charges.refund(charge_id, refund_description_hash) - refund merchant charge charges.refund(charge_id, refund_description_hash) #### customers - creates customer customers.create(customer_json) - get customer customer=customers.get(customer_id) - update customer customers.update(customer_hash) - delete customer customers.delete(customer_id) - each customer customers.each do {|customer| p customer } - list customers search_params = OpenpayUtils::SearchParams.new search_params.limit = 1 customers_filtered_list = customers.list(search_params) - all customer all_customers=customers.all - delete all customers (sand box mode only) all_customers=customers.all #### fees - creates fee #In order to create a fee a charge should exists fee.create(fee_hash) - gets all fees all_fees=fees.all - list customer fees search_params = OpenpayUtils::SearchParams.new search_params.limit = 1 merchant_filtered_list = fees.list(search_params) #### payouts - creates a merchant payout payouts.create(payout_json) - creates a customer payout payouts.create(payout_hash,customer_id) - gets a merchant payout payouts.get(payout_id) - gets a customer payout payouts.get(payout_id,customer_id) - all merchant payouts merchant_payouts=payouts.all - all customer payouts customer_payouts=payouts.all(customer_id) - each merchant payout payouts.each { |payout| p payout } - each customer payout payouts.each(customer_id) { |payout| p payout } - list merchant/customer payouts search_params = OpenpayUtils::SearchParams.new search_params.limit = 1 merchant_filtered_list = payouts.list(search_params) customer_filtered_list = payouts.list(search_params, customer_id) #### plans - create merchant plan plans.create(plan_hash) - create customer plan plans.create(plan_hash,customer_id) - get a merchant plan merchant_plan=plans.get(plan_id) - get a customer plan customer_plan=plans.get(plan_id,customer_id) - updates a merchant plan plans.update(plan_hash,customer_id) - updates a customer plan plans.update(plan_hash,customer_id) - each merchant plan plans.each do {|plan| p plan } - each customer plans plans.each(customer_id) do {|plan| p plan } - list merchant /customer plan search_params = OpenpayUtils::SearchParams.new search_params.limit = 1 merchant_filtered_list = plans.list(search_params) customer_filtered_list = plans.list(search_params, customer_id) - all merchant plans plans.all - all customer plans plans.all(customer_id) #### subscriptions - create customer subscriptions subscriptions.create(subscriptions_hash,customer_id) - get customer subscription subscriptions.get(subscriptions_hash,customer_id) - update customer subscription subscription_update_hash={ trial_end_date: "2016-01-12" } subscriptions.update(subscription_id,customer_id, subscription_update_hash ) - all customer subscription subscriptions.all(customer_id) - each customer subscription subscriptions.each(customer_id) {|subscription| p subscription } - list customer subscriptions search_params = OpenpayUtils::SearchParams.new search_params.limit = 1 customer_filtered_list = subscriptions.list(search_params, customer_id) - deletes customer subscription subscriptions.delete(customer_id) - deletes all customer subscriptions ( sandbox mode only) subscriptions.delete(customer_id) #### transfers - create transfer transfers.create(transfer_hash,customer_id) - get transfer transfers.get(transfer_id,customer_id) - all customer transfers transfers.all(customer_id) - each customer transfer transfers.each(customer_id) {|transfer| p transfer } - list customer transfers search_params = OpenpayUtils::SearchParams.new search_params.limit = 1 customer_filtered_list = transfers.list(search_params, customer_id) #### Exceptions This API generates 3 different Exception classes. - **OpenpayException**: Generic base API exception class, Generic API exceptions. - Internal server error (500 Internal Server Error). - OpenpayApi factory method, invalid resource name. Examples: ```ruby #production mode openpay_prod=OpenpayApi.new(@merchant_id,@private_key,true) customers=openpay_prod.create(:customers) customers.delete_all # will raise an OpenpayException ``` ```ruby #production mode openpay_prod=OpenpayApi.new(@merchant_id,@private_key,true) customers=openpay_prod.create(:non_existing_resource) # will raise an OpenpayException ``` - **OpenpayConnectionException**: Exception class for connection related issues, errors happening prior the server connection. - Authentication Error (401 Unauthorized) - Connection Errors. - SSL Errors. Example: ```ruby #invalid id and key merchant_id='santa' private_key='invalid' openpay=OpenpayApi.new(merchant_id, private_key) customers=openpay.create(:customers) begin customers.get('23444422211') rescue OpenpayConnectionException => e e.http_code # => 401 e.error_code # => 1002 e.description# => 'The api key or merchant id are invalid.' e.json_body # {"category":"request","description":"The api key or merchant id are invalid.","http_code":401,"error_code":1002,"request_id":null} end ``` - **OpenpayTransactionException**: Errors happening after the initial connection has been initiated, errors during transactions. - Bad Request (e.g. Malformed json,Invalid data) - Unprocessable Entity (e.g. invalid data) - Resource not found (404 Not Found) - Conflict (e.g. resource already exists) - PaymentRequired (e.g. insufficient funds) - UnprocessableEntity ( e.g. stolen card ) *Bad Request* Example: ```ruby email='foo' customer_hash = FactoryGirl.build(:customer, email: email) begin customers.create(customer_hash) rescue OpenpayTransactionException => e e.http_code# => 400 e.error_code# => 1001 e.description# => 'email\' not a well-formed email address' end ``` *Resource not found* Example: ```ruby begin #non existing customer customers.delete('1111') rescue OpenpayApiTransactionError => e e.http_code# => 404 e.error_code# =>1005 e.description# =>"The customer with id '1111' does not exist" end ``` ###These exceptions have the following attributes: - *category* - *description* - *http_code* - *error_code* - *json_message* For more information about categories, descriptions and codes take a look at: - http://docs.openpay.mx/#errores - http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html ##Debug In the Openpay dashboard you are able to see every request and its corresponding request/response. - https://sandbox-dashboard.openpay.mx ##Developer Notes - bank accounts for merchant cannot be created using the api. It should be done through the dashboard. - Is recommended to reset your account using the dashboard when running serious testing (assure clean state) - check openpay_api.rb for Logger configuration - travis https://travis-ci.org/open-pay/openpay-ruby , if a test fails it will leave leave some records, it may affect posterior tests. it is recommended to reset the console/account to assure a clean state after a failure occurs. ## More information For more use cases take a look at the *test/spec* folder 1. http://docs.openpay.mx/