# # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef-dk/command/base" require "chef-dk/exceptions" require "chef-dk/component_test" module ChefDK module Command class Verify < ChefDK::Command::Base include ChefDK::Helpers banner "Usage: chef verify [component, ...] [options]" option :omnibus_dir, :long => "--omnibus-dir OMNIBUS_DIR", :description => "Alternate path to omnibus install (used for testing)" option :unit, :long => "--unit", :description => "Run bundled app unit tests (only smoke tests run by default)" option :integration, :long => "--integration", :description => "Run integration tests. Possibly dangerous, for development systems only" option :verbose, :long => "--verbose", :description => "Display all test output, not just failing tests" class << self def add_component(name, _delete_me = nil) component = ComponentTest.new(name) yield component if block_given? #delete this conditional component_map[name] = component end def component(name) component_map[name] end def components component_map.values end def component_map @component_map ||= {} end end def components self.class.components end bundle_install_mutex = Mutex.new # # Components included in Chef Development kit: # :base_dir => Relative path of the component w.r.t. omnibus_apps_dir # :gem_base_dir => Takes a gem name instead and uses first gem found # :test_cmd => Test command to be launched for the component # add_component "berkshelf" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "berkshelf" # For berks the real command to run is "#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec thor spec:ci" # We can't run it right now since graphviz specs are included in the # test suite by default. We will be able to switch to that command when/if # Graphviz is added to omnibus. c.unit_test do bundle_install_mutex.synchronize { sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} install") } sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec #{embedded_bin("rspec")} --color --format progress spec/unit --tag ~graphviz") end c.integration_test do bundle_install_mutex.synchronize { sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} install") } sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec #{embedded_bin("cucumber")} --color --format progress --tags ~@no_run --tags ~@spawn --tags ~@graphviz --strict") end c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| FileUtils.touch(File.join(cwd, "Berksfile")) sh("#{bin("berks")} install", cwd: cwd) end end end add_component "test-kitchen" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "test-kitchen" c.unit_test do bundle_install_mutex.synchronize { sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} install") } sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec rake unit") end c.integration_test do bundle_install_mutex.synchronize { sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} install") } sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec rake features") end # NOTE: By default, kitchen tries to be helpful and install a driver # gem for you. This causes a race condition when running the tests # concurrently, because rubygems breaks when there are partially # installed gems in the gem repository. Instructing kitchen to create a # gemfile instead avoids the gem installation. c.smoke_test { run_in_tmpdir("kitchen init --create-gemfile") } end add_component "tk-policyfile-provisioner" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "chef-dk" c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| File.open(File.join(cwd, ".kitchen.yml"), "w+") do |f| f.print(<<-KITCHEN_YML) --- driver: name: dummy network: - ["forwarded_port", {guest: 80, host: 8080}] provisioner: name: policyfile_zero require_chef_omnibus: 12.3.0 platforms: - name: ubuntu-14.04 suites: - name: default run_list: - recipe[aar::default] attributes: KITCHEN_YML end sh("kitchen list", cwd: cwd) end end end add_component "chef-client" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "chef" c.unit_test do bundle_install_mutex.synchronize { sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} install") } sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec #{embedded_bin("rspec")} -fp -t '~volatile_from_verify' spec/unit") end c.integration_test do bundle_install_mutex.synchronize { sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} install") } sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec #{embedded_bin("rspec")} -fp spec/integration spec/functional") end c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| FileUtils.touch(File.join(cwd, "apply.rb")) sh("#{bin("chef-apply")} apply.rb", cwd: cwd) end end end add_component "chef-dk" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "chef-dk" c.unit_test do bundle_install_mutex.synchronize { sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} install") } sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec #{embedded_bin("rspec")}") end c.smoke_test do run_in_tmpdir("#{bin("chef")} generate cookbook example") end end # entirely possible this needs to be driven by a utility method in chef-provisioning. add_component "chef-provisioning" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "chef-dk" c.smoke_test do # ------------ # we want to avoid hard-coding driver names, but calling Gem::Specification produces a warning; # changing $VERBOSE seems to be the best way to silence it. verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil # construct a hash of { driver_name => [version1, version2, ...]} driver_versions = {} Gem::Specification.all.map { |gs| [gs.name, gs.version] }. select { |n| n[0] =~ /^chef-provisioning-/ }. each { |gem, version| (driver_versions[gem] ||= []) << version } drivers = Gem::Specification.all.map { |gs| gs.name }. select { |n| n =~ /^chef-provisioning-/ }. uniq versions = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name("chef-provisioning").map { |s| s.version } $VERBOSE = verbose # ------------ failures = [] # ------------ # fail the verify if we have more than one version of chef-provisioning or any of its drivers. def format_gem_failure(name, versions) <<-EOS #{name} has multiple versions installed: #{versions.sort.map { |gv| " #{gv}" }.join("\n")} EOS end failures << format_gem_failure("chef-provisioning", versions) if versions.size > 1 driver_versions.keys.sort.each do |driver_name| v = driver_versions[driver_name] failures << format_gem_failure(driver_name, v) if v.size > 1 end if failures.size > 0 failures << <<-EOS Some applications may need or prefer different versions of the chef-provisioning gem or its drivers, so this multiple-version check can fail if a user has installed new versions of those libraries. EOS end # ------------ # load the core gem and all of the drivers (ignoring versions). require "chef/provisioning" drivers.map { |d| "#{d.tr('-', '/')}_driver" }.each do |driver_gem| begin begin require driver_gem rescue LoadError # anomalously, chef-provisioning-fog does not have a fog_driver.rb. (9/2015) require "#{driver_gem}/driver.rb" end rescue LoadError => ex puts ex end end # ------------ # look for version dependency conflicts. tmpdir do |cwd| versions.each do |provisioning_version| gemfile = "chef-provisioning-#{provisioning_version}-chefdk-test.gemfile" # write out the gemfile for this chef-provisioning version, and see if Bundler can make it go. with_file(File.join(cwd, gemfile)) do |f| f.puts %Q{gem "chef-provisioning", "= #{provisioning_version}"} drivers.each { |d| f.puts %Q{gem "#{d}"} } end result = bundle_install_mutex.synchronize do sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} install --local --quiet", cwd: cwd, env: { "BUNDLE_GEMFILE" => gemfile }) end if result.exitstatus != 0 failures << result.stdout end end # end provisioning versions. failures.each { |fail| puts fail } # dubious on Windows. # this is weird, but we seem to require a Mixlib::ShellOut as the return value. suggestions # welcome. sh(failures.size > 0 ? "false" : "true") end end end add_component "chefspec" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "chefspec" c.unit_test do bundle_install_mutex.synchronize { sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} install") } sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec #{embedded_bin("rake")} unit") end c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| FileUtils.mkdir(File.join(cwd, "spec")) with_file(File.join(cwd, "spec", "spec_helper.rb")) do |f| f.write <<-EOF require 'chefspec' require 'chefspec/berkshelf' require 'chefspec/cacher' RSpec.configure do |config| config.expect_with(:rspec) { |c| c.syntax = :expect } end EOF end FileUtils.touch(File.join(cwd, "Berksfile")) with_file(File.join(cwd, "spec", "foo_spec.rb")) do |f| f.write <<-EOF require 'spec_helper' EOF end sh(embedded_bin("rspec"), cwd: cwd) end end end add_component "generated-cookbooks-pass-chefspec" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "chef-dk" c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| sh("#{bin("chef")} generate cookbook example", cwd: cwd) cb_cwd = File.join(cwd, "example") sh(embedded_bin("rspec"), cwd: cb_cwd) end end end add_component "rubocop" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "rubocop" c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| with_file(File.join(cwd, "foo.rb")) do |f| f.write <<-EOF def foo puts 'foo' end EOF end sh("#{bin("rubocop")} foo.rb -l", cwd: cwd) end end end add_component "fauxhai" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "fauxhai" c.smoke_test { sh("#{embedded_bin("gem")} list fauxhai") } end add_component "knife-spork" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "knife-spork" c.smoke_test { sh("#{bin("knife")} spork info") } end add_component "kitchen-vagrant" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "kitchen-vagrant" # The build is not passing in travis, so no tests c.smoke_test { sh("#{embedded_bin("gem")} list kitchen-vagrant") } end add_component "package installation" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "chef-dk" c.smoke_test do if File.directory?(usr_bin_prefix) sh!("#{usr_bin_path("berks")} -v") sh!("#{usr_bin_path("chef")} -v") sh!("#{usr_bin_path("chef-client")} -v") sh!("#{usr_bin_path("chef-solo")} -v") sh!("#{usr_bin_path("delivery")} -V") unless Chef::Platform.windows? # In `knife`, `knife -v` follows a different code path that skips # command/plugin loading; `knife -h` loads commands and plugins, but # it exits with code 1, which is the same as a load error. Running # `knife exec` forces command loading to happen and this command # exits 0, which runs most of the code. # # See also: https://github.com/chef/chef-dk/issues/227 sh!("#{usr_bin_path("knife")} exec -E true") tmpdir do |dir| # Kitchen tries to create a .kitchen dir even when just running # `kitchen -v`: sh!("#{usr_bin_path("kitchen")} -v", cwd: dir) end sh!("#{usr_bin_path("ohai")} -v") sh!("#{usr_bin_path("foodcritic")} -V") sh!("#{usr_bin_path("inspec")} version") end # Test blocks are expected to return a Mixlib::ShellOut compatible # object: ComponentTest::NullTestResult.new end end add_component "openssl" do |c| # https://github.com/chef/chef-dk/issues/420 c.gem_base_dir = "chef" test = <<-EOF.gsub(/^\s+/, "") require "net/http" uris = %w{https://www.google.com https://chef.io/ https://ec2.amazonaws.com} uris.each do |uri| uri = URI(uri) puts "Fetching \#{uri} for SSL check" Net::HTTP.get uri end EOF c.unit_test do tmpdir do |cwd| with_file(File.join(cwd, "openssl.rb")) do |f| f.write test end sh!("#{Gem.ruby} openssl.rb", cwd: cwd) end end end add_component "inspec" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "inspec" # Commenting out the unit and integration tests for now until we figure # out the bundler error #c.unit_test { sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec rake test:isolated") } # This runs Test Kitchen (using kitchen-inspec) with some inspec tests #c.integration_test { sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec rake test:vm") } # It would be nice to use a chef generator to create these specs, but # we dont have that yet. So we do it manually. c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| File.open(File.join(cwd, "some_spec.rb"), "w+") do |f| f.print <<-INSPEC_TEST rule '01' do impact 0.7 title 'Some Test' desc 'Make sure inspec is installed and loading correct' describe 1 do it { should eq(1) } end end INSPEC_TEST end # TODO when we appbundle inspec, no longer `chef exec` sh("#{bin("chef")} exec #{embedded_bin("inspec")} exec .", cwd: cwd) end end end add_component "delivery-cli" do |c| # We'll want to come back and revisit getting unit tests added - # currently running the tests depends on cargo , which is not included # in our package. c.base_dir = "bin" c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| sh!("delivery setup --user=shipit --server=delivery.shipit.io --ent=chef --org=squirrels", cwd: cwd) end end end if Chef::Platform.windows? add_component "git" do |c| c.base_dir = "embedded/bin" c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| sh!("#{embedded_bin("git")} config -l") sh!("#{embedded_bin("git")} clone https://github.com/chef/chef-provisioning", cwd: cwd) end end end else add_component "git" do |c| c.base_dir = "gitbin" c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| sh!("#{File.join(omnibus_root, "gitbin", "git")} config -l") sh!("#{File.join(omnibus_root, "gitbin", "git")} clone https://github.com/chef/chef-provisioning", cwd: cwd) # If /usr/bin/git is a symlink, fail the test. # Note that this test cannot go last because it does not return a # Mixlib::Shellout object in the windows case, which will break the tests. failure_str = "#{nix_platform_native_bin_dir}/git contains a symlink which might mean we accidentally overwrote system git via chefdk." result = sh("readlink #{nix_platform_native_bin_dir}/git") # if a symlink was found, test to see if it is in a chefdk install if result.status.exitstatus == 0 raise failure_str if result.stdout =~ /chefdk/ end # /bin/ should not contain a git binary. failure_str = "`/bin/git --help` should fail as git should be installed in gitbin" fail_if_exit_zero("#{bin("git")} --help", failure_str) end end end end add_component "opscode-pushy-client" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "opscode-pushy-client" # TODO the unit tests are currently failing in master # c.unit_test do # bundle_install_mutex.synchronize { sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} install") } # sh("#{embedded_bin("bundle")} exec rake spec") # end c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| sh("#{bin("pushy-client")} -v", cwd: cwd) end end end # We try and use some chef-sugar code to make sure it loads correctly add_component "chef-sugar" do |c| c.gem_base_dir = "chef-sugar" c.smoke_test do tmpdir do |cwd| with_file(File.join(cwd, "foo.rb")) do |f| f.write <<-EOF require 'chef/sugar' log 'something' do not_if { _64_bit? } end EOF end sh("chef-apply foo.rb", cwd: cwd) end end end attr_reader :verification_threads attr_reader :verification_results attr_reader :verification_status def initialize super @verification_threads = [ ] @verification_results = [ ] @verification_status = 0 end def run(params = [ ]) @components_filter = parse_options(params) validate_components! invoke_tests wait_for_tests report_results verification_status end def omnibus_root config[:omnibus_dir] || super end def validate_components! components.each do |component| component.omnibus_root = omnibus_root component.assert_present! end end def components_to_test if @components_filter.empty? components else components.select do |component| @components_filter.include?(component.name.to_s) end end end def invoke_tests components_to_test.each do |component| # Run the component specs in parallel verification_threads << Thread.new do results = [] results << component.run_smoke_test if config[:unit] results << component.run_unit_test end if config[:integration] results << component.run_integration_test end if results.any? { |r| r.exitstatus != 0 } component_status = 1 @verification_status = 1 else component_status = 0 end { :component => component, :results => results, :component_status => component_status, } end msg("Running verification for component '#{component.name}'") end end def wait_for_tests until verification_threads.empty? verification_threads.each do |t| if t.join(1) verification_threads.delete t verification_results << t.value t.value[:results].each do |result| if config[:verbose] || t.value[:component_status] != 0 msg("") msg(result.stdout) msg(result.stderr) if result.stderr end end else $stdout.write "." end end end end def report_results msg("") msg("---------------------------------------------") verification_results.each do |result| message = result[:component_status] == 0 ? "succeeded" : "failed" msg("Verification of component '#{result[:component].name}' #{message}.") end end end end end