== trunk * Fix issue with REXML parsing of video upload response. [FiXato] * Fix issue with response code comparison. [FiXato] * Authcode is now retrieved for video uploads. [FiXato] * Add basic support for uploading videos [thanks Joe Damato] * Add basic support for related videos [tmm1] * Improve docs for order_by attribute [thanks Jason Arora] * Added support for the "racy" parameter (choices are "include" or "exclude") [thanks Jason Arora] * Add missing attribute reader for description [tmm1] * Fix issue with missing yt:statistics and viewCount [tmm1] * Allow Client#video_by to take either a url or a video id [tmm1] == 0.4.1 / 2008-02-11 * Added 3GPP video format [shane] * Fixed tests [shane] == 0.4.0 / 2007-12-18 * Fixed API projection in search URL [Pete Higgins] * Fixed embeddable video searching [Pete Higgins] * Fixed video embeddable detection [Pete Higgins] * Fixed unique id hyphen detection [Pete Higgins, Chris Taggart] == 0.3.0 / 2007-09-17 * Initial public release * Birthday!