module Neo4j # A node in the graph with properties and relationships to other entities. # Along with relationships, nodes are the core building blocks of the Neo4j data representation model. # Node has three major groups of operations: operations that deal with relationships, operations that deal with properties and operations that traverse the node space. # The property operations give access to the key-value property pairs. # Property keys are always strings. Valid property value types are the primitives (String, Fixnum, Float, Boolean), and arrays of those primitives. # # The Neo4j::Node#new method does not return a new Ruby instance (!). Instead it will call the Neo4j Java API which will return a # *org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeProxy* object. This java object includes the same mixin as this class. The #class method on the java object # returns Neo4j::Node in order to make it feel like an ordinary Ruby object. # # @example Create a node with one property (see {Neo4j::Core::Node::ClassMethods}) # => 'andreas') # # @example Create a relationship (see {Neo4j::Core::Traversal}) # << # # @example Finding relationships (see {Neo4j::Core::Rels}) # node.rels(:outgoing, :friends) # # @example Lucene index (see {Neo4j::Core::Index}) # Neo4j::Node.trigger_on(:typex => 'MyTypeX') # Neo4j::Node.index(:name) # a = => 'andreas', :typex => 'MyTypeX') # # finish_tx # Neo4j::Node.find(:name => 'andreas').first.should == a # class Node extend Neo4j::Core::Node::ClassMethods extend Neo4j::Core::Wrapper::ClassMethods extend Neo4j::Core::Index::ClassMethods include Neo4j::Core::Property include Neo4j::Core::Rels include Neo4j::Core::Traversal include Neo4j::Core::Equal include Neo4j::Core::Node include Neo4j::Core::Wrapper include Neo4j::Core::Property::Java # for documentation purpose only include Neo4j::Core::Index node_indexer do index_names :exact => 'default_node_index_exact', :fulltext => 'default_node_index_fulltext' end class << self # This method is used to extend a Java Neo4j class so that it includes the same mixins as this class. def extend_java_class(java_clazz) java_clazz.class_eval do include Neo4j::Core::Property include Neo4j::Core::Rels include Neo4j::Core::Traversal include Neo4j::Core::Equal include Neo4j::Core::Node include Neo4j::Core::Wrapper include Neo4j::Core::Index end end end end Neo4j::Node.extend_java_class(Java::OrgNeo4jKernelImplCore::NodeProxy) end