module Skr module Concerns module IsSkuLocLine extend ActiveSupport::Concern module InstanceMethods def uom_record if self.association(:sku).loaded? && self.sku.association(:uoms).loaded? self.sku.uoms.detect{|uom| uom.code == self.uom_code } else self.sku.uoms.where({ code: self.uom_code }).first end end def ea_qty self.qty*self.uom_size end def is_other_charge? self.sku.is_other_charge? end def extended_price self.price && self.qty ? self.price * self.qty : end private def ensure_sku_does_not_change errors.add(:sku, "can not be updated") if changes['sku_code'] if change = changes['sku_loc_id'] # allow if the sku_id is the same on both old & new locations unless 1 == SkuLoc.where( id: change ).pluck('sku_id').uniq.length errors.add(:sku, "must be the same in both locations") if sku_code_changed? end end end end module ClassMethods def is_sku_loc_line( parent: nil ) self.send :include, InstanceMethods validate :ensure_sku_does_not_change, :on=>:update if parent before_create do self.position ||= ( self.send( parent ).lines.maximum(:position) || 0 ) + 1 end end export_methods :extended_price, :optional=>false end end end end end