# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Rubocop::Cop::Style::SpaceInsideBrackets do subject(:cop) { described_class.new } it 'registers an offense for an array literal with spaces inside' do inspect_source(cop, ['a = [1, 2 ]', 'b = [ 1, 2]']) expect(cop.messages).to eq( ['Space inside square brackets detected.', 'Space inside square brackets detected.']) end it 'accepts space inside strings within square brackets' do inspect_source(cop, ["['Encoding:',", " ' Enabled: false']"]) expect(cop.messages).to be_empty end it 'accepts space inside square brackets if on its own row' do inspect_source(cop, ['a = [', ' 1, 2', ' ]']) expect(cop.messages).to be_empty end it 'accepts space inside square brackets if with comment' do inspect_source(cop, ['a = [ # Comment', ' 1, 2', ' ]']) expect(cop.messages).to be_empty end it 'accepts square brackets as method name' do inspect_source(cop, ['def Vector.[](*array)', 'end']) expect(cop.messages).to be_empty end it 'accepts square brackets called with method call syntax' do inspect_source(cop, ['subject.[](0)']) expect(cop.messages).to be_empty end it 'only reports a single space once' do inspect_source(cop, ['[ ]']) expect(cop.messages).to eq( ['Space inside square brackets detected.']) end it 'auto-corrects unwanted space' do new_source = autocorrect_source(cop, ['a = [1, 2 ]', 'b = [ 1, 2]']) expect(new_source).to eq(['a = [1, 2]', 'b = [1, 2]'].join("\n")) end end