module Twilio
module REST
class ListResource
include Utils
def initialize(uri, client)
@resource_name ='::')[-1]
@instance_class = Twilio::REST.const_get @resource_name.chop
@uri, @client = uri, client
def inspect # :nodoc:
"<#{self.class} @uri=#{@uri}>"
# Grab a list of this kind of resource and return it as an array. The
# array includes a special attribute named +total+ which will return the
# total number of items in the list on Twilio's server. This may differ
# from the +size+ and +length+ attributes of the returned array since
# by default Twilio will only return 50 resources, and the maximum number
# of resources you can request is 1000.
# The optional +params+ hash allows you to filter the list returned. The
# filters for each list resource type are defined by Twilio
def list(params = {})
raise "Can't get a resource list without a REST Client" unless @client
response = @client.get @uri, params
resources = response[detwilify(@resource_name)]
resource_list = do |resource| "#{@uri}/#{resource[instance_sid_key]}", @client,
# set the +total+ property on the array
resource_list.instance_eval {
eigenclass = class << self; self; end
eigenclass.send :define_method, :total, &lambda {response['total']}
# update the list's internal total if we just fetched the whole list
@total = response['total'] if params.empty?
# Ask Twilio for the total number of items in the list and cache it.
# Calling this method makes an HTTP GET request to @uri with a
# page size parameter of 1 to minimize data over the wire while still
# obtaining the total. Don't use this or #total if you are planning to
# call #list anyway, since the array returned from #list will have a
# +total+ attribute as well.
def total!
raise "Can't get a resource total without a REST Client" unless @client
response = @client.get @uri, :page_size => 1
@total = response['total']
# Return the cached total number of items in the list, or fetch and cache.
def total
@total ||= total!
# Return an empty instance resource object with the proper URI. Note that
# this will never raise a Twilio::REST::RequestError on 404 since no HTTP
# request is made. The HTTP request is made when attempting to access an
# attribute of the returned instance resource object, such as
# its #date_created or #voice_url attributes.
def get(sid) "#{@uri}/#{sid}", @client
alias :find :get # for the ActiveRecord lovers
# Return a newly created resource. Some +params+ may be required. Consult
# the Twilio REST API documentation related to the kind of resource you
# are attempting to create for details. Calling this method makes an HTTP
# POST request to @uri with the given params
def create(params = {})
raise "Can't create a resource without a REST Client" unless @client
response = @uri, params "#{@uri}/#{response['sid']}", @client, response
# Return the JSON key containing the sid of each instance. Overridden for
# conference participants and perhaps other resources.
def instance_sid_key