(function(e){if("function"==typeof bootstrap)bootstrap("coffeelint",e);else if("object"==typeof exports)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define(e);else if("undefined"!=typeof ses){if(!ses.ok())return;ses.makeCoffeelint=e}else"undefined"!=typeof window?window.coffeelint=e():global.coffeelint=e()})(function(){var define,ses,bootstrap,module,exports; return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o", "main": "./lib/coffeelint.js", "engines": { "node": ">=0.8.0" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git://github.com/clutchski/coffeelint.git" }, "bin": { "coffeelint": "./bin/coffeelint" }, "dependencies": { "optimist": ">=0.2.8", "coffee-script": ">=1.6.0", "glob": ">=3.1.9", "browserify": "~2.26.0", "coffeeify": "~0.5.1" }, "devDependencies": { "vows": ">=0.6.0", "underscore": ">=1.4.4" }, "licenses": [ { "type": "MIT", "url": "http://github.com/clutchski/coffeelint/raw/master/LICENSE" } ], "scripts": { "pretest": "npm run compile", "test": "vows --spec test/*.coffee test/*.litcoffee", "posttest": "npm run lint", "prepublish": "npm run compile", "install": "echo 'process.exit(require(\"fs\").existsSync(\"lib/commandline.js\") ? 0 : 1)' | node || npm run compile", "lint": "npm run compile && ./bin/coffeelint -f coffeelint.json src/*.coffee test/*.coffee test/*.litcoffee", "lint-csv": "npm run compile && ./bin/coffeelint --csv -f coffeelint.json src/*.coffee test/*.coffee", "lint-jslint": "npm run compile && ./bin/coffeelint --jslint -f coffeelint.json src/*.coffee test/*.coffee", "compile": "coffee -c -o lib src && ./node_modules/browserify/bin/cmd.js -t coffeeify -s coffeelint -e src/coffeelint.coffee > lib/coffeelint.js" } } },{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ var ASTApi, ASTLinter, BaseLinter, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }; BaseLinter = require('./base_linter.coffee'); ASTApi = (function() { function ASTApi(config) { this.config = config; } return ASTApi; })(); module.exports = ASTLinter = (function(_super) { __extends(ASTLinter, _super); function ASTLinter(source, config, rules, CoffeeScript) { this.CoffeeScript = CoffeeScript; ASTLinter.__super__.constructor.call(this, source, config, rules); this.astApi = new ASTApi(this.config); } ASTLinter.prototype.acceptRule = function(rule) { return typeof rule.lintAST === 'function'; }; ASTLinter.prototype.lint = function() { var coffeeError, err, errors, rule, v, _i, _len, _ref, _this = this; errors = []; try { this.node = this.CoffeeScript.nodes(this.source); } catch (_error) { coffeeError = _error; err = this._parseCoffeeScriptError(coffeeError); if (err != null) { errors.push(err); } return errors; } _ref = this.rules; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { rule = _ref[_i]; this.astApi.createError = function(attrs) { if (attrs == null) { attrs = {}; } return _this.createError(rule.rule.name, attrs); }; rule.errors = errors; v = this.normalizeResult(rule, rule.lintAST(this.node, this.astApi)); if (v != null) { return v; } } return errors; }; ASTLinter.prototype._parseCoffeeScriptError = function(coffeeError) { var attrs, lineNumber, match, message, rule; rule = this.config['coffeescript_error']; message = coffeeError.toString(); lineNumber = -1; if (coffeeError.location != null) { lineNumber = coffeeError.location.first_line + 1; } else { match = /line (\d+)/.exec(message); if ((match != null ? match.length : void 0) > 1) { lineNumber = parseInt(match[1], 10); } } attrs = { message: message, level: rule.level, lineNumber: lineNumber }; return this.createError('coffeescript_error', attrs); }; return ASTLinter; })(BaseLinter); },{"./base_linter.coffee":3}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ var BaseLinter, defaults, extend, __slice = [].slice; extend = function() { var destination, k, source, sources, v, _i, _len; destination = arguments[0], sources = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; for (_i = 0, _len = sources.length; _i < _len; _i++) { source = sources[_i]; for (k in source) { v = source[k]; destination[k] = v; } } return destination; }; defaults = function(source, defaults) { return extend({}, defaults, source); }; module.exports = BaseLinter = (function() { function BaseLinter(source, config, rules) { this.source = source; this.config = config; this.setupRules(rules); } BaseLinter.prototype.isObject = function(obj) { return obj === Object(obj); }; BaseLinter.prototype.createError = function(ruleName, attrs) { var level; if (attrs == null) { attrs = {}; } if (attrs.level == null) { attrs.level = this.config[ruleName].level; } level = attrs.level; if (level !== 'ignore' && level !== 'warn' && level !== 'error') { throw new Error("unknown level " + level); } if (level === 'error' || level === 'warn') { attrs.rule = ruleName; return defaults(attrs, this.config[ruleName]); } else { return null; } }; BaseLinter.prototype.acceptRule = function(rule) { throw new Error("acceptRule needs to be overridden in the subclass"); }; BaseLinter.prototype.setupRules = function(rules) { var RuleConstructor, level, name, rule, _results; this.rules = []; _results = []; for (name in rules) { RuleConstructor = rules[name]; level = this.config[name].level; if (level === 'error' || level === 'warn') { rule = new RuleConstructor(this, this.config); if (this.acceptRule(rule)) { _results.push(this.rules.push(rule)); } else { _results.push(void 0); } } else if (level !== 'ignore') { throw new Error("unknown level " + level); } else { _results.push(void 0); } } return _results; }; BaseLinter.prototype.normalizeResult = function(p, result) { if (result === true) { return this.createError(p.rule.name); } if (this.isObject(result)) { return this.createError(p.rule.name, result); } }; return BaseLinter; })(); },{}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ /* CoffeeLint Copyright (c) 2011 Matthew Perpick. CoffeeLint is freely distributable under the MIT license. */ var ASTLinter, CoffeeScript, ERROR, IGNORE, LexicalLinter, LineLinter, RULES, WARN, coffeelint, cs, defaults, difference, extend, hasSyntaxError, mergeDefaultConfig, packageJSON, _rules, __slice = [].slice, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; coffeelint = exports; if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null) { CoffeeScript = window.CoffeeScript; } else { cs = 'coffee-script'; CoffeeScript = require(cs); } packageJSON = require('./../package.json'); coffeelint.VERSION = packageJSON.version; ERROR = 'error'; WARN = 'warn'; IGNORE = 'ignore'; coffeelint.RULES = RULES = require('./rules.coffee'); extend = function() { var destination, k, source, sources, v, _i, _len; destination = arguments[0], sources = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; for (_i = 0, _len = sources.length; _i < _len; _i++) { source = sources[_i]; for (k in source) { v = source[k]; destination[k] = v; } } return destination; }; defaults = function(source, defaults) { return extend({}, defaults, source); }; difference = function(a, b) { var j, _ref, _results; j = 0; _results = []; while (j < a.length) { if (_ref = a[j], __indexOf.call(b, _ref) >= 0) { _results.push(a.splice(j, 1)); } else { _results.push(j++); } } return _results; }; LineLinter = require('./line_linter.coffee'); LexicalLinter = require('./lexical_linter.coffee'); ASTLinter = require('./ast_linter.coffee'); mergeDefaultConfig = function(userConfig) { var config, rule, ruleConfig; config = {}; for (rule in RULES) { ruleConfig = RULES[rule]; config[rule] = defaults(userConfig[rule], ruleConfig); } return config; }; coffeelint.invertLiterate = function(source) { var line, newSource, _i, _len, _ref; source = CoffeeScript.helpers.invertLiterate(source); newSource = ""; _ref = source.split("\n"); for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { line = _ref[_i]; if (line.match(/^#/)) { line = line.replace(/\s*$/, ''); } line = line.replace(/^\s{4}/g, ''); newSource += "" + line + "\n"; } return newSource; }; _rules = {}; coffeelint.registerRule = function(RuleConstructor, ruleName) { var e, name, p, _ref, _ref1; if (ruleName == null) { ruleName = void 0; } p = new RuleConstructor; name = (p != null ? (_ref = p.rule) != null ? _ref.name : void 0 : void 0) || "(unknown)"; e = function(msg) { throw new Error("Invalid rule: " + name + " " + msg); }; if (p.rule == null) { e("Rules must provide rule attribute with a default configuration."); } if (p.rule.name == null) { e("Rule defaults require a name"); } if ((ruleName != null) && ruleName !== p.rule.name) { e("Mismatched rule name: " + ruleName); } if (p.rule.message == null) { e("Rule defaults require a message"); } if (p.rule.description == null) { e("Rule defaults require a description"); } if ((_ref1 = p.rule.level) !== 'ignore' && _ref1 !== 'warn' && _ref1 !== 'error') { e("Default level must be 'ignore', 'warn', or 'error'"); } if (typeof p.lintToken === 'function') { if (!p.tokens) { e("'tokens' is required for 'lintToken'"); } } else if (typeof p.lintLine !== 'function' && typeof p.lintAST !== 'function') { e("Rules must implement lintToken, lintLine, or lintAST"); } RULES[p.rule.name] = p.rule; return _rules[p.rule.name] = RuleConstructor; }; coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/arrow_spacing.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/no_tabs.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/no_trailing_whitespace.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/max_line_length.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/line_endings.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/no_trailing_semicolons.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/indentation.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/camel_case_classes.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/colon_assignment_spacing.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/no_implicit_braces.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/no_plusplus.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/no_throwing_strings.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/no_backticks.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/no_implicit_parens.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/no_empty_param_list.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/no_stand_alone_at.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/space_operators.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/duplicate_key.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/empty_constructor_needs_parens.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/cyclomatic_complexity.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/newlines_after_classes.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/no_unnecessary_fat_arrows.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/missing_fat_arrows.coffee')); coffeelint.registerRule(require('./rules/non_empty_constructor_needs_parens.coffee')); hasSyntaxError = function(source) { try { CoffeeScript.tokens(source); return false; } catch (_error) {} return true; }; coffeelint.lint = function(source, userConfig, literate) { var all_errors, astErrors, block_config, cmd, config, disabled, disabled_initially, e, errors, i, l, lexErrors, lexicalLinter, lineErrors, lineLinter, next_line, r, rules, s, tokensByLine, _i, _j, _k, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4; if (userConfig == null) { userConfig = {}; } if (literate == null) { literate = false; } if (literate) { source = this.invertLiterate(source); } config = mergeDefaultConfig(userConfig); disabled_initially = []; _ref = source.split('\n'); for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { l = _ref[_i]; s = LineLinter.configStatement.exec(l); if ((s != null ? s.length : void 0) > 2 && __indexOf.call(s, 'enable') >= 0) { _ref1 = s.slice(1); for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { r = _ref1[_j]; if (r !== 'enable' && r !== 'disable') { if (!(r in config && ((_ref2 = config[r].level) === 'warn' || _ref2 === 'error'))) { disabled_initially.push(r); config[r] = { level: 'error' }; } } } } } astErrors = new ASTLinter(source, config, _rules, CoffeeScript).lint(); errors = [].concat(astErrors); if (!hasSyntaxError(source)) { lexicalLinter = new LexicalLinter(source, config, _rules, CoffeeScript); lexErrors = lexicalLinter.lint(); errors = errors.concat(lexErrors); tokensByLine = lexicalLinter.tokensByLine; lineLinter = new LineLinter(source, config, _rules, tokensByLine); lineErrors = lineLinter.lint(); errors = errors.concat(lineErrors); block_config = lineLinter.block_config; } else { block_config = { enable: {}, disable: {} }; } errors.sort(function(a, b) { return a.lineNumber - b.lineNumber; }); all_errors = errors; errors = []; disabled = disabled_initially; next_line = 0; for (i = _k = 0, _ref3 = source.split('\n').length; 0 <= _ref3 ? _k < _ref3 : _k > _ref3; i = 0 <= _ref3 ? ++_k : --_k) { for (cmd in block_config) { rules = block_config[cmd][i]; if (rules != null) { ({ 'disable': function() { return disabled = disabled.concat(rules); }, 'enable': function() { difference(disabled, rules); if (rules.length === 0) { return disabled = disabled_initially; } } })[cmd](); } } while (next_line === i && all_errors.length > 0) { next_line = all_errors[0].lineNumber - 1; e = all_errors[0]; if (e.lineNumber === i + 1 || (e.lineNumber == null)) { e = all_errors.shift(); if (_ref4 = e.rule, __indexOf.call(disabled, _ref4) < 0) { errors.push(e); } } } } return errors; }; },{"./../package.json":1,"./ast_linter.coffee":2,"./lexical_linter.coffee":5,"./line_linter.coffee":6,"./rules.coffee":7,"./rules/arrow_spacing.coffee":8,"./rules/camel_case_classes.coffee":9,"./rules/colon_assignment_spacing.coffee":10,"./rules/cyclomatic_complexity.coffee":11,"./rules/duplicate_key.coffee":12,"./rules/empty_constructor_needs_parens.coffee":13,"./rules/indentation.coffee":14,"./rules/line_endings.coffee":15,"./rules/max_line_length.coffee":16,"./rules/missing_fat_arrows.coffee":17,"./rules/newlines_after_classes.coffee":18,"./rules/no_backticks.coffee":19,"./rules/no_empty_param_list.coffee":20,"./rules/no_implicit_braces.coffee":21,"./rules/no_implicit_parens.coffee":22,"./rules/no_plusplus.coffee":23,"./rules/no_stand_alone_at.coffee":24,"./rules/no_tabs.coffee":25,"./rules/no_throwing_strings.coffee":26,"./rules/no_trailing_semicolons.coffee":27,"./rules/no_trailing_whitespace.coffee":28,"./rules/no_unnecessary_fat_arrows.coffee":29,"./rules/non_empty_constructor_needs_parens.coffee":30,"./rules/space_operators.coffee":31}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ var BaseLinter, LexicalLinter, TokenApi, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; TokenApi = (function() { function TokenApi(CoffeeScript, source, config, tokensByLine) { this.config = config; this.tokensByLine = tokensByLine; this.tokens = CoffeeScript.tokens(source); this.lines = source.split('\n'); this.tokensByLine = {}; } TokenApi.prototype.i = 0; TokenApi.prototype.peek = function(n) { if (n == null) { n = 1; } return this.tokens[this.i + n] || null; }; return TokenApi; })(); BaseLinter = require('./base_linter.coffee'); module.exports = LexicalLinter = (function(_super) { __extends(LexicalLinter, _super); function LexicalLinter(source, config, rules, CoffeeScript) { LexicalLinter.__super__.constructor.call(this, source, config, rules); this.tokenApi = new TokenApi(CoffeeScript, source, this.config, this.tokensByLine); this.tokensByLine = this.tokenApi.tokensByLine; } LexicalLinter.prototype.acceptRule = function(rule) { return typeof rule.lintToken === 'function'; }; LexicalLinter.prototype.lint = function() { var error, errors, i, token, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1; errors = []; _ref = this.tokenApi.tokens; for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) { token = _ref[i]; this.tokenApi.i = i; _ref1 = this.lintToken(token); for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { error = _ref1[_j]; errors.push(error); } } return errors; }; LexicalLinter.prototype.lintToken = function(token) { var errors, lineNumber, rule, type, v, value, _base, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1; type = token[0], value = token[1], lineNumber = token[2]; if (typeof lineNumber === "object") { if (type === 'OUTDENT' || type === 'INDENT') { lineNumber = lineNumber.last_line; } else { lineNumber = lineNumber.first_line; } } if ((_base = this.tokensByLine)[lineNumber] == null) { _base[lineNumber] = []; } this.tokensByLine[lineNumber].push(token); this.lineNumber = lineNumber || this.lineNumber || 0; this.tokenApi.lineNumber = this.lineNumber; errors = []; _ref = this.rules; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { rule = _ref[_i]; if (!(_ref1 = token[0], __indexOf.call(rule.tokens, _ref1) >= 0)) { continue; } v = this.normalizeResult(rule, rule.lintToken(token, this.tokenApi)); if (v != null) { errors.push(v); } } return errors; }; LexicalLinter.prototype.createError = function(ruleName, attrs) { if (attrs == null) { attrs = {}; } attrs.lineNumber = this.lineNumber + 1; attrs.line = this.tokenApi.lines[this.lineNumber]; return LexicalLinter.__super__.createError.call(this, ruleName, attrs); }; return LexicalLinter; })(BaseLinter); },{"./base_linter.coffee":3}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ var BaseLinter, LineApi, LineLinter, configStatement, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }; LineApi = (function() { function LineApi(source, config, tokensByLine) { this.config = config; this.tokensByLine = tokensByLine; this.line = null; this.lines = source.split('\n'); this.lineCount = this.lines.length; this.context = { "class": { inClass: false, lastUnemptyLineInClass: null, classIndents: null } }; } LineApi.prototype.lineNumber = 0; LineApi.prototype.maintainClassContext = function(line) { if (this.context["class"].inClass) { if (this.lineHasToken('INDENT')) { this.context["class"].classIndents++; } else if (this.lineHasToken('OUTDENT')) { this.context["class"].classIndents--; if (this.context["class"].classIndents === 0) { this.context["class"].inClass = false; this.context["class"].classIndents = null; } } if (this.context["class"].inClass && !line.match(/^\s*$/)) { this.context["class"].lastUnemptyLineInClass = this.lineNumber; } } else { if (!line.match(/\\s*/)) { this.context["class"].lastUnemptyLineInClass = null; } if (this.lineHasToken('CLASS')) { this.context["class"].inClass = true; this.context["class"].lastUnemptyLineInClass = this.lineNumber; this.context["class"].classIndents = 0; } } return null; }; LineApi.prototype.isLastLine = function() { return this.lineNumber === this.lineCount - 1; }; LineApi.prototype.lineHasToken = function(tokenType, lineNumber) { var token, tokens, _i, _len; if (tokenType == null) { tokenType = null; } if (lineNumber == null) { lineNumber = null; } lineNumber = lineNumber != null ? lineNumber : this.lineNumber; if (tokenType == null) { return this.tokensByLine[lineNumber] != null; } else { tokens = this.tokensByLine[lineNumber]; if (tokens == null) { return null; } for (_i = 0, _len = tokens.length; _i < _len; _i++) { token = tokens[_i]; if (token[0] === tokenType) { return true; } } return false; } }; LineApi.prototype.getLineTokens = function() { return this.tokensByLine[this.lineNumber] || []; }; return LineApi; })(); BaseLinter = require('./base_linter.coffee'); configStatement = /coffeelint:\s*(disable|enable)(?:=([\w\s,]*))?/; module.exports = LineLinter = (function(_super) { __extends(LineLinter, _super); LineLinter.configStatement = configStatement; function LineLinter(source, config, rules, tokensByLine) { LineLinter.__super__.constructor.call(this, source, config, rules); this.lineApi = new LineApi(source, config, tokensByLine); this.block_config = { enable: {}, disable: {} }; } LineLinter.prototype.acceptRule = function(rule) { return typeof rule.lintLine === 'function'; }; LineLinter.prototype.lint = function() { var error, errors, line, lineNumber, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1; errors = []; _ref = this.lineApi.lines; for (lineNumber = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; lineNumber = ++_i) { line = _ref[lineNumber]; this.lineApi.lineNumber = this.lineNumber = lineNumber; this.lineApi.maintainClassContext(line); this.collectInlineConfig(line); _ref1 = this.lintLine(line); for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { error = _ref1[_j]; errors.push(error); } } return errors; }; LineLinter.prototype.lintLine = function(line) { var errors, rule, v, _i, _len, _ref; errors = []; _ref = this.rules; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { rule = _ref[_i]; v = this.normalizeResult(rule, rule.lintLine(line, this.lineApi)); if (v != null) { errors.push(v); } } return errors; }; LineLinter.prototype.collectInlineConfig = function(line) { var cmd, r, result, rules, _i, _len, _ref; result = configStatement.exec(line); if (result != null) { cmd = result[1]; rules = []; if (result[2] != null) { _ref = result[2].split(','); for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { r = _ref[_i]; rules.push(r.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")); } } this.block_config[cmd][this.lineNumber] = rules; } return null; }; LineLinter.prototype.createError = function(rule, attrs) { var _ref; if (attrs == null) { attrs = {}; } attrs.lineNumber = this.lineNumber + 1; attrs.level = (_ref = this.config[rule]) != null ? _ref.level : void 0; return LineLinter.__super__.createError.call(this, rule, attrs); }; return LineLinter; })(BaseLinter); },{"./base_linter.coffee":3}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ var ERROR, IGNORE, WARN; ERROR = 'error'; WARN = 'warn'; IGNORE = 'ignore'; module.exports = { coffeescript_error: { level: ERROR, message: '' } }; },{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ var ArrowSpacing; module.exports = ArrowSpacing = (function() { function ArrowSpacing() {} ArrowSpacing.prototype.rule = { name: 'arrow_spacing', level: 'ignore', message: 'Function arrow (->) must be spaced properly', description: "

This rule checks to see that there is spacing before and after\nthe arrow operator that declares a function. This rule is disabled\nby default.

Note that if arrow_spacing is enabled, and you\npass an empty function as a parameter, arrow_spacing will accept\neither a space or no space in-between the arrow operator and the\nparenthesis

# Both of this will not trigger an error,\n# even with arrow_spacing enabled.\nx(-> 3)\nx( -> 3)\n\n# However, this will trigger an error\nx((a,b)-> 3)\n\n
" }; ArrowSpacing.prototype.tokens = ['->']; ArrowSpacing.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { var pp; pp = tokenApi.peek(-1); if (!(((token.spaced != null) || (token.newLine != null) || this.atEof(tokenApi)) && (((pp.spaced != null) || pp[0] === 'TERMINATOR') || (pp.generated != null) || pp[0] === "INDENT" || (pp[1] === "(" && (pp.generated == null))))) { return true; } else { return null; } }; ArrowSpacing.prototype.atEof = function(tokenApi) { var i, token, tokens, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1; tokens = tokenApi.tokens, i = tokenApi.i; _ref = tokens.slice(i + 1); for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { token = _ref[_i]; if (!(token.generated || ((_ref1 = token[0]) === 'OUTDENT' || _ref1 === 'TERMINATOR'))) { return false; } } return true; }; return ArrowSpacing; })(); },{}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ var CamelCaseClasses, regexes; regexes = { camelCase: /^[A-Z][a-zA-Z\d]*$/ }; module.exports = CamelCaseClasses = (function() { function CamelCaseClasses() {} CamelCaseClasses.prototype.rule = { name: 'camel_case_classes', level: 'error', message: 'Class names should be camel cased', description: "This rule mandates that all class names are CamelCased. Camel\ncasing class names is a generally accepted way of distinguishing\nconstructor functions - which require the 'new' prefix to behave\nproperly - from plain old functions.\n
\n# Good!\nclass BoaConstrictor\n\n# Bad!\nclass boaConstrictor\n\n
\nThis rule is enabled by default." }; CamelCaseClasses.prototype.tokens = ['CLASS']; CamelCaseClasses.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { var className, offset, _ref, _ref1, _ref2; if ((token.newLine != null) || ((_ref = tokenApi.peek()[0]) === 'INDENT' || _ref === 'EXTENDS')) { return null; } className = null; offset = 1; while (!className) { if (((_ref1 = tokenApi.peek(offset + 1)) != null ? _ref1[0] : void 0) === '.') { offset += 2; } else if (((_ref2 = tokenApi.peek(offset)) != null ? _ref2[0] : void 0) === '@') { offset += 1; } else { className = tokenApi.peek(offset)[1]; } } if (!regexes.camelCase.test(className)) { return { context: "class name: " + className }; } }; return CamelCaseClasses; })(); },{}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ var ColonAssignmentSpacing; module.exports = ColonAssignmentSpacing = (function() { function ColonAssignmentSpacing() {} ColonAssignmentSpacing.prototype.rule = { name: 'colon_assignment_spacing', level: 'ignore', message: 'Colon assignment without proper spacing', spacing: { left: 0, right: 0 }, description: "

This rule checks to see that there is spacing before and\nafter the colon in a colon assignment (i.e., classes, objects).\nThe spacing amount is specified by\nspacing.left and spacing.right, respectively.\nA zero value means no spacing required.\n

\n#\n# If spacing.left and spacing.right is 1\n#\n\n# Good\nobject = {spacing : true}\nclass Dog\n  canBark : true\n\n# Bad\nobject = {spacing: true}\nclass Cat\n  canBark: false\n
" }; ColonAssignmentSpacing.prototype.tokens = [':']; ColonAssignmentSpacing.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { var checkSpacing, getSpaceFromToken, isLeftSpaced, isRightSpaced, leftSpacing, nextToken, previousToken, rightSpacing, spacingAllowances, _ref, _ref1; spacingAllowances = tokenApi.config[this.rule.name].spacing; previousToken = tokenApi.peek(-1); nextToken = tokenApi.peek(1); getSpaceFromToken = function(direction) { switch (direction) { case 'left': return token[2].first_column - previousToken[2].last_column - 1; case 'right': return nextToken[2].first_column - token[2].first_column - 1; } }; checkSpacing = function(direction) { var isSpaced, spacing; spacing = getSpaceFromToken(direction); isSpaced = spacing < 0 ? true : spacing === parseInt(spacingAllowances[direction]); return [isSpaced, spacing]; }; _ref = checkSpacing('left'), isLeftSpaced = _ref[0], leftSpacing = _ref[1]; _ref1 = checkSpacing('right'), isRightSpaced = _ref1[0], rightSpacing = _ref1[1]; if (isLeftSpaced && isRightSpaced) { return null; } else { return { context: "Incorrect spacing around column " + token[2].first_column + ".\nExpected left: " + spacingAllowances.left + ", right: " + spacingAllowances.right + ".\nGot left: " + leftSpacing + ", right: " + rightSpacing + "." }; } }; return ColonAssignmentSpacing; })(); },{}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoTabs; module.exports = NoTabs = (function() { function NoTabs() {} NoTabs.prototype.rule = { name: 'cyclomatic_complexity', value: 10, level: 'ignore', message: 'The cyclomatic complexity is too damn high', description: 'Examine the complexity of your application.' }; NoTabs.prototype.getComplexity = function(node) { var complexity, name, _ref; name = node.constructor.name; complexity = name === 'If' || name === 'While' || name === 'For' || name === 'Try' ? 1 : name === 'Op' && ((_ref = node.operator) === '&&' || _ref === '||') ? 1 : name === 'Switch' ? node.cases.length : 0; return complexity; }; NoTabs.prototype.lintAST = function(node, astApi) { this.astApi = astApi; this.lintNode(node); return void 0; }; NoTabs.prototype.lintNode = function(node, line) { var complexity, error, name, rule, _this = this; name = node.constructor.name; complexity = this.getComplexity(node); node.eachChild(function(childNode) { var nodeLine; nodeLine = childNode.locationData.first_line; if (childNode) { return complexity += _this.lintNode(childNode, nodeLine); } }); rule = this.astApi.config[this.rule.name]; if (name === 'Code' && complexity >= rule.value) { error = this.astApi.createError({ context: complexity + 1, lineNumber: line + 1, lineNumberEnd: node.locationData.last_line + 1 }); if (error) { this.errors.push(error); } } return complexity; }; return NoTabs; })(); },{}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ var DuplicateKey; module.exports = DuplicateKey = (function() { DuplicateKey.prototype.rule = { name: 'duplicate_key', level: 'error', message: 'Duplicate key defined in object or class', description: "Prevents defining duplicate keys in object literals and classes" }; DuplicateKey.prototype.tokens = ['IDENTIFIER', "{", "}"]; function DuplicateKey() { this.braceScopes = []; } DuplicateKey.prototype.lintToken = function(_arg, tokenApi) { var type; type = _arg[0]; if (type === "{" || type === "}") { this.lintBrace.apply(this, arguments); return void 0; } if (type === "IDENTIFIER") { return this.lintIdentifier.apply(this, arguments); } }; DuplicateKey.prototype.lintIdentifier = function(token, tokenApi) { var key, nextToken, previousToken; key = token[1]; if (this.currentScope == null) { return null; } nextToken = tokenApi.peek(1); if (nextToken[1] !== ':') { return null; } previousToken = tokenApi.peek(-1); if (previousToken[0] === '@') { key = "@" + key; } key = "identifier-" + key; if (this.currentScope[key]) { return true; } else { this.currentScope[key] = token; return null; } }; DuplicateKey.prototype.lintBrace = function(token) { if (token[0] === '{') { if (this.currentScope != null) { this.braceScopes.push(this.currentScope); } this.currentScope = {}; } else { this.currentScope = this.braceScopes.pop(); } return null; }; return DuplicateKey; })(); },{}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ var EmptyConstructorNeedsParens; module.exports = EmptyConstructorNeedsParens = (function() { function EmptyConstructorNeedsParens() {} EmptyConstructorNeedsParens.prototype.rule = { name: 'empty_constructor_needs_parens', level: 'ignore', message: 'Invoking a constructor without parens and without arguments', description: "Requires constructors with no parameters to include the parens" }; EmptyConstructorNeedsParens.prototype.tokens = ['UNARY']; EmptyConstructorNeedsParens.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { var expectedCallStart, expectedIdentifier, identifierIndex; if (token[1] === 'new') { identifierIndex = 1; while (true) { expectedIdentifier = tokenApi.peek(identifierIndex); expectedCallStart = tokenApi.peek(identifierIndex + 1); if ((expectedIdentifier != null ? expectedIdentifier[0] : void 0) === 'IDENTIFIER') { if ((expectedCallStart != null ? expectedCallStart[0] : void 0) === '.') { identifierIndex += 2; continue; } } break; } if ((expectedIdentifier != null ? expectedIdentifier[0] : void 0) === 'IDENTIFIER' && (expectedCallStart != null)) { return this.handleExpectedCallStart(expectedCallStart); } } }; EmptyConstructorNeedsParens.prototype.handleExpectedCallStart = function(expectedCallStart) { if (expectedCallStart[0] !== 'CALL_START') { return true; } }; return EmptyConstructorNeedsParens; })(); },{}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ var Indentation; module.exports = Indentation = (function() { Indentation.prototype.rule = { name: 'indentation', value: 2, level: 'error', message: 'Line contains inconsistent indentation', description: "This rule imposes a standard number of spaces to be used for\nindentation. Since whitespace is significant in CoffeeScript, it's\ncritical that a project chooses a standard indentation format and\nstays consistent. Other roads lead to darkness.
 #\nEnabling this option will prevent this ugly\n# but otherwise valid CoffeeScript.\ntwoSpaces = () ->\n  fourSpaces = () ->\n      eightSpaces = () ->\n            'this is valid CoffeeScript'\n\n\n
\nTwo space indentation is enabled by default." }; Indentation.prototype.tokens = ['INDENT', "[", "]"]; function Indentation() { this.arrayTokens = []; } Indentation.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { var currentLine, expected, ignoreIndent, isArrayIndent, isInterpIndent, isMultiline, lineNumber, lines, numIndents, prevNum, previous, previousIndentation, previousLine, previousSymbol, type, _ref; type = token[0], numIndents = token[1], lineNumber = token[2]; if (type === "[" || type === "]") { this.lintArray(token); return void 0; } if (token.generated != null) { return null; } previous = tokenApi.peek(-2); isInterpIndent = previous && previous[0] === '+'; previous = tokenApi.peek(-1); isArrayIndent = this.inArray() && (previous != null ? previous.newLine : void 0); previousSymbol = (_ref = tokenApi.peek(-1)) != null ? _ref[0] : void 0; isMultiline = previousSymbol === '=' || previousSymbol === ','; ignoreIndent = isInterpIndent || isArrayIndent || isMultiline; if (this.isChainedCall(tokenApi)) { lines = tokenApi.lines, lineNumber = tokenApi.lineNumber; currentLine = lines[lineNumber]; prevNum = 1; while (/^\s*(#|$)/.test(lines[lineNumber - prevNum])) { prevNum += 1; } previousLine = lines[lineNumber - prevNum]; previousIndentation = previousLine.match(/^(\s*)/)[1].length; numIndents = currentLine.match(/^(\s*)/)[1].length; numIndents -= previousIndentation; } expected = tokenApi.config[this.rule.name].value; if (!ignoreIndent && numIndents !== expected) { return { context: "Expected " + expected + " got " + numIndents }; } }; Indentation.prototype.inArray = function() { return this.arrayTokens.length > 0; }; Indentation.prototype.lintArray = function(token) { if (token[0] === '[') { this.arrayTokens.push(token); } else if (token[0] === ']') { this.arrayTokens.pop(); } return null; }; Indentation.prototype.isChainedCall = function(tokenApi) { var i, lastNewLineIndex, lines, t, token, tokens; tokens = tokenApi.tokens, i = tokenApi.i; lines = (function() { var _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = tokens.slice(0, +i + 1 || 9e9); _results = []; for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) { token = _ref[i]; if (token.newLine != null) { _results.push(i); } } return _results; })(); lastNewLineIndex = lines ? lines[lines.length - 2] : null; if (lastNewLineIndex == null) { return false; } tokens = [tokens[lastNewLineIndex], tokens[lastNewLineIndex + 1]]; return !!((function() { var _i, _len, _results; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = tokens.length; _i < _len; _i++) { t = tokens[_i]; if (t && t[0] === '.') { _results.push(t); } } return _results; })()).length; }; return Indentation; })(); },{}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ var LineEndings; module.exports = LineEndings = (function() { function LineEndings() {} LineEndings.prototype.rule = { name: 'line_endings', level: 'ignore', value: 'unix', message: 'Line contains incorrect line endings', description: "This rule ensures your project uses only windows or\nunix line endings. This rule is disabled by default." }; LineEndings.prototype.lintLine = function(line, lineApi) { var ending, lastChar, valid, _ref; ending = (_ref = lineApi.config[this.rule.name]) != null ? _ref.value : void 0; if (!ending || lineApi.isLastLine() || !line) { return null; } lastChar = line[line.length - 1]; valid = (function() { if (ending === 'windows') { return lastChar === '\r'; } else if (ending === 'unix') { return lastChar !== '\r'; } else { throw new Error("unknown line ending type: " + ending); } })(); if (!valid) { return { context: "Expected " + ending }; } else { return null; } }; return LineEndings; })(); },{}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ var MaxLineLength, regexes; regexes = { longUrlComment: /^\s*\#\s*http[^\s]+$/ }; module.exports = MaxLineLength = (function() { function MaxLineLength() {} MaxLineLength.prototype.rule = { name: 'max_line_length', value: 80, level: 'error', limitComments: true, message: 'Line exceeds maximum allowed length', description: "This rule imposes a maximum line length on your code. Python's style\nguide does a good job explaining why you might want to limit the\nlength of your lines, though this is a matter of taste.\n\nLines can be no longer than eighty characters by default." }; MaxLineLength.prototype.lintLine = function(line, lineApi) { var limitComments, max, _ref, _ref1; max = (_ref = lineApi.config[this.rule.name]) != null ? _ref.value : void 0; limitComments = (_ref1 = lineApi.config[this.rule.name]) != null ? _ref1.limitComments : void 0; if (max && max < line.length && !regexes.longUrlComment.test(line)) { if (!limitComments) { if (lineApi.getLineTokens().length === 0) { return; } } return { context: "Length is " + line.length + ", max is " + max }; } }; return MaxLineLength; })(); },{}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ var MissingFatArrows, any, isClass, isCode, isFatArrowCode, isObject, isThis, isValue, methodsOfClass, needsFatArrow, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; isCode = function(node) { return (node != null ? node.constructor.name : void 0) === 'Code'; }; isClass = function(node) { return node.constructor.name === 'Class'; }; isValue = function(node) { return node.constructor.name === 'Value'; }; isObject = function(node) { return node.constructor.name === 'Obj'; }; isThis = function(node) { return isValue(node) && node.base.value === 'this'; }; isFatArrowCode = function(node) { return isCode(node) && node.bound; }; any = function(arr, test) { return arr.reduce((function(res, elt) { return res || test(elt); }), false); }; needsFatArrow = function(node) { return isCode(node) && (any(node.params, function(param) { return param.contains(isThis) != null; }) || (node.body.contains(isThis) != null)); }; methodsOfClass = function(classNode) { var bodyNodes, returnNode; bodyNodes = classNode.body.expressions; returnNode = bodyNodes[bodyNodes.length - 1]; if ((returnNode != null) && isValue(returnNode) && isObject(returnNode.base)) { return returnNode.base.properties.map(function(assignNode) { return assignNode.value; }).filter(isCode); } else { return []; } }; module.exports = MissingFatArrows = (function() { function MissingFatArrows() {} MissingFatArrows.prototype.rule = { name: 'missing_fat_arrows', level: 'ignore', message: 'Used `this` in a function without a fat arrow', description: "Warns when you use `this` inside a function that wasn't defined\nwith a fat arrow. This rule does not apply to methods defined in a\nclass, since they have `this` bound to the class instance (or the\nclass itself, for class methods).\n\nIt is impossible to statically determine whether a function using\n`this` will be bound with the correct `this` value due to language\nfeatures like `Function.prototype.call` and\n`Function.prototype.bind`, so this rule may produce false positives." }; MissingFatArrows.prototype.lintAST = function(node, astApi) { this.lintNode(node, astApi); return void 0; }; MissingFatArrows.prototype.lintNode = function(node, astApi, methods) { var error, _this = this; if (methods == null) { methods = []; } if ((!isFatArrowCode(node)) && (__indexOf.call(methods, node) < 0) && (needsFatArrow(node))) { error = astApi.createError({ lineNumber: node.locationData.first_line + 1 }); this.errors.push(error); } return node.eachChild(function(child) { return _this.lintNode(child, astApi, (function() { switch (false) { case !isClass(node): return methodsOfClass(node); case !isCode(node): return []; default: return methods; } })()); }); }; return MissingFatArrows; })(); },{}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ var NewlinesAfterClasses; module.exports = NewlinesAfterClasses = (function() { function NewlinesAfterClasses() {} NewlinesAfterClasses.prototype.rule = { name: 'newlines_after_classes', value: 3, level: 'ignore', message: 'Wrong count of newlines between a class and other code', description: "Checks the number of newlines between classes and other code" }; NewlinesAfterClasses.prototype.lintLine = function(line, lineApi) { var context, ending, got, lineNumber; ending = lineApi.config[this.rule.name].value; if (!ending || lineApi.isLastLine()) { return null; } lineNumber = lineApi.lineNumber, context = lineApi.context; if (!context["class"].inClass && (context["class"].lastUnemptyLineInClass != null) && (lineNumber - context["class"].lastUnemptyLineInClass) !== ending) { got = lineNumber - context["class"].lastUnemptyLineInClass; return { context: "Expected " + ending + " got " + got }; } return null; }; return NewlinesAfterClasses; })(); },{}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoBackticks; module.exports = NoBackticks = (function() { function NoBackticks() {} NoBackticks.prototype.rule = { name: 'no_backticks', level: 'error', message: 'Backticks are forbidden', description: "Backticks allow snippets of JavaScript to be embedded in\nCoffeeScript. While some folks consider backticks useful in a few\nniche circumstances, they should be avoided because so none of\nJavaScript's \"bad parts\", like with and eval,\nsneak into CoffeeScript.\nThis rule is enabled by default." }; NoBackticks.prototype.tokens = ["JS"]; NoBackticks.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { return true; }; return NoBackticks; })(); },{}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoEmptyParamList; module.exports = NoEmptyParamList = (function() { function NoEmptyParamList() {} NoEmptyParamList.prototype.rule = { name: 'no_empty_param_list', level: 'ignore', message: 'Empty parameter list is forbidden', description: "This rule prohibits empty parameter lists in function definitions.\n
\n# The empty parameter list in here is unnecessary:\nmyFunction = () ->\n\n# We might favor this instead:\nmyFunction = ->\n\n
\nEmpty parameter lists are permitted by default." }; NoEmptyParamList.prototype.tokens = ["PARAM_START"]; NoEmptyParamList.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { var nextType; nextType = tokenApi.peek()[0]; return nextType === 'PARAM_END'; }; return NoEmptyParamList; })(); },{}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoImplicitBraces; module.exports = NoImplicitBraces = (function() { function NoImplicitBraces() {} NoImplicitBraces.prototype.rule = { name: 'no_implicit_braces', level: 'ignore', message: 'Implicit braces are forbidden', strict: true, description: "This rule prohibits implicit braces when declaring object literals.\nImplicit braces can make code more difficult to understand,\nespecially when used in combination with optional parenthesis.\n
\n# Do you find this code ambiguous? Is it a\n# function call with three arguments or four?\nmyFunction a, b, 1:2, 3:4\n\n# While the same code written in a more\n# explicit manner has no ambiguity.\nmyFunction(a, b, {1:2, 3:4})\n\n
\nImplicit braces are permitted by default, since their use is\nidiomatic CoffeeScript." }; NoImplicitBraces.prototype.tokens = ["{"]; NoImplicitBraces.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { var previousToken; if (token.generated) { if (!tokenApi.config[this.rule.name].strict) { previousToken = tokenApi.peek(-1)[0]; if (previousToken === 'INDENT') { return; } } return this.isPartOfClass(tokenApi); } }; NoImplicitBraces.prototype.isPartOfClass = function(tokenApi) { var i, t; i = -1; while (true) { t = tokenApi.peek(i); if ((t == null) || t[0] === 'TERMINATOR') { return true; } if (t[0] === 'CLASS') { return null; } i -= 1; } }; return NoImplicitBraces; })(); },{}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoImplicitParens; module.exports = NoImplicitParens = (function() { function NoImplicitParens() {} NoImplicitParens.prototype.rule = { name: 'no_implicit_parens', level: 'ignore', message: 'Implicit parens are forbidden', description: "This rule prohibits implicit parens on function calls.\n
\n# Some folks don't like this style of coding.\nmyFunction a, b, c\n\n# And would rather it always be written like this:\nmyFunction(a, b, c)\n\n
\nImplicit parens are permitted by default, since their use is\nidiomatic CoffeeScript." }; NoImplicitParens.prototype.tokens = ["CALL_START"]; NoImplicitParens.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { return token.generated; }; return NoImplicitParens; })(); },{}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoPlusPlus; module.exports = NoPlusPlus = (function() { function NoPlusPlus() {} NoPlusPlus.prototype.rule = { name: 'no_plusplus', level: 'ignore', message: 'The increment and decrement operators are forbidden', description: "This rule forbids the increment and decrement arithmetic operators.\nSome people believe the ++ and -- to be cryptic\nand the cause of bugs due to misunderstandings of their precedence\nrules.\nThis rule is disabled by default." }; NoPlusPlus.prototype.tokens = ["++", "--"]; NoPlusPlus.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { return { context: "found '" + token[0] + "'" }; }; return NoPlusPlus; })(); },{}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoStandAloneAt; module.exports = NoStandAloneAt = (function() { function NoStandAloneAt() {} NoStandAloneAt.prototype.rule = { name: 'no_stand_alone_at', level: 'ignore', message: '@ must not be used stand alone', description: "This rule checks that no stand alone @ are in use, they are\ndiscouraged. Further information in CoffeScript issue \n#1601" }; NoStandAloneAt.prototype.tokens = ["@"]; NoStandAloneAt.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { var isDot, isIdentifier, isIndexStart, isValidProtoProperty, nextToken, protoProperty, spaced; nextToken = tokenApi.peek(); spaced = token.spaced; isIdentifier = nextToken[0] === 'IDENTIFIER'; isIndexStart = nextToken[0] === 'INDEX_START'; isDot = nextToken[0] === '.'; if (nextToken[0] === '::') { protoProperty = tokenApi.peek(2); isValidProtoProperty = protoProperty[0] === 'IDENTIFIER'; } if (spaced || (!isIdentifier && !isIndexStart && !isDot && !isValidProtoProperty)) { return true; } }; return NoStandAloneAt; })(); },{}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoTabs, indentationRegex, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; indentationRegex = /\S/; module.exports = NoTabs = (function() { function NoTabs() {} NoTabs.prototype.rule = { name: 'no_tabs', level: 'error', message: 'Line contains tab indentation', description: "This rule forbids tabs in indentation. Enough said. It is enabled by\ndefault." }; NoTabs.prototype.lintLine = function(line, lineApi) { var indentation; indentation = line.split(indentationRegex)[0]; if (lineApi.lineHasToken() && __indexOf.call(indentation, '\t') >= 0) { return true; } else { return null; } }; return NoTabs; })(); },{}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoThrowingStrings; module.exports = NoThrowingStrings = (function() { function NoThrowingStrings() {} NoThrowingStrings.prototype.rule = { name: 'no_throwing_strings', level: 'error', message: 'Throwing strings is forbidden', description: "This rule forbids throwing string literals or interpolations. While\nJavaScript (and CoffeeScript by extension) allow any expression to\nbe thrown, it is best to only throw Error objects,\nbecause they contain valuable debugging information like the stack\ntrace. Because of JavaScript's dynamic nature, CoffeeLint cannot\nensure you are always throwing instances of Error. It will\nonly catch the simple but real case of throwing literal strings.\n
\n# CoffeeLint will catch this:\nthrow \"i made a boo boo\"\n\n# ... but not this:\nthrow getSomeString()\n\n
\nThis rule is enabled by default." }; NoThrowingStrings.prototype.tokens = ["THROW"]; NoThrowingStrings.prototype.lintToken = function(token, tokenApi) { var n1, n2, nextIsString, _ref; _ref = [tokenApi.peek(), tokenApi.peek(2)], n1 = _ref[0], n2 = _ref[1]; nextIsString = n1[0] === 'STRING' || (n1[0] === '(' && n2[0] === 'STRING'); return nextIsString; }; return NoThrowingStrings; })(); },{}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoTrailingSemicolons, regexes, __slice = [].slice; regexes = { trailingSemicolon: /;\r?$/ }; module.exports = NoTrailingSemicolons = (function() { function NoTrailingSemicolons() {} NoTrailingSemicolons.prototype.rule = { name: 'no_trailing_semicolons', level: 'error', message: 'Line contains a trailing semicolon', description: "This rule prohibits trailing semicolons, since they are needless\ncruft in CoffeeScript.\n
\n# This semicolon is meaningful.\nx = '1234'; console.log(x)\n\n# This semicolon is redundant.\nalert('end of line');\n\n
\nTrailing semicolons are forbidden by default." }; NoTrailingSemicolons.prototype.lintLine = function(line, lineApi) { var first, hasNewLine, hasSemicolon, last, lineTokens, _i, _ref; lineTokens = lineApi.getLineTokens(); if (lineTokens.length === 1 && lineTokens[0][0] === 'TERMINATOR') { return; } hasSemicolon = regexes.trailingSemicolon.test(line); _ref = lineApi.getLineTokens(), first = 2 <= _ref.length ? __slice.call(_ref, 0, _i = _ref.length - 1) : (_i = 0, []), last = _ref[_i++]; hasNewLine = last && (last.newLine != null); if (hasSemicolon && !hasNewLine && lineApi.lineHasToken() && last[0] !== 'STRING') { return true; } }; return NoTrailingSemicolons; })(); },{}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoTrailingWhitespace, regexes; regexes = { trailingWhitespace: /[^\s]+[\t ]+\r?$/, onlySpaces: /^[\t\s]+\r?$/, lineHasComment: /^\s*[^\#]*\#/ }; module.exports = NoTrailingWhitespace = (function() { function NoTrailingWhitespace() {} NoTrailingWhitespace.prototype.rule = { name: 'no_trailing_whitespace', level: 'error', message: 'Line ends with trailing whitespace', allowed_in_comments: false, allowed_in_empty_lines: true, description: "This rule forbids trailing whitespace in your code, since it is\nneedless cruft. It is enabled by default." }; NoTrailingWhitespace.prototype.lintLine = function(line, lineApi) { var str, token, tokens, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _ref2; if (!((_ref = lineApi.config['no_trailing_whitespace']) != null ? _ref.allowed_in_empty_lines : void 0)) { if (regexes.onlySpaces.test(line)) { return true; } } if (regexes.trailingWhitespace.test(line)) { if (!((_ref1 = lineApi.config['no_trailing_whitespace']) != null ? _ref1.allowed_in_comments : void 0)) { return true; } line = line; tokens = lineApi.tokensByLine[lineApi.lineNumber]; if (!tokens) { return null; } _ref2 = (function() { var _j, _len, _results; _results = []; for (_j = 0, _len = tokens.length; _j < _len; _j++) { token = tokens[_j]; if (token[0] === 'STRING') { _results.push(token[1]); } } return _results; })(); for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) { str = _ref2[_i]; line = line.replace(str, 'STRING'); } if (!regexes.lineHasComment.test(line)) { return true; } } }; return NoTrailingWhitespace; })(); },{}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ var NoUnnecessaryFatArrows, any, isCode, isFatArrowCode, isThis, needsFatArrow; isCode = function(node) { return node.constructor.name === 'Code'; }; isFatArrowCode = function(node) { return isCode(node) && node.bound; }; isThis = function(node) { return node.constructor.name === 'Value' && node.base.value === 'this'; }; any = function(arr, test) { return arr.reduce((function(res, elt) { return res || test(elt); }), false); }; needsFatArrow = function(node) { return isCode(node) && (any(node.params, function(param) { return param.contains(isThis) != null; }) || (node.body.contains(isThis) != null) || (node.body.contains(function(child) { return isFatArrowCode(child) && needsFatArrow(child); }) != null)); }; module.exports = NoUnnecessaryFatArrows = (function() { function NoUnnecessaryFatArrows() {} NoUnnecessaryFatArrows.prototype.rule = { name: 'no_unnecessary_fat_arrows', level: 'warn', message: 'Unnecessary fat arrow', description: "Disallows defining functions with fat arrows when `this`\nis not used within the function." }; NoUnnecessaryFatArrows.prototype.lintAST = function(node, astApi) { this.lintNode(node, astApi); return void 0; }; NoUnnecessaryFatArrows.prototype.lintNode = function(node, astApi) { var error, _this = this; if ((isFatArrowCode(node)) && (!needsFatArrow(node))) { error = astApi.createError({ lineNumber: node.locationData.first_line + 1 }); this.errors.push(error); } return node.eachChild(function(child) { return _this.lintNode(child, astApi); }); }; return NoUnnecessaryFatArrows; })(); },{}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ var NonEmptyConstructorNeedsParens, ParentClass, _ref, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }; ParentClass = require('./empty_constructor_needs_parens.coffee'); module.exports = NonEmptyConstructorNeedsParens = (function(_super) { __extends(NonEmptyConstructorNeedsParens, _super); function NonEmptyConstructorNeedsParens() { _ref = NonEmptyConstructorNeedsParens.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); return _ref; } NonEmptyConstructorNeedsParens.prototype.rule = { name: 'non_empty_constructor_needs_parens', level: 'ignore', message: 'Invoking a constructor without parens and with arguments', description: "Requires constructors with parameters to include the parens" }; NonEmptyConstructorNeedsParens.prototype.handleExpectedCallStart = function(expectedCallStart) { if (expectedCallStart[0] === 'CALL_START' && expectedCallStart.generated) { return true; } }; return NonEmptyConstructorNeedsParens; })(ParentClass); },{"./empty_constructor_needs_parens.coffee":13}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ var SpaceOperators, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; module.exports = SpaceOperators = (function() { SpaceOperators.prototype.rule = { name: 'space_operators', level: 'ignore', message: 'Operators must be spaced properly', description: "This rule enforces that operators have space around them." }; SpaceOperators.prototype.tokens = ["+", "-", "=", "MATH", "COMPARE", "LOGIC", "COMPOUND_ASSIGN", "(", ")", "CALL_START", "CALL_END"]; function SpaceOperators() { this.callTokens = []; this.parenTokens = []; } SpaceOperators.prototype.lintToken = function(_arg, tokenApi) { var type; type = _arg[0]; if (type === "CALL_START" || type === "CALL_END") { this.lintCall.apply(this, arguments); return void 0; } if (type === "(" || type === ")") { this.lintParens.apply(this, arguments); return void 0; } if (type === "+" || type === "-") { return this.lintPlus.apply(this, arguments); } else { return this.lintMath.apply(this, arguments); } }; SpaceOperators.prototype.lintPlus = function(token, tokenApi) { var isUnary, p, unaries, _ref; if (this.isInInterpolation() || this.isInExtendedRegex()) { return null; } p = tokenApi.peek(-1); unaries = ['TERMINATOR', '(', '=', '-', '+', ',', 'CALL_START', 'INDEX_START', '..', '...', 'COMPARE', 'IF', 'THROW', 'LOGIC', 'POST_IF', ':', '[', 'INDENT', 'COMPOUND_ASSIGN', 'RETURN', 'MATH', 'BY', 'LEADING_WHEN']; isUnary = !p ? false : (_ref = p[0], __indexOf.call(unaries, _ref) >= 0); if ((isUnary && token.spaced) || (!isUnary && !token.spaced && !token.newLine)) { return { context: token[1] }; } else { return null; } }; SpaceOperators.prototype.lintMath = function(token, tokenApi) { if (!token.spaced && !token.newLine) { return { context: token[1] }; } else { return null; } }; SpaceOperators.prototype.isInExtendedRegex = function() { var t, _i, _len, _ref; _ref = this.callTokens; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { t = _ref[_i]; if (t.isRegex) { return true; } } return false; }; SpaceOperators.prototype.lintCall = function(token, tokenApi) { var p; if (token[0] === 'CALL_START') { p = tokenApi.peek(-1); token.isRegex = p && p[0] === 'IDENTIFIER' && p[1] === 'RegExp'; this.callTokens.push(token); } else { this.callTokens.pop(); } return null; }; SpaceOperators.prototype.isInInterpolation = function() { var t, _i, _len, _ref; _ref = this.parenTokens; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { t = _ref[_i]; if (t.isInterpolation) { return true; } } return false; }; SpaceOperators.prototype.lintParens = function(token, tokenApi) { var i, n1, n2, p1; if (token[0] === '(') { p1 = tokenApi.peek(-1); n1 = tokenApi.peek(1); n2 = tokenApi.peek(2); i = n1 && n2 && n1[0] === 'STRING' && n2[0] === '+'; token.isInterpolation = i; this.parenTokens.push(token); } else { this.parenTokens.pop(); } return null; }; return SpaceOperators; })(); },{}]},{},[4])(4) }); ;