module RelatonIec class DataParser DOMAIN = "" ATTRS = %i[ docid structuredidentifier language script title doctype ics date contributor editorialgroup abstract copyright link relation ].freeze ABBREVS = { "ISO" => ["International Organization for Standardization", ""], "IEC" => ["International Electrotechnical Commission", ""], "IEEE" => ["Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers", ""], "ASTM" => ["American Society of Testing Materials", ""], "CISPR" => ["International special committee on radio interference", ""], }.freeze DOCTYPES = { "IS" => "international-standard", "TR" => "technical-report", "TS" => "technical-specification", "PAS" => "publicly-available-specification", "SRD" => "system-reference-deliverable", } # # Initialize new instance. # # @param [Hash] pub document data # def initialize(pub) @pub = pub end # # Parse document. # # @return [RelatonIec::IecBibliographicItem] bib item # def parse # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize args = ATTRS.each_with_object({}) { |a, h| h[a] = send a } args[:docstatus] = stage: @pub["status"] args[:edition] = @pub["edition"] args[:price_code] = @pub["priceInfo"]["priceCode"] args[:place] = ["Geneva"]**args) end # # Parse document identifiers. # # @return [Array] document identifiers # def docid ids = [] ids << @pub["reference"], type: "IEC", primary: true) urnid = "urn:#{@pub['urnAlt'][0]}" ids << urnid, type: "URN") end # # Parse structured identifier. # # @return [RelatonIsoBib::StructuredIdentifier] structured identifier # def structuredidentifier m = @pub["reference"].match( /(?<=\s)(?\w+)(?:-(?\w*)(?:-(?\w*))?)?/, ) project_number: m[:project], part: m[:part], subpart: m[:subpart], type: "IEC", id: @pub["reference"] ) end # # Parse languages. # # @return [Array] languages # def language @pub["title"].map { |t| t["lang"] }.uniq end # # Parse scripts. # # @return [Array] scripts # def script language.each_with_object([]) do |l, s| scr = lang_to_script l s << scr if scr && !s.include?(scr) end end # # Detect script. # # @param [String] lang language # # @return [String] script # def lang_to_script(lang) case lang when "en", "fr", "es" then "Latn" end end # # Parse titles. # # @return [RelatonBib::TypedTitleStringCollection] titles # def title @pub["title"].reduce( do |a, t| a + RelatonBib::TypedTitleString.from_string( t["value"], t["lang"], lang_to_script(t["lang"]) ) end end # # Parse editorial group. # # @return [Hash] editorial group # def editorialgroup return unless @pub["committee"] wg = @pub["committee"]["reference"] { technical_committee: [{ name: wg, type: "technicalCommittee", number: wg.match(/\d+/)&.to_s&.to_i, }], } end # # Parse abstract. # # @return [Array] abstract # def abstract @pub["abstract"]&.map do |a| content: a["content"], language: a["lang"], script: lang_to_script(a["lang"]), format: a["format"] ) end end # @return [Array] def copyright # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize from = @pub["reference"].match(/(?<=:)\d{4}/).to_s from = @pub["releaseDate"]&.match(/\d{4}/).to_s if from.empty? return [] if from.nil? || from.empty? abbreviation = @pub["reference"].match(/.*?(?=\s)/).to_s owner = abbreviation.split("/").map do |abbrev| name, url = ABBREVS[abbrev] { name: name, abbreviation: abbrev, url: url } end [{ owner: owner, from: from }] end # # Fetche ics. # # @return [Array] ics # def ics return [] unless @pub["classifications"] @pub["classifications"].select { |c| c["type"] == "ICS" }.map do |c|["value"]) end end # # Parse dates. # # @return [Array] dates # def date { "published" => "publicationDate", "stable-until" => "stabilityDate", "confirmed" => "confirmationDate", "obsoleted" => "dateOfWithdrawal", }.reduce([]) do |a, (k, v)| next a unless @pub[v] a << k, on: @pub[v]) end end # # Parse contributors. # # @return [Array] contributors # def contributor @pub["reference"].sub(/\s.*/, "").split("/").map do |abbrev| name, url = ABBREVS[abbrev] { entity: { name: name, url: url, abbreviation: abbrev }, role: [type: "publisher"] } end end # # Parse links. # # @return [Array] links # def link url = "#{DOMAIN}/publication/#{urn_id}" l = [ url, type: "src")] RelatonBib.array(@pub["releaseItems"]).each_with_object(l) do |r, a| next unless r["type"] == "PREVIEW" url = "#{DOMAIN}/preview/#{r['contentRef']['fileName']}" a << url, type: "obp") end end # # Extract URN ID from URN. # # @return [String] URN ID # def urn_id @pub["urn"].split(":").last end # # Parse document type. # # @return [String] document type # def doctype type = DOCTYPES[@pub["stdType"]] || @pub["stdType"].downcase type: type end # # Parse relation. # # @return [Array] relation # def relation # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength try = 0 begin uri = URI "#{DOMAIN}/webstore/webstore.nsf/AjaxRequestXML?" \ "Openagent&url=#{urn_id}" resp = Net::HTTP.get_response uri doc = Nokogiri::XML resp.body create_relations doc rescue StandardError => e try += 1 try < 3 ? retry : raise(e) end end # # Create relations. # # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] doc XML document # # @return [Array] relations # def create_relations(doc) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength doc.xpath('//ROW[STATUS[.!="PREPARING" and .!="PUBLISHED"]]') .map do |r| r_type ="STATUS").text.downcase type = case r_type when "revised", "replaced" then "updates" when "withdrawn" then "obsoletes" else r_type end ref ="FULL_NAME").text fref = content: ref, format: "text/plain" docid = ref, type: "IEC", primary: true) bibitem = fref, docid: [docid]) type: type, bibitem: bibitem end end end end