module Motion ; module Xray # Toolbar is a terrible name. It's more of a "tab bar", but that name was # taken. Plus, I dunno, maybe I'll add other tools to it! class XrayToolbar < UIView attr_accessor :canvas attr_accessor :selected attr_accessor :delegate def initWithFrame(frame) super.tap do self.backgroundColor = :white.uicolor self.layer.borderColor = :black.uicolor.cgcolor self.layer.borderWidth = 1 grad_layer = CAGradientLayer.layer grad_layer.frame = self.layer.bounds grad_layer.colors = [0x526691.uicolor.cgcolor, 0x27386e.uicolor.cgcolor] self.layer << grad_layer @scroll_view = UIScrollView.alloc.initWithFrame(bounds) self << @scroll_view @selected_view = @scroll_view << @selected_view @index = nil @toolbar_items = [] @views = [] @item_x = margin recognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer.alloc.initWithTarget(self, action:'tapped:') recognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 1 recognizer.numberOfTouchesRequired = 1 self.addGestureRecognizer(recognizer) end end def tapped(event) touched_x = event.locationInView(self).x + @scroll_view.contentOffset.x touched_index = nil @toolbar_items.each_with_index do |item, index| if touched_x < item.frame.max_x touched_index = index break end end select(touched_index) if touched_index end def margin 10 end def add(name, plugin_view) toolbar_item = XrayToolbarItem.alloc.initWithText(name) toolbar_item.frame = toolbar_item.frame.right(@item_x).down(5) @item_x += toolbar_item.frame.width @item_x += margin @scroll_view << toolbar_item @scroll_view.contentSize = [@item_x, self.bounds.height] @toolbar_items << toolbar_item @views << plugin_view unless @index select(0) end end def select(index) toolbar_item = @toolbar_items[index] will_hide @index = index self.canvas.subviews.each &:removeFromSuperview UIView.animate { @selected_view.item = toolbar_item } will_show plugin_view = @views[@index] self.canvas << plugin_view if self.canvas.is_a?(UIScrollView) self.canvas.contentSize = plugin_view.frame.size self.canvas.setContentOffset([0, 0], animated: false) end end def show will_show end def will_hide end def will_show end end class PluginToolbar < XrayToolbar def initWithFrame(frame) super.tap do @plugin_items = [] @selected = nil end end def add(plugin) name = plugin.xray_name plugin_view = plugin.get_plugin_view(@canvas) @plugin_items << plugin super(name, plugin_view) end def will_hide @selected.hide if @selected end def will_show @selected = @plugin_items[@index] if @selected end end class XraySelectedToolbarItem < UIView attr :item def initWithFrame(frame) super.tap do self.backgroundColor = :clear.uicolor @item = nil end end def item=(item) @item = item f = item.frame f.origin.x -= corner_radius f.origin.y -= corner_radius / 2 f.size = item.size f.size.width += corner_radius * 2 f.size.height += corner_radius self.frame = f setNeedsDisplay end def corner_radius 5 end def drawRect(rect) :white.uicolor.setFill UIBezierPath.bezierPathWithRoundedRect(bounds, cornerRadius:corner_radius).fill end end class XrayToolbarItem < UILabel attr :name def initWithText(text) initWithFrame(CGRect.empty).tap do self.backgroundColor = :clear.uicolor self.font = :label.uifont(12) self.text = text sizeToFit end end end end end