require 'rexml/document' require 'amrita2' require 'amrita2/macro' require 'amrita2/testsupport' include Amrita2::Runtime context "Amrita2 has Macro" do class Hello < Amrita2::Macro::Base include Amrita2 #TemplateText = <<-END # <span macro:src="greeting" />, macro world! #END TemplateText = <<-END <<:greeting>>, macro world! END end specify " " do text = <<-END <span><hello greeting="Hello" /> <span am:src="msg" /></span> END t = t.add_macro( t.test_with(:msg => "Enjoy it!") do |result| result.should_be_samexml_as "Hello, macro world! Enjoy it!" end end end context "Macro can contain dynamic element" do class Hello2 < Amrita2::Macro::Base include Amrita2 TemplateText = <<-END.gsub(/\s+/m, ' ') <span macro:src="greeting" />, macro world! <span target_src="msg" /> END end specify " " do text = <<-END <%(BeforeCompile) use_macro(Hello2) %> <span><hello2 greeting='Hello'/> </span> END t = t.add_macro( t.test_with(:msg => "Enjoy it!") do |result| result.should_be_samexml_as "Hello, macro world! Enjoy it! \n" end end end context "two macros in one template" do class Hello3 < Amrita2::Macro::Base include Amrita2 TemplateText = <<-END <span macro:src="hello"> <span macro:src="greeting" />, macro world! <span macro:filter="Attr[:target_src=>:amrita_id]" /> </span> END Option = { :tag => :hello, :use_tag => true } end specify " " do text = <<-END <ul> <li><hello greeting="Good morning" amrita_id="msg1"/></li> <li><hello greeting="Hello" amrita_id="msg2"/></li> </ul> END t = t.add_macro( t.test_with(:msg1 => "Enjoy it!", :msg2=> "It's great, isn't it?") do |result| result.should_be_samexml_as <<-END <ul> <li>Good morning, macro world! Enjoy it!</li> <li>Hello, macro world! It's great, isn't it?</li> </ul> END end #" end end context "Macro can expand child elements" do class Hello4 < Amrita2::Macro::Base include Amrita2 TemplateText = <<-END <p macro:src="hello"> <span macro:src="msg" />, macro world! <span macro:src="contents" /> </p> END Option = { :tag=>:hello, :use_tag => true, :use_contents=>:contents } end specify " " do text = <<-END <ul> <li><hello msg="Good morning"><span am:src="msg1" /><em am:src="msg2" /></hello></li> <li><hello msg="Hello" ><strong am:src="msg3" /></hello></li> </ul> END t = t.add_macro( t.test_with(:msg1 => "Try it.", :msg2=>"Enjoy it!", :msg3=> "It's great, isn't it?") do |result| result.should_be_samexml_as <<-END <ul> <li><p>Good morning, macro world! Try it.<em>Enjoy it!</em> </p></li> <li><p>Hello, macro world! <strong>It's great, isn't it?</strong> </p></li> </ul> END end # " end end context "Amazon Link Macro" do class Amazon < Amrita2::Macro::Base include Amrita2 ElementName = "book" TemplateText = <<-END <span> <a macro:src = "book|NVar[:isbn, :content]" target_src = "book|NVar[:$1, :$2]" href="$$1/"> $$2 </a> </span> END Option = { :tag=>:book, :use_tag => true, :use_contents=>true } end specify " " do text = <<-END <div> <book isbn="isbn" content="title" /> </div> END # # after macro expansion # <div><a href='$1/' # am:src='book|NVar[:isbn_no, :title]'>$2</a></div> # t = do |e, name, filters| filters << Amrita2::Filters::MacroFilter[Amazon] end data = { :book=>{ :isbn=>'4798013951', :title=>'Ruby on Rails for dummies' } } #t.set_trace(STDOUT) t.test_with(data) do |result| result.should_be_samexml_as <<-END <div> <a href="">Ruby on Rails for dummies</a> </div> END end end end context "Macro with erb" do class Formula < Amrita2::Macro::Base include Amrita2 TemplateText = <<-END <span macro:src = "formula"> <span macro:skipif="$_[:op] != '+'"> <span macro:filter="NVar[:name, :term1, :term2]" target_src="$1"> <%%= $_[:$2] %%> + <%%= $_[:$3] %%> = <%%= $_[:$2].to_i + $_[:$3].to_i %%> </span> </span> <span macro:skipif="$_[:op] != '-'"> <span macro:filter="NVar[:name, :term1, :term2]" target_src="$1"> <%%= $_[:$2] %%> - <%%= $_[:$3] %%> = <%%= $_[:$2].to_i - $_[:$3].to_i %%> </span> </span> </span> END Option = { :tag => :formula, :use_tag => true } end specify " " do text = <<-END <formula name="plus" op="+" term1="term1" term2="term2"/>/ <formula name="minus" op="-" term1="num1" term2="num2"/> END t =,:inline_ruby) do |e, name, filters| filters << Amrita2::Filters::MacroFilter[Formula] end # # after macro expansion # <span target_src='plus'> # <%%= $_[:term1] %> + <%%= $_[:term2] %> = <%%= $_[:term1].to_i + $_[:term2].to_i %> # </span> # <span target_src='minus'> # <%%= $_[:num1] %> - <%%= $_[:num2] %> = <%%= $_[:num1].to_i - $_[:num2].to_i %> # </span> # data = { :plus => { :term1 => 10, :term2 => 20, }, :minus => { :num1 => 30, :num2 => 5 } } #t.set_trace(STDOUT) t.test_with(data) do |result| r = result.gsub(/[\s\n]*/, "") r.should == '10+20=30/30-5=25' end end end context "Macro producing erb" do class ErbTest < Amrita2::Macro::Base include Amrita2 TemplateText = <<-'END' <div> <% var_defined_in_erb_of_macro = value_of_macro_ref.to_i * 10 %> <img macro:filter="NVar[:host, :var_defined_in_erb_of_macro]" src="http://$1/img$2.png" /> <%% var_defined_in_erb_of_template = value_of_model.to_i * 10 %> <img macro:filter="NVar[:host]" target_filter="NVar[:var_defined_in_erb_of_template]" src="http://$$$1.png" /> <%% var_generated_with_macro_and_model_value = "#{ value_of_model + <%= value_of_macro_ref %>}" %> <img macro:filter="NVar[:host]" target_filter="NVar[:var_generated_with_macro_and_model_value]" src="http://$1/img$$1.png" /> </div> END Option = { :tag => :erbtest } def preprocess_element(mt, element) host = element.attributes["host"] value_of_macro_ref = element.attributes["value_of_macro_ref"] mt.render_with(binding) end end specify " " do text = <<-END <erbtest host="" value_of_macro_ref="10" /> END #<div> # <img src=''/> # # <![CDATA[<% var_defined_in_erb_of_template = value_of_model.to_i * 10 %>]]> # <img am:filter='NVar[:var_defined_in_erb_of_template]' src='$1.png'/> # # <![CDATA[<% var_generated_with_macro_and_model_value = "#{ value_of_model + 10}" %>]]> # <img am:filter='NVar[:var_generated_with_macro_and_model_value]' src='$1.png'/> # #</div> t =,:inline_ruby) do |e, name, filters| filters << Amrita2::Filters::MacroFilter[ErbTest] end value_of_model = 5 #t.set_trace(STDOUT) t.test_with(binding) do |result| result.should_be_samexml_as <<-END <div> <img src = "" /> <img src=''/> <img src=''/> </div> END end end end context "Table" do class Table < Amrita2::Macro::Base include Amrita2 TemplateText = <<-END <table> <tr><th macro:src='header'/></tr> <tr target_src='detail'> <td macro:src="column|Attr[:target_src=>'column_id']"> <span macro:src="contents" /> </td> </tr> </table> END Option = { :tag => "m:table" } def preprocess_element(mt, element) cols ="column").collect do |e| e.as_amrita_dictionary(:use_contents=>:contents) end headers = cols.collect do |d| d[:header] end data = { :header => headers, :column => cols, } #p data #mt.set_trace(STDOUT) mt.render_with(data) end end specify " " do text = <<-END <m:table> <column header='AAA' column_id='aaa' /> <column header='BBB' column_id='bbb'> <a am:filter="NVar[:url, :title]" href="$1">$2</a> </column> </m:table> END t = t.add_macro( #<table> # <tr><th>AAA</th><th>BBB</th></tr> # <tr am:src='detail'> # <td am:src='aaa'> # </td> # <td am:src='bbb'> # <a am:filter='NVar[:url, :title]' href='$1'>$2</a> # </td> # </tr> #</table> data = { :detail => [ { :aaa=>'a1', :bbb=>{ :url=>'url1', :title=>'b1'} }, { :aaa=>'a2', :bbb=>{ :url=>'url2', :title=>'b2'} }, { :aaa=>'a3', :bbb=>{ :url=>'url3', :title=>'b3'} }, ] } t.test_with(data) do |result| result.should_be_samexml_as <<-END <table> <tr><th>AAA</th><th>BBB</th></tr> <tr> <td>a1</td><td> <a href='url1'>b1</a> </td> </tr><tr> <td>a2</td><td> <a href='url2'>b2</a> </td> </tr><tr> <td>a3</td><td> <a href='url3'>b3</a> </td> </tr> </table> END end end end context "Table and Amazon" do specify " " do text = <<-END <m:table> <column header='No' column_id='no' /> <column header='Title'> <book isbn="isbn" content="title" /> </column> </m:table> END t = t.add_macro( t.add_macro( #<table> # <tr><th>No</th><th>Title</th></tr> # <tr am:src='detail'> # <td am:src='no'/> # <td> # <a href='$1/' am:src='book|NVar[:isbn, :title]'>$2</a> # </td> # </tr> #</table> data = { :detail => [ { :no=>'1', :book=>{ :isbn=>'isbn1', :title=>'b1'} }, { :no=>'2', :book=>{ :isbn=>'isbn2', :title=>'b2'} }, { :no=>'3', :book=>{ :isbn=>'isbn3', :title=>'b3'} }, ] } t.test_with(data) do |result| #IO.popen("w3m -T text/html", "w") { |f| f.puts result} result.should_be_samexml_as <<-END <table> <tr><th>No</th><th>Title</th></tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a href=''>b1</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a href=''>b2</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a href=''>b3</a> </td> </tr> </table> END end end end context "Two columns" do # taken from LoginEngine class TwoColumn < Amrita2::Macro::Base include Amrita2 ElementName = "twocolumn" TemplateText = <<-END <table target_src="table|AcceptData[true]"> <span macro:src="rows" > <tr macro:filter="Attr[:class=>:tr_class]"> <td macro:filter="Attr[:class=>:prompt_class]"><label macro:src="title" /></td> <td macro:filter="Attr[:class=>:value_class, :body=>:contents]" /> </tr><br /> </span> </table> END Option = { :tag => :twocolumn } def preprocess_element(mt, element) table = element.as_amrita_dictionary rows ="row").collect do |c| h = c.as_amrita_dictionary(:use_contents=>:contents) h[:tr_class] = table[:tr_class] || "two_columns" h[:prompt_class] = table[:prompt_class] || "prompt" h[:value_class] = table[:value_class] || "value" h end mt.render_with(binding) end end specify " " do text = <<-END <twocolumn tr_class="two_columns" prompt_class="prompt" value_class="value"> <row title="Login ID:"><input name="user[login]" size="30" type="text" /></row> <row title="Password:"><input name="user[password]" size="30" type="password" value="" /></row> </twocolumn> END text = <<-END <twocolumn> <row title="Login ID:"><input name="user[login]" size="30" type="text" /></row> <row title="Password:"><input name="user[password]" size="30" type="password" value="" /></row> </twocolumn> END t = t.add_macro(TwoColumn) t.test_with(:table=>true) do |result| result.should_be_samexml_as <<-END <table> <tr class="two_columns"> <td class="prompt"><label>Login ID:</label></td> <td class="value"><input name="user[login]" size="30" type="text" /></td> </tr> <br /> <tr class="two_columns"> <td class="prompt"><label>Password:</label></td> <td class="value"><input name="user[password]" size="30" type="password" value="" /></td> </tr> <br /> </table> END end end end