Compass Colors ============== This compass extension provides support for working with colors in Sass and generating color themes for use on your website. Installing ========== sudo gem install chriseppstein-compass-colors To install a theme into your existing compass project, add the following to your compass configuration file: require 'compass-colors' Then run this command: compass -f colors -p The _theme.sass partial can then be imported into your stylesheets and the color constants can be used. @import theme.sass Supported Color Themes ====================== With all of these themes, you must pick a base color and the theme takes it from there: * Basic/Monochromatic (basic) * Complementary (complementary) * Triadic (triadic) * Split Complementary (split_complement) * Analogous (analogous) Sass Functions Provided ======================= * `lighten(color, percentage)` - Create a color lighter by the percent amount provided. * `darken(color, percentage)` - Create a color darker by the percent amount provided. * `saturate(color, percentage)` - Increase the saturation of a color by the percent amount provided. * `desaturate(color, percentage)` - Decrease the saturation of a color by the percent amount provided. * `hue(color)` - Extract the hue from the color in degrees (0-360). Suitable to be passed as the first argument of hsl. * `saturation(color)` - Extract the saturation from the color in percent (0-100). Suitable to be passed as the second argument of hsl. * `luminosity(color)` - Extract the luminosity from the color in percent (0-100). Suitable to be passed as the third argument of hsl. * `mix(color1, color2, percentage)` - Create a new color by mixing two colors together. Percentage (0-100) is optional, and indicates how much of color2 should be mixed into color1. * `grayscale(color)` - Create a gray color by mapping the color provided to the grayscale. * `adjust_hue(color, degrees)` - Add the number of degrees provided to the hue of the color keeping luminosity and saturation constant. Degrees can be negative. * `complement(color)` - Returns the compliment of the color provided.