class ZabbixApi
  class Usergroups < Basic
    # The method name used for interacting with Usergroups via Zabbix API
    # @return [String]
    def method_name

    # The key field name used for Usergroup objects via Zabbix API
    # @return [String]
    def key

    # The id field name used for identifying specific Usergroup objects via Zabbix API
    # @return [String]
    def identify

    # Set permissions for usergroup using Zabbix API
    # @param data [Hash] Needs to include usrgrpids and hostgroupids along with permissions to set
    # @raise [ApiError] Error returned when there is a problem with the Zabbix API call.
    # @raise [HttpError] Error raised when HTTP status from Zabbix Server response is not a 200 OK.
    # @return [Integer] Zabbix object id (usergroup)
    def permissions(data)
      permission = data[:permission] || 2
      result = @client.api_request(
        method: 'usergroup.update',
        params: {
          usrgrpid: data[:usrgrpid],
          rights: data[:hostgroupids].map { |t| { permission: permission, id: t } }
      result ? result['usrgrpids'][0].to_i : nil

    # Add users to usergroup using Zabbix API
    # @deprecated Zabbix has removed massAdd in favor of update.
    # @param data [Hash] Needs to include userids and usrgrpids to mass add users to groups
    # @raise [ApiError] Error returned when there is a problem with the Zabbix API call.
    # @raise [HttpError] Error raised when HTTP status from Zabbix Server response is not a 200 OK.
    # @return [Integer] Zabbix object id (usergroup)
    def add_user(data)

    # Update users in usergroups using Zabbix API
    # @param data [Hash] Needs to include userids and usrgrpids to mass update users in groups
    # @raise [ApiError] Error returned when there is a problem with the Zabbix API call.
    # @raise [HttpError] Error raised when HTTP status from Zabbix Server response is not a 200 OK.
    # @return [Integer] Zabbix object id (usergroup)
    def update_users(data)
      user_groups = data[:usrgrpids].map do |t|
          usrgrpid: t,
          userids: data[:userids],
      result = @client.api_request(
        method: 'usergroup.update',
        params: user_groups,
      result ? result['usrgrpids'][0].to_i : nil