= {project-name} Marat Radchenko :project-name: Asciidoctor FB2 :project-handle: asciidoctor-fb2 :slug: asciidoctor/{project-handle} :uri-project: https://github.com/{slug} :uri-ci: {uri-project}/actions?query=branch%3Amaster :uri-gem: https://rubygems.org/gems/{project-handle} image:https://img.shields.io/badge/zulip-join_chat-brightgreen.svg[project chat,link=https://asciidoctor.zulipchat.com/] image:https://img.shields.io/gem/v/{project-handle}.svg[Latest Release,link={uri-gem}] image:{uri-project}/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master[Build Status,link={uri-ci}] {project-name} is an Asciidoctor extension for converting AsciiDoc documents directly to the FB2 e-book format. == Installation {project-name} is published on RubyGems.org. You can install the published gem using the following command: [source,shell script] ---- $ gem install asciidoctor-fb2 ---- Assuming all the required gems install properly, verify you can run the `{project-handle}` script: [source,shell script] ---- $ asciidoctor-fb2 -v ---- If you see the version of {project-name} printed, you're ready to use {project-name}. == Usage Converting an AsciiDoc document to FB2 is as simple as passing your document to the `{project-handle}` command. This command should be available on your PATH if you installed the `{project-handle}` gem. Otherwise, you can find the command in the [path]_bin_ folder of the project. We also recommend specifying an output directory using the `-D` option flag. [source,shell script] ---- $ asciidoctor-fb2 -D output path/to/book.adoc ---- When the script completes, you'll see the file [file]_book.fb2.zip_ appear in the [path]_output_ directory. Open that file with an FB2 reader to view the result. == FB2-related AsciiDoc Attributes The metadata in the generated FB2 file is populated from attributes in the AsciiDoc document. The names of the attributes and the metadata elements to which they map are documented in this section. .AsciiDoc attributes that control the FB2 metadata [cols="1m,3"] |=== |Name |Description |uuid |Populates unique book identifier in FB2 metadata. |lang |Populates the content language in FB2 metadata. |keywords |Populates keywords list in FB2 metadata. The keywords should be represented as comma-separated values (CSV). |genres |Populates genres list in FB2 metadata. The genres should be represented as comma-separated values (CSV). |front-cover-image |Specifies path to front cover image. |=== == Development After checking out the repo, run `bundle install` to install dependencies. Then, run `bundle exec rake spec` to run the tests.