# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # Author:: Fletcher Nichol () # # Copyright (C) 2012, Fletcher Nichol # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'benchmark' require 'erb' require 'ostruct' require 'thor' require 'kitchen' require 'kitchen/generator/driver_create' require 'kitchen/generator/init' module Kitchen # The command line runner for Kitchen. # # @author Fletcher Nichol class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions include Logging # Constructs a new instance. def initialize(*args) super $stdout.sync = true Kitchen.logger = Kitchen.default_file_logger @config = Kitchen::Config.new( :loader => Kitchen::Loader::YAML.new(ENV['KITCHEN_YAML']), :log_level => ENV['KITCHEN_LOG'] && ENV['KITCHEN_LOG'].downcase.to_sym, :supervised => false ) end desc "list [(all|)]", "List all instances" method_option :bare, :aliases => "-b", :type => :boolean, :desc => "List the name of each instance only, one per line" def list(*args) result = parse_subcommand(args.first) if options[:bare] say Array(result).map { |i| i.name }.join("\n") else table = [ [set_color("Instance", :green), set_color("Last Action", :green)] ] table += Array(result).map { |i| display_instance(i) } print_table(table) end end [:create, :converge, :setup, :verify, :destroy].each do |action| desc( "#{action} [(all|)] [opts]", "#{action.capitalize} one or more instances" ) method_option :parallel, :aliases => "-p", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Perform action against all matching instances in parallel" method_option :log_level, :aliases => "-l", :desc => "Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)" define_method(action) { |*args| exec_action(action) } end desc "test [all|)] [opts]", "Test one or more instances" long_desc <<-DESC Test one or more instances There are 3 post-verify modes for instance cleanup, triggered with the `--destroy' flag: * passing: instances passing verify will be destroyed afterwards.\n * always: instances will always be destroyed afterwards.\n * never: instances will never be destroyed afterwards. DESC method_option :parallel, :aliases => "-p", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Perform action against all matching instances in parallel" method_option :log_level, :aliases => "-l", :desc => "Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)" method_option :destroy, :aliases => "-d", :default => "passing", :desc => "Destroy strategy to use after testing (passing, always, never)." method_option :auto_init, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Invoke init command if .kitchen.yml is missing" def test(*args) if ! %w{passing always never}.include?(options[:destroy]) raise ArgumentError, "Destroy mode must be passing, always, or never." end update_config! banner "Starting Kitchen (v#{Kitchen::VERSION})" elapsed = Benchmark.measure do ensure_initialized destroy_mode = options[:destroy].to_sym @task = :test results = parse_subcommand(args.first) if options[:parallel] run_parallel(results, destroy_mode) else run_serial(results, destroy_mode) end end banner "Kitchen is finished. #{Util.duration(elapsed.real)}" end desc "login (['REGEX']|[INSTANCE])", "Log in to one instance" method_option :log_level, :aliases => "-l", :desc => "Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)" def login(regexp) update_config! results = get_filtered_instances(regexp) if results.size > 1 die task, "Argument `#{regexp}' returned multiple results:\n" + results.map { |i| " * #{i.name}" }.join("\n") end instance = results.pop instance.login end desc "version", "Print Kitchen's version information" def version say "Test Kitchen version #{Kitchen::VERSION}" end map %w(-v --version) => :version desc "sink", "Show the Kitchen sink!", :hide => true def sink say [ "", " ___ ", " ' _ '. ", " / /` `\\ \\ ", " | | [__] ", " | | {{ ", " | | }} ", " _ | | _ {{ ", " ___________<_>_| |_<_>}}________ ", " .=======^=(___)=^={{====. ", " / .----------------}}---. \\ ", " / / {{ \\ \\ ", " / / }} \\ \\ ", " ( '=========================' ) ", " '-----------------------------' ", " ", # necessary newline "" ].map(&:rstrip).join("\n") end desc "console", "Kitchen Console!" def console require 'pry' Pry.start(@config, :prompt => pry_prompts) rescue LoadError => e warn %{Make sure you have the pry gem installed. You can install it with:} warn %{`gem install pry` or including 'gem "pry"' in your Gemfile.} exit 1 end register Kitchen::Generator::Init, "init", "init", "Adds some configuration to your cookbook so Kitchen can rock" long_desc <<-D, :for => "init" Init will add Test Kitchen support to an existing project for convergence integration testing. A default .kitchen.yml file (which is intended to be customized) is created in the project's root directory and one or more gems will be added to the project's Gemfile. D tasks["init"].options = Kitchen::Generator::Init.class_options # Thor class for kitchen driver commands. # # @author Fletcher Nichol class Driver < Thor register Kitchen::Generator::DriverCreate, "create", "create [NAME]", "Create a new Kitchen Driver gem project" long_desc <<-D, :for => "create" Create will generate a project scaffold for a brand new Test Kitchen Driver RubyGem. For example: > kitchen driver create foobar will create a project scaffold for a RubyGem called `kitchen-foobar'. D tasks["create"].options = Kitchen::Generator::DriverCreate.class_options desc "discover", "Discover Test Kitchen drivers published on RubyGems" long_desc <<-D Discover will perform a search aginst the RubyGems service for any published gems of the form: "kitchen-*". Note that it it cannot be guarenteed that every result is a driver, but chances are good most relevant drivers will be returned. D def discover specs = fetch_gem_specs.sort { |x, y| x[0] <=> y[0] } specs = specs[0, 49].push(["...", "..."]) if specs.size > 49 specs = specs.unshift(["Gem Name", "Latest Stable Release"]) print_table(specs, :indent => 4) end def self.basename super + " driver" end private def fetch_gem_specs require 'rubygems/spec_fetcher' SafeYAML::OPTIONS[:suppress_warnings] = true req = Gem::Requirement.default dep = Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do Gem::Dependency.new(/kitchen-/i, req) end fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher specs = if fetcher.respond_to?(:find_matching) fetch_gem_specs_pre_rubygems_2(fetcher, dep) else fetch_gem_specs_post_rubygems_2(fetcher, dep) end end def fetch_gem_specs_pre_rubygems_2(fetcher, dep) specs = fetcher.find_matching(dep, false, false, false) specs.map { |t| t.first }.map { |t| t[0, 2] } end def fetch_gem_specs_post_rubygems_2(fetcher, dep) specs = fetcher.spec_for_dependency(dep, false) specs.first.map { |t| [t.first.name, t.first.version] } end end register Kitchen::CLI::Driver, "driver", "driver", "Driver subcommands" no_tasks do def invoke_task(command, *args) if command.name == "help" && args.first.first == "driver" Kitchen::CLI::Driver.task_help(shell, args.first.last) else super end end alias_method :invoke_command, :invoke_task end private attr_reader :task def logger Kitchen.logger end def exec_action(action) update_config! banner "Starting Kitchen (v#{Kitchen::VERSION})" elapsed = Benchmark.measure do @task = action results = parse_subcommand(args.first) options[:parallel] ? run_parallel(results) : run_serial(results) end banner "Kitchen is finished. #{Util.duration(elapsed.real)}" end def run_serial(instances, *args) Array(instances).map { |i| i.public_send(task, *args) } end def run_parallel(instances, *args) futures = Array(instances).map { |i| i.future.public_send(task, *args) } futures.map { |i| i.value } end def parse_subcommand(arg = nil) arg == "all" ? get_all_instances : get_filtered_instances(arg) end def get_all_instances result = if options[:parallel] @config.instance_actors else @config.instances end if result.empty? die task, "No instances defined" else result end end def get_filtered_instances(regexp) result = if options[:parallel] @config.instance_actors(/#{regexp}/) else @config.instances.get_all(/#{regexp}/) end if result.empty? die task, "No instances for regex `#{regexp}', try running `kitchen list'" else result end end def display_instance(instance) action = case instance.last_action when 'create' then set_color("Created", :cyan) when 'converge' then set_color("Converged", :magenta) when 'setup' then set_color("Set Up", :blue) when 'verify' then set_color("Verified", :yellow) when nil then set_color("", :red) else set_color("", :white) end [set_color(instance.name, :on_black), action] end def update_config! if options[:log_level] level = options[:log_level].downcase.to_sym @config.log_level = level Kitchen.logger.level = Util.to_logger_level(level) end end def die(task, msg) error "\n#{msg}\n\n" help(task) exit 1 end def ensure_initialized yaml = ENV['KITCHEN_YAML'] || '.kitchen.yml' if options[:auto_init] && ! File.exists?(yaml) banner "Invoking init as '#{yaml}' file is missing" invoke "init" end end def pry_prompts [ proc { |target_self, nest_level, pry| ["[#{pry.input_array.size}] ", "kc(#{Pry.view_clip(target_self.class)})", "#{":#{nest_level}" unless nest_level.zero?}> " ].join }, proc { |target_self, nest_level, pry| ["[#{pry.input_array.size}] ", "kc(#{Pry.view_clip(target_self.class)})", "#{":#{nest_level}" unless nest_level.zero?}* " ].join }, ] end end end