# coding: utf-8 require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../spec_helper" describe Bonsai::Page do it "should respond to all" do Bonsai::Page.should respond_to :all end it "should contain pages" do Bonsai::Page.all.first.should be_an_instance_of(Bonsai::Page) end describe "instance" do before :all do @page = Bonsai::Page.find("about-us/history/") end it "should have a slug" do @page.slug.should == "history" end it "should have a name" do @page.name.should == "History" end it "should have a permalink" do @page.permalink.should == "/about-us/history/" end it "should have a ctime" do @page.should respond_to :ctime @page.ctime.should be_an_instance_of(Time) end it "should have an mtime" do @page.should respond_to :mtime @page.mtime.should be_an_instance_of(Time) end it "should remove numbers over 10 from the permalink" do Bonsai::Page.find("many-pages").permalink.should == "/many-pages/" end it "should have a write_path" do @page.write_path.should == "/about-us/history/index.html" end it "should respond to disk path" do @page.disk_path.should == "#{Bonsai.root_dir}/content/1.about-us/history/demo-template.yml" end describe "assets" do it "should have assets" do @page.assets.should be_an_instance_of(Array) @page.assets.length.should == 6 end it "should have the correct name" do @page.assets.first[:name].should == "001" end it "should have the correct path" do @page.assets.first[:path].should == "/about-us/history/001.jpg" end it "should have the correct disk_path" do @page.assets.first[:disk_path].should == "/Users/ben/Documents/Projects/bonsai/spec/support/content/1.about-us/history/001.jpg" end it "should titleize the name attribute and remove the file extension" do @page.assets[2][:name].should == "A File Asset" end describe "disk_assets" do before :all do @page = Bonsai::Page.find("about-us/contact") end it "should have magic" do @page.to_hash.should have_key(:magic) end it "should have assets" do @page.to_hash[:magic][:files].should be_an_instance_of(Array) @page.to_hash[:magic][:files].should_not be_empty end it "it should be a an array of hashes" do @page.to_hash[:magic][:files].should be_an_instance_of(Array) @page.to_hash[:magic][:files].first.should be_an_instance_of(Hash) @page.to_hash[:magic][:files].size.should == 2 end it "should have children" do @page.to_hash[:magic][:children].should_not be_empty end describe "children (pages)" do it "should represent the children as pages" do @page.to_hash[:magic][:children].first.should be_an_instance_of(Bonsai::Page) end it "should contain a single child" do @page.to_hash[:magic][:children].size.should == 1 end %w(slug permalink name page_title children siblings parent ancestors navigation updated_at created_at).each do |key| it "should have a to_hash key for #{key}" do @page.to_hash[:magic][:children].first.to_hash.keys.should include(key.to_sym) end end end end end it "should be equal" do Bonsai::Page.find("about-us").should == Bonsai::Page.find("about-us") end describe "relationships" do before :all do @index = Bonsai::Page.find("index") @about = Bonsai::Page.find("about-us") @history = Bonsai::Page.find("about-us/history") @contact = Bonsai::Page.find("about-us/contact") @child = Bonsai::Page.find("about-us/history/child") end it "should have siblings" do @history.siblings.should be_an_instance_of(Array) @history.siblings.size.should == 1 @history.siblings.should include(@contact) @history.siblings.should_not include(@history) end it "should have a parent" do @history.parent.should == @about end it "should not have a parent" do @about.parent.should == nil end it "should not have a parent for index" do @index.parent.should == nil end it "should have children" do @about.children.should be_an_instance_of(Array) @about.children.size.should == 1 @about.children.should include(@contact) end it "should not have floating pages in the children array" do @about.children.should_not include(@history) end it "should have ancestors" do @child.ancestors.should be_an_instance_of(Array) @child.ancestors.size.should == 2 @child.ancestors.should include(@history) @child.ancestors.should include(@about) end it "should have the ancestors in a top down order" do @child.ancestors.first.should == @about @child.ancestors.last.should == @history end it "index should be a floating page" do @index.floating?.should be_true end it "about should not be a floating page" do @about.floating?.should be_false end end it "should have a template" do @page.template.should be_an_instance_of(Bonsai::Template) end it "should to_hash to its variables" do @page.content[:page_title].should == "About our history" @page.content[:page_title].should_not be_nil end describe "render" do before :all do @output = Bonsai::Page.find("about-us/contact").render end it "should render" do @output.should_not be_nil end it "should replace mustache variables with properties from the content file" do @output.should == "Hello from our template, named Contact\n\nGet in touch\n\n/about-us/contact/images/image001.jpg\n/about-us/contact/child/\n/about-us/contact/magic/containing-a-page\n/about-us/contact/magic/image001.jpg\n/about-us/contact/magic/image002.jpg\nThis content should be inserted!\n\n

“A designer knows he has achieved perfection\nnot when there is nothing left to add,\nbut when there is nothing left to take away.”


– Antoine de Saint-Exupery

\n" end it "should write in images" do @output.should include "image001.jpg" end # Pages that use a structure yet have no parent page should still render describe "page without parent" do it "should render successfully" do lambda { Bonsai::Page.find("legals/terms-and-conditions").render }.should_not raise_error end end describe "markdown" do it "should not use markdown for single line content" do @output.should =~ /\nGet in touch\n/ end it "should use markdown for multiple line content" do @output.should =~ /

“A designer knows he/ end it "should use smartypants" do @output.should =~ /”/ end end end describe "to hash" do before :all do @page = Bonsai::Page.find("about-us/history") end it "should respond to to_hash" do @page.should respond_to(:to_hash) end %w(slug permalink name page_title children siblings parent ancestors magic navigation updated_at created_at).each do |key| it "should have a to_hash key for #{key}" do @page.to_hash.keys.should include(key.to_sym) end end it "should include global site variables from site.yml" do @page.to_hash[:site_name].should == "Bonsai" @page.to_hash[:url].should == "http://tinytree.info" @page.to_hash[:copyright].should == 2010 end end describe "broken page" do before :all do Bonsai::Page.path = "spec/support/broken/content" end after :all do Bonsai::Page.path = "spec/support/content" end it "should exist" do Bonsai::Page.find("page").should be_an_instance_of(Bonsai::Page) end it "should error gracefully" do lambda { Bonsai::Page.find("page").render }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end end