A simple yet flexible Rails gem/plugin to quickly add sortable table columns to your controller and views.
In your app’s Gemfile
, add:
gem "handles_sortable_columns"
To install the gem with RDoc/ri documentation, do a:
$ gem install handles_sortable_columns
Otherwise, do a bundle install
In your app’s config/environment.rb
config.gem "handles_sortable_columns"
To install the gem, do a:
$ gem sources --add http://rubygems.org
$ gem install handles_sortable_columns
, or use rake gems:install
Activate the feature in your controller class:
class MyController < ApplicationController
In a view, mark up sortable columns by using the sortable_column helper:
<%= sortable_column "Product" %>
<%= sortable_column "Price" %>
In controller action, fetch and use the order clause according to current state of sortable columns:
def index
order = sortable_column_order
@records = Article.order(order) # Rails 3.
@records = Article.all(:order => order) # Rails 2.
That’s it for basic usage. Production usage may require passing additional parameters to listed methods.
Please take time to read the gem’s full RDoc documentation. This README has a limited coverage.
Change names of GET parameters used for sorting and pagination:
class MyController < ApplicationController
handles_sortable_columns do |conf|
conf.sort_param = "s"
conf.page_param = "p"
Change CSS class of all sortable column <a>
handles_sortable_columns do |conf|
conf.class = "SortableLink"
conf.indicator_class = {:asc => "AscSortableLink", :desc => "DescSortableLink"}
Change how text-based sort indicator looks like:
handles_sortable_columns do |conf|
conf.indicator_text = {:asc => "[asc]", :desc => "[desc]"}
Disable text-based sort indicator completely:
handles_sortable_columns do |conf|
conf.indicator_text = {}
Explicitly specify column name:
<%= sortable_column "Highest Price", :column => "max_price" %>
Specify CSS class for this particular link:
<%= sortable_column "Name", :class => "SortableLink" %>
Specify sort direction on first click:
<%= sortable_column "Created At", :direction => :asc %>
To fetch sort order securely, with column name validation, default values and multiple sort criteria, use the block form of sortable_column_order
order = sortable_column_order do |column, direction|
case column
when "name"
"#{column} #{direction}"
when "created_at", "updated_at"
"#{column} #{direction}, name ASC"
"name ASC"
Send bug reports, suggestions and criticisms through project’s page on GitHub.