This class is capable of spawning Ruby on Rails application instances quickly. This is done by preloading the Ruby on Rails framework into memory, before spawning the application instances.

A single FrameworkSpawner instance can only hold a single Ruby on Rails framework version. So be careful when using FrameworkSpawner: the applications that you spawn through it must require the same RoR version. To handle multiple RoR versions, use multiple FrameworkSpawner instances.

FrameworkSpawner uses ApplicationSpawner internally.

Note: FrameworkSpawner may only be started asynchronously with AbstractServer#start. Starting it synchronously with AbstractServer#start_synchronously has not been tested.

Included Modules
Classes and Modules
Class PhusionPassenger::Railz::FrameworkSpawner::Error
Public Class methods
new(options = {})

Creates a new instance of FrameworkSpawner.

Valid options are:

  • :version: The Ruby on Rails version to use. It is not checked whether this version is actually installed.
  • :vendor: The directory to the vendor Rails framework to use. This is usually something like "/webapps/foo/vendor/rails".
  • :print_framework_loading_exceptions: Whether exceptions that have occurred while loading the Ruby on Rails framework should be printed to STDERR. The default is true.

It is not allowed to specify both version and vendor.

All other options will be passed on to ApplicationSpawner and RequestHandler.

Note that the specified Rails framework will be loaded during the entire life time of the FrameworkSpawner server. If you wish to reload the Rails framework‘s code, then restart the server by calling AbstractServer#stop and AbstractServer#start.

    # File lib/phusion_passenger/railz/framework_spawner.rb, line 72
72:         def initialize(options = {})
73:                 if !options.respond_to?('[]''[]')
74:                         raise ArgumentError, "The 'options' argument not seem to be an options hash"
75:                 end
76:                 @version = options[:version]
77:                 @vendor  = options[:vendor]
78:                 if options.has_key?(:print_framework_loading_exceptions)
79:                         @print_framework_loading_exceptions = options[:print_framework_loading_exceptions]
80:                 else
81:                         @print_framework_loading_exceptions = true
82:                 end
83:                 if !@version && !@vendor
84:                         raise ArgumentError, "Either the 'version' or the 'vendor' option must specified"
85:                 elsif @version && @vendor
86:                         raise ArgumentError, "It is not allowed to specify both the 'version' and the 'vendor' options"
87:                 end
89:                 super()
90:                 self.max_idle_time = DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_SPAWNER_MAX_IDLE_TIME
91:                 define_message_handler(:spawn_application, :handle_spawn_application)
92:                 define_message_handler(:reload, :handle_reload)
93:         end
Public Instance methods
reload(app_root = nil)

Remove the cached application instances at the given application root. If nil is specified as application root, then all cached application instances will be removed, no matter the application root.

Long description: Application code might be cached in memory by a FrameworkSpawner. But once it a while, it will be necessary to reload the code for an application, such as after deploying a new version of the application. This method makes sure that any cached application code is removed, so that the next time an application instance is spawned, the application code will be freshly loaded into memory.


     # File lib/phusion_passenger/railz/framework_spawner.rb, line 204
204:         def reload(app_root = nil)
205:                 if app_root.nil?
206:                         server.write("reload")
207:                 else
208:                         server.write("reload", app_root)
209:                 end
210:         rescue SystemCallError, IOError, SocketError
211:                 raise Error, "The framework spawner server exited unexpectedly"
212:         end
spawn_application(app_root, options = {})

Spawn a RoR application using the Ruby on Rails framework version associated with this FrameworkSpawner. When successful, an Application object will be returned, which represents the spawned RoR application.

All options accepted by and are accepted.

FrameworkSpawner will internally cache the code of applications, in order to speed up future spawning attempts. This implies that, if you‘ve changed the application‘s code, you must do one of these things:


     # File lib/phusion_passenger/railz/framework_spawner.rb, line 150
150:         def spawn_application(app_root, options = {})
151:                 assert_valid_app_root(app_root)
152:                 options = sanitize_spawn_options(options)
153:                 options["app_root"] = app_root
154:                 # No need for the ApplicationSpawner to print exceptions. All
155:                 # exceptions raised by the ApplicationSpawner are sent back here,
156:                 # so we just need to decide here whether we want to print it.
157:                 print_exceptions = options["print_exceptions"]
158:                 options["print_exceptions"] = false
160:                 begin
161:                         server.write("spawn_application", *options.to_a.flatten)
162:                         result =
163:                         if result.nil?
164:                                 raise IOError, "Connection closed"
165:                         end
166:                         if result[0] == 'exception'
167:                                 e = unmarshal_exception(server.read_scalar)
168:                                 if print_exceptions && e.respond_to?(:child_exception) && e.child_exception
169:                                         print_exception(self.class.to_s, e.child_exception)
170:                                 elsif print_exceptions
171:                                         print_exception(self.class.to_s, e)
172:                                 end
173:                                 raise e
174:                         else
175:                                 pid, listen_socket_name, socket_type =
176:                                 if pid.nil?
177:                                         raise IOError, "Connection closed"
178:                                 end
179:                                 owner_pipe = server.recv_io
180:                                 return, pid, listen_socket_name,
181:                                         socket_type, owner_pipe)
182:                         end
183:                 rescue SystemCallError, IOError, SocketError => e
184:                         raise Error, "The framework spawner server exited unexpectedly"
185:                 end
186:         end

Overrided from AbstractServer#start.

May raise these additional exceptions:

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/railz/framework_spawner.rb, line 100
100:         def start
101:                 super
102:                 begin
103:                         result =
104:                         if result.nil?
105:                                 raise Error, "The framework spawner server exited unexpectedly."
106:                         else
107:                                 status = result[0]
108:                         end
109:                         if status == 'exception'
110:                                 child_exception = unmarshal_exception(server.read_scalar)
111:                                 stop
112:                                 if @version
113:                                         message = "Could not load Ruby on Rails framework version #{@version}: " <<
114:                                                 "#{child_exception.class} (#{child_exception.message})"
115:                                 else
116:                                         message = "Could not load Ruby on Rails framework at '#{@vendor}': " <<
117:                                                 "#{child_exception.class} (#{child_exception.message})"
118:                                 end
119:                                 options = { :vendor => @vendor, :version => @version }
120:                                 if @print_framework_loading_exceptions
121:                                         print_exception(self.class.to_s, child_exception)
122:                                 end
123:                                 raise, child_exception, options)
124:                         end
125:                 rescue IOError, SystemCallError, SocketError
126:                         stop
127:                         raise Error, "The framework spawner server exited unexpectedly"
128:                 end
129:         end