# encoding: ascii-8bit # Copyright 2014 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with # attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt require 'cosmos' require 'cosmos/script' require 'cosmos/gui/qt' require 'cosmos/gui/text/completion_text_edit' module Cosmos class RubyEditor < CompletionTextEdit # private slot used to connect to the blockCountChanged signal slots 'line_count_changed(int)' # private slot used to connect to the updateRequest signal slots 'update_line_number_area(const QRect &, int)' signals 'breakpoint_set(int)' signals 'breakpoint_cleared(int)' signals 'breakpoints_cleared()' attr_accessor :enable_breakpoints attr_accessor :filename # This works but slows down the GUI significantly when # pasting a large (10k line) block of code into the editor class RubySyntax < Qt::SyntaxHighlighter # Ruby keywords - http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/keywords/1.9/ # Also include some common methods that are typically called by # themselves like puts, print, sleep RUBY_KEYWORDS = %w(BEGIN END __ENCODING__ __END__ __FILE__ __LINE__ \ alias and begin break case class def defined? do \ else elsif end ensure false for if in module \ next nil not or raise redo rescue retry return \ self super then true undef unless until when while yield \ puts print sleep) # common stand alone methods def self.create_format(color = Cosmos::BLACK, style='') color = Cosmos::getColor(color) brush = Cosmos::getBrush(color) format = Qt::TextCharFormat.new format.setForeground(brush) if style == 'bold' format.setFontWeight(Qt::Font::Bold) end if style == 'italic' format.setFontItalic(true) end format end # Syntax styles - refer to the ruby.properties in Scite STYLES = { 'normal' => create_format('black'), 'ruby_keyword' => create_format('darkBlue','bold'), 'cosmos_keyword' => create_format('blue','bold'), 'operator' => create_format('red'), 'brace' => create_format('black','bold'), 'class' => create_format('blue', 'bold'), 'method' => create_format(Cosmos::getColor(0, 127, 127), 'bold'), 'string' => create_format(Cosmos::getColor(127, 0, 127)), 'symbol' => create_format(Cosmos::getColor(192,160,48)), 'comment' => create_format('green'), } # Ruby braces BRACES = ['\{', '\}', '\(', '\)', '\[', '\]','\|'] RULES = [] RUBY_KEYWORDS.each do |w| RULES << ['\b'+w+'\b', 0, STYLES['ruby_keyword']] end Script.private_instance_methods.each do |w| RULES << ['\b'+w.to_s+'\b', 0, STYLES['cosmos_keyword']] end BRACES.each do |b| RULES << ["#{b}", 0, STYLES['brace']] end RULES.concat([ # 'def' followed by an identifier ['\bdef\b\s*(\w+)', 1, STYLES['method']], # 'class' followed by an identifier ['\bclass\b\s*(\w+)', 1, STYLES['class']], # Ruby symbol [':\b\w+', 0, STYLES['symbol']], # Ruby namespace operator ['\b\w+(::\b\w+)+', 0, STYLES['class']], # Ruby global ['\\$\b\w+', 0, STYLES['string']], # A single # or a # not followed by { to the end ['(#$|#[^{]).*', 0, STYLES['comment']], # Regex, possibly containing escape sequences ["/.*/", 0, STYLES['string']], # Double-quoted string, possibly containing escape sequences ['"([^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*"', 0, STYLES['string']], # Match interpolated strings "blah #{code} blah" ['(\#\\{)[^\\}]*\\}', 1, STYLES['brace']], ['\#\\{[^\\}]*(\\})', 1, STYLES['brace']], ['\#\\{([^\\}]*)\\}', 1, STYLES['normal']], # Single-quoted string, possibly containing escape sequences ["'[^'\\\\]*(\\.[^'\\\\]*)*'", 0, STYLES['string']], # Back-tick string, possibly containing escape sequences ["`[^`\\\\]*(\\.[^`\\\\]*)*`", 0, STYLES['string']], ]) # Build a QRegExp for each pattern RULES_INFO = [] RULES.each do |pat, index, fmt| RULES_INFO << [Qt::RegExp.new(pat, Qt::CaseSensitive, Qt::RegExp::RegExp2), index, fmt] end def highlightBlock(text) # Do other syntax formatting RULES_INFO.each do |expression, nth, format| index = expression.indexIn(text, 0) last_index = index last_length = -1 while index >= 0 # We actually want the index of the nth match index = expression.pos(nth) # Bail if the index goes negative because it means # we won't have a valid capture break if index < 0 length = expression.cap(nth).length() break if length <= 0 # Break if we're in an endless loop break if (last_index == index and last_length == length) last_length = length last_index = index self.setFormat(index, length, format) index = expression.indexIn(text, index + length) end end end end class LineNumberArea < Qt::Widget def initialize(editor) super(editor) @codeEditor = editor self end def paintEvent(event) @codeEditor.line_number_area_paint_event(event) end end CHAR_57 = Qt::Char.new(57) BREAKPOINT_SET = 1 BREAKPOINT_CLEAR = -1 def initialize(parent) super(parent) font = Cosmos.get_default_font setFont(font) @fontMetrics = Cosmos.getFontMetrics(font) # This is needed so text searching highlights correctly setStyleSheet("selection-background-color: lightblue; selection-color: black;") @breakpoints = [] @enable_breakpoints = false # RubySyntax works but slows down the GUI significantly when # pasting a large (10k line) block of code into the editor @syntax = RubySyntax.new(document()) @lineNumberArea = LineNumberArea.new(self) connect(self, SIGNAL('blockCountChanged(int)'), self, SLOT('line_count_changed(int)')) connect(self, SIGNAL('updateRequest(const QRect &, int)'), self, SLOT('update_line_number_area(const QRect &, int)')) line_count_changed(-1) end def dispose super() @syntax.dispose @lineNumberArea.dispose end def context_menu(point) menu = createStandardContextMenu() return menu unless @enable_breakpoints menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(create_add_breakpoint_action(point)) menu.addAction(create_clear_breakpoint_action(point)) menu.addAction(create_clear_all_breakpoints_action()) menu end def add_breakpoint(line) @breakpoints << line block = document.findBlockByNumber(line-1) block.setUserState(BREAKPOINT_SET) block.dispose block = nil @lineNumberArea.repaint end def clear_breakpoint(line) @breakpoints.delete(line) block = document.findBlockByNumber(line-1) block.setUserState(BREAKPOINT_CLEAR) block.dispose block = nil @lineNumberArea.repaint end def clear_breakpoints @breakpoints = [] block = document.firstBlock() while (block.isValid()) block.setUserState(BREAKPOINT_CLEAR) next_block = block.next() block.dispose block = next_block end block.dispose block = nil @lineNumberArea.repaint end def update_breakpoints return if @breakpoints.empty? breakpoints = [] block = document.firstBlock() while (block.isValid()) if block.userState() == BREAKPOINT_SET line = block.firstLineNumber() + 1 breakpoints << line end next_block = block.next() block.dispose block = next_block end block.dispose block = nil # Only emit signals if the breakpoints have changed. if @breakpoints.sort != breakpoints.sort emit breakpoints_cleared breakpoints.each {|line| emit breakpoint_set(line)} @breakpoints = breakpoints end end def comment_or_uncomment_lines cursor = textCursor no_selection = cursor.hasSelection ? false : true # Start the edit block so this can be all undone with a single undo step cursor.beginEditBlock selection_end = cursor.selectionEnd # Initially place the cursor at the beginning of the selection # If nothing is selected this will just put the cursor at the beginning # of the current line cursor.setPosition(textCursor.selectionStart) cursor.movePosition(Qt::TextCursor::StartOfLine) result = true while (cursor.position < selection_end && result == true) || (no_selection) # Check for a special comment if cursor.block.text =~ /^\S*#~/ cursor.deleteChar cursor.deleteChar # Since we deleted two spaces we need to move the end position by two selection_end -= 2 else cursor.insertText("#~") # Since we deleted two spaces we need to move the end position by two selection_end += 2 end # Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line cursor.movePosition(Qt::TextCursor::StartOfLine) result = cursor.movePosition(Qt::TextCursor::Down) # If nothing was selected then its a single line so break break if no_selection end cursor.endEditBlock end def resizeEvent(e) super(e) cr = self.contentsRect() rect = Qt::Rect.new(cr.left(), cr.top(), line_number_area_width(), cr.height()) @lineNumberArea.setGeometry(rect) cr.dispose rect.dispose end def line_number_area_paint_event(event) painter = Qt::Painter.new(@lineNumberArea) # Check for weird bad initialization conditions if painter.isActive and not painter.paintEngine.nil? event_rect = event.rect() painter.fillRect(event_rect, Qt::lightGray) block = firstVisibleBlock() blockNumber = block.blockNumber() top, bottom = block_top_and_bottom(block) width = @lineNumberArea.width() height = @fontMetrics.height() ellipse_width = @fontMetrics.width(CHAR_57) painter.setPen(Cosmos::BLACK) while (block.isValid() and top <= event_rect.bottom()) if (block.isVisible() and bottom >= event_rect.top()) number = blockNumber + 1 painter.drawText(0, # x top, # y width, # width height, # height Qt::AlignRight, # flags number.to_s) # text if @enable_breakpoints and block.userState() == BREAKPOINT_SET painter.setBrush(Cosmos::RED) painter.drawEllipse(2, top+2, ellipse_width, ellipse_width) end end next_block = block.next() block.dispose block = next_block top = bottom rect = blockBoundingRect(block) bottom = top + rect.height() rect.dispose blockNumber += 1 end block.dispose block = nil event_rect.dispose event_rect = nil end # Ensure the painter is disposed in the paint function to avoid this: # QPaintDevice: Cannot destroy paint device that is being painted painter.dispose painter = nil end private def line_count_changed(new_block_count) if new_block_count >= 0 update_breakpoints() end setViewportMargins(line_number_area_width(), 0, 0, 0) update end def update_line_number_area(rect, dy) if (dy) @lineNumberArea.scroll(0, dy) else @lineNumberArea.update(0, rect.y(), @lineNumberArea.width(), rect.height()) end my_viewport = viewport() viewport_rect = my_viewport.rect() line_count_changed(-1) if (rect.contains(viewport_rect)) viewport_rect.dispose end def line_number_area_width digits = 1 my_document = document() max = [1, my_document.blockCount()].max # Figure the line number power of ten to determine how much space we need while (max >= 10) max /= 10 digits += 1 end # We'll always display space for 5 digits so the line number area # isn't constantly expanding and contracting digits = 5 if digits < 5 digits += 1 # always allow room for a breakpoint symbol # Get the font width of the character 57 ('9') # times the number of digits to display return (3 + @fontMetrics.width(CHAR_57) * digits) end def line_at_point(point) line = point.y / @fontMetrics.height() + 1 + firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() yield line if line <= document.blockCount() end def create_add_breakpoint_action(point) add_breakpoint = Qt::Action.new(tr("Add Breakpoint"), self) add_breakpoint.statusTip = tr("Add a breakpoint at this line") add_breakpoint.connect(SIGNAL('triggered()')) do line_at_point(point) do |line| add_breakpoint(line) emit breakpoint_set(line) end end add_breakpoint end def create_clear_breakpoint_action(point) clear_breakpoint = Qt::Action.new(tr("Clear Breakpoint"), self) clear_breakpoint.statusTip = tr("Clear an existing breakpoint at this line") clear_breakpoint.connect(SIGNAL('triggered()')) do line_at_point(point) do |line| clear_breakpoint(line) emit breakpoint_cleared(line) end end clear_breakpoint end def create_clear_all_breakpoints_action clear_all_breakpoints = Qt::Action.new(tr("Clear All Breakpoints"), self) clear_all_breakpoints.statusTip = tr("Clear all existing breakpoints") clear_all_breakpoints.connect(SIGNAL('triggered()')) do clear_breakpoints emit breakpoints_cleared end clear_all_breakpoints end # Get the top and bottom coordinates of the block in viewport coordinates def block_top_and_bottom(block) # bounding rect of the text block in content coordinates rect = blockBoundingGeometry(block) offset = contentOffset() # content origin in viewport coordinates # translate the rect to get visual coordinates on the viewport rect2 = rect.translated(offset) top = rect2.top() # bounding rect in block coordinates rect3 = blockBoundingRect(block) bottom = top + rect3.height() # Now call the destructors and set to nil to allow garbage collection offset.dispose offset = nil rect.dispose rect = nil rect2.dispose rect2 = nil rect3.dispose rect3 = nil return top, bottom end end end # module Cosmos