Changelog === ## master ## 0.9.1 - fix configure method ## 0.9.0 - change nesting separator from `_` to `__` and use it consistently (also in sorting fields) - make separator configurable ## 0.8.0 - rename gem (dry-request_handler --> request_handler) - remove env based config for logger ## 0.7.1 - fix usage of struct to be unambiguous if dry-struct is used ## 0.7 - fix error message building - sort_params returns an array of SortOption structs now - general `headers` method for all headers (removes `authorization_headers` method) - sort and include options will use only the values from the request if they exist and the defaults if there are no values set in the request ## 0.6 - support for fieldsets ## 0.5 - `default_size` is now mandatory - `default_size` and `max_size` now must be Integers ## 0.4 fix error messages to also work with nested error messages ## 0.3 sort_params returns an array of dtos now ` "test", directions: :asc)` ## 0.2 version bump for publishing ## 0.1 Initial Gem