import React from 'react'; import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'; import { sprintf } from 'jed'; import helpers from '../../move_to_foreman/common/helpers'; import { notify } from '../../move_to_foreman/foreman_toast_notifications'; const getErrors = task => ( ); export const renderTaskStartedToast = (task) => { const message = ( {sprintf('Task %s has started.', task.humanized.action)} {' '} {__('Click here to go to the tasks page for the task.')} ); notify({ message: ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(message), type: 'info', }); }; export const renderTaskFinishedToast = (task) => { const message = ( {`${__(`Task ${task.humanized.action} completed with a result of ${task.result}.`)}`} {' '} {task.errors ? getErrors(task) : ''} {__('Click here to go to the tasks page for the task.')} ); notify({ message: ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(message), type: task.result, }); };