(* Test/exercise version: "1.1.0" *) open Core open OUnit2 open All_your_base let option_printer = function | None -> "None" | Some xs -> "Some [" ^ String.concat ~sep:";" (List.map xs ~f:Int.to_string) ^ "]" let ae exp got _test_ctxt = assert_equal exp got ~printer:option_printer let tests = [ "single bit one to decimal" >:: ae (Some [1]) (convert_bases ~from:2 ~digits:[1] ~target:10); "binary to single decimal" >:: ae (Some [5]) (convert_bases ~from:2 ~digits:[1; 0; 1] ~target:10); "single decimal to binary" >:: ae (Some [1; 0; 1]) (convert_bases ~from:10 ~digits:[5] ~target:2); "binary to multiple decimal" >:: ae (Some [4; 2]) (convert_bases ~from:2 ~digits:[1; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0] ~target:10); "decimal to binary" >:: ae (Some [1; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0]) (convert_bases ~from:10 ~digits:[4; 2] ~target:2); "trinary to hexadecimal" >:: ae (Some [2; 10]) (convert_bases ~from:3 ~digits:[1; 1; 2; 0] ~target:16); "hexadecimal to trinary" >:: ae (Some [1; 1; 2; 0]) (convert_bases ~from:16 ~digits:[2; 10] ~target:3); "15-bit integer" >:: ae (Some [6; 10; 45]) (convert_bases ~from:97 ~digits:[3; 46; 60] ~target:73); "empty list" >:: ae None (convert_bases ~from:2 ~digits:[] ~target:10); "single zero" >:: ae (Some [0]) (convert_bases ~from:10 ~digits:[0] ~target:2); "multiple zeros" >:: ae (Some [0]) (convert_bases ~from:10 ~digits:[0; 0; 0] ~target:2); "leading zeros" >:: ae (Some [4;2]) (convert_bases ~from:7 ~digits:[0; 6; 0] ~target:10); "first base is one" >:: ae None (convert_bases ~from:1 ~digits:[] ~target:10); "first base is zero" >:: ae None (convert_bases ~from:0 ~digits:[] ~target:10); "first base is negative" >:: ae None (convert_bases ~from:(-2) ~digits:[1] ~target:10); "negative digit" >:: ae None (convert_bases ~from:2 ~digits:[1; -1; 1; 0; 1; 0] ~target:10); "invalid positive digit" >:: ae None (convert_bases ~from:2 ~digits:[1; 2; 1; 0; 1; 0] ~target:10); "second base is one" >:: ae None (convert_bases ~from:2 ~digits:[1; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0] ~target:1); "second base is zero" >:: ae None (convert_bases ~from:10 ~digits:[7] ~target:0); "second base is negative" >:: ae None (convert_bases ~from:2 ~digits:[1] ~target:(-7)); "both bases are negative" >:: ae None (convert_bases ~from:(-2) ~digits:[1] ~target:(-7)); ] let () = run_test_tt_main ("all-your-bases tests" >::: tests)