module Flydata module Command class Setup < Base LOG_PATH_EXAMPLES= %w(/var/log/httpd/access_log /var/log/apache2/access.log /var/log/httpd-access.log /var/log/apache2/access_log /var/log/messages /var/log/maillog /var/log/mysql/error.log /home/*/deploy/shared/log/*.log) OTHER = '-- None of above --' # readline settings for asking log path Readline.completion_append_character = "/" Readline.completion_proc = do |str| Dir[str+'*'].grep( /^#{Regexp.escape(str)}/ ) end def run # login unless flydata.credentials.authenticated? begin path = choose_log_path_from_examples case path when OTHER; ask_log_path else; create_log_entry(path, ask_log_deletion) end newline end while more_entry? # start client process sender = sender.start end private def choose_log_path_from_examples candidates = (`ls #{LOG_PATH_EXAMPLES.join(' ')} 2>/dev/null`).split(/\s+/) candidates << OTHER choice = nil say('Please select your log path for sending FlyData') newline choose do |menu| menu.index = :letter menu.index_suffix = ") " menu.prompt = "Your log path: " menu.choices(*candidates) {|item| choice = item} end newline choice end def ask_log_path path = nil loop do path = Readline.readline("Enter the absolute path of your log (return to cancel): ") return if path.empty? break if FileTest.file?(path) and FileTest.readable?(path) say(" ! #{path} is not a readable file!") newline end create_log_entry(path, ask_log_deletion) end def ask_log_deletion say("** Log deletion setting **") say("Flydata has a log deletion feature that flydata will delete old log archives uploaded by flydata automatically.") say("Flydata will delete logs whose last modified timestamp is 7 days ago.") ask_yes_no("Set auto log deletion mode?") end def create_log_entry(path, log_deletion) data_port = flydata.data_port.get flydata.data_entry.create(data_port_id: data_port['id'], log_path: path, log_deletion: log_deletion) if log_deletion say("Process successfuly!") if flydata.response.code == 200 end def more_entry? ask_yes_no("Do you want to add more log path?") end end end end