# frozen_string_literal: false require 'spec_helper' describe USPSFlags::Generate do describe 'general features' do it 'should generate a flag with the correct size' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.svg('LtC', outfile: '')).to include( 'width="1024" height="682" viewBox="0 0 3072 2048"' ) end it 'should generate a flag with the correct field' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.svg('LtC', outfile: '')).to include( <<~SVG <path d="M 0 0 l 3072 0 l 0 2048 l -3072 0 l 0 -2048 " fill="#E4002B" /> SVG ) end it 'should generate a flag with the correct starting position' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.svg('LtC', outfile: '')).to include('<path d="M 1536 512') end it 'should generate a flag with the correct trident transformations' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.svg('LtC', outfile: '')).to include('<g transform="translate(-512)">') expect(USPSFlags::Generate.svg('LtC', outfile: '')).to include('<g transform="translate(512)">') end end describe 'officer flags' do [ 'PLTC', 'PC', 'PDLTC', 'PDC', 'PSTFC', 'PRC', 'PVC', 'PCC', 'PORTCAP', 'FLEETCAP', 'FLT', 'DAIDE', 'DFLT', 'NAIDE', 'NFLT', 'LT', '1LT', 'LTC', 'CDR', 'DLT', 'D1LT', 'DLTC', 'DC', 'STFC', 'RC', 'VC', 'CC' ].each do |flag| it "should generate #{flag}" do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.svg(flag, outfile: '')).to include("<title>#{flag}</title>") end end end describe 'pennants' do it 'should generate the cruise pennant' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.svg('Cruise', outfile: '')).to include('<title>Cruise Pennant</title>') end it 'should generate the officer-in-charge pennant' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.svg('OIC', outfile: '')).to include('<title>Officer-in-Charge Pennant</title>') end end describe 'other flags' do it 'should generate US' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.svg('US', outfile: '')).to include('<title>US Ensign</title>') end it 'should generate USPS Ensign' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.svg('Ensign', outfile: '')).to include('<title>USPS Ensign</title>') end it 'should generate the USPS Wheel logo' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.svg('Wheel', outfile: '')).to include('<title>USPS Ensign Wheel</title>') end end describe 'trident specifications' do it 'should generate the trident specification sheet' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.spec(outfile: '')).to include('<title>USPS Trident Specifications</title>') end it 'should generate the trident specification sheet with a scaled border' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.spec(outfile: '', scaled_border: true)).to include( '<title>USPS Trident Specifications</title>' ) end it 'should generate the trident specification sheet with a fractional field size' do expect(USPSFlags::Generate.spec(outfile: '', fly: 23.5)).to include('<title>USPS Trident Specifications</title>') end end describe 'png' do before(:each) do @svg = USPSFlags::Generate.svg('LtC', outfile: '') end it 'should raise PNGGenerationError without an outfile' do expect { USPSFlags::Generate.png(@svg, outfile: '') }.to raise_error(USPSFlags::Errors::PNGGenerationError) end it 'should contain the SVG when raising PNGGenerationError without an outfile' do begin USPSFlags::Generate.png(@svg, outfile: '') rescue => e expect(e.svg).to eql(@svg) end end it 'should not raise PNGGenerationError when correctly configured' do expect { USPSFlags::Generate.png(@svg, outfile: 'lib/output/PNG/LTC.png') }.to_not raise_error end end describe 'without an outfile set' do it 'should print SVG data to the console' do expect(STDOUT).to receive(:puts).with(USPSFlags::Generate.svg('Lt', outfile: ''), "\n") USPSFlags::Generate.svg('Lt') end end describe 'static files errors' do it 'should raise USPSFlags::Errors::StaticFilesGenerationError when not given any true arguments' do expect { USPSFlags::Generate.all(svg: false, png: false, zips: false, reset: false) }.to raise_error( USPSFlags::Errors::StaticFilesGenerationError, 'At least one argument switch must be true out of [svg, png, zips, reset].' ) end it 'should raise USPSFlags::Errors::ZipGenerationError when not given any true arguments' do expect { USPSFlags::Generate.zips(svg: false, png: false) }.to raise_error( USPSFlags::Errors::ZipGenerationError, 'At least one argument switch must be true out of [svg, png].' ) end end describe 'static files generation', slow: true do before(:all) do svg_dir = "#{USPSFlags.configuration.flags_dir}/SVG" png_dir = "#{USPSFlags.configuration.flags_dir}/PNG" @svg_flag, @png_flag = USPSFlags::Helpers.valid_flags(:officer).sample(2) @svg_ins_flag, @png_ins_flag, @thb_flag = USPSFlags::Helpers.valid_flags(:insignia).sample(3) puts( "\nSelected test flags: ", " Sf: #{@svg_flag}", " Si: #{@svg_ins_flag}", " Pf: #{@png_flag}", " Pi: #{@png_ins_flag}", " Pt: #{@thb_flag}" ) ::FileUtils.rm_rf(USPSFlags.configuration.flags_dir) USPSFlags.prepare_flags_dir USPSFlags::Generate.svg(@svg_flag, outfile: "#{svg_dir}/#{@svg_flag}.svg") USPSFlags::Generate.svg(@svg_ins_flag, field: false, outfile: "#{svg_dir}/insignia/#{@svg_ins_flag}.svg") USPSFlags::Generate.png(USPSFlags::Generate.svg(@png_flag, outfile: ''), outfile: "#{png_dir}/#{@png_flag}.png") USPSFlags::Generate.png( USPSFlags::Generate.svg(@png_ins_flag, field: false, outfile: ''), trim: true, outfile: "#{png_dir}/insignia/#{@png_ins_flag}.png" ) USPSFlags::Generate.png( USPSFlags::Generate.svg(@thb_flag, field: false, outfile: ''), trim: true, outfile: "#{png_dir}/insignia/#{@thb_flag}.png" ) USPSFlags::Helpers.resize_png( "#{png_dir}/insignia/#{@thb_flag}.png", file: "insignia/#{@thb_flag}", size: 150, size_key: 'thumb' ) end it 'should not raise an error while generating all static files' do expect { USPSFlags::Generate.all(reset: false) }.to_not raise_error end describe 'generation logs' do before(:each) do @log_contents = ::File.read("#{USPSFlags.configuration.log_path}/flag.log") end it 'should have generated the correct log output' do correct_log_pattern = <<~LOG Flag | SVG | PNG | Run time --------------------------------------- PLTC | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s PC | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s 1LT | SI | FIH+K+DiTi | .*{3,6} s LTC | SI | FIHiKiDiTi | .*{3,6} s CDR | SI | FIHiKiDiTi | .*{3,6} s PORTCAP | SI | FIH+K+DiTi | .*{3,6} s FLEETCAP | SI | FIH+KiDiTi | .*{3,6} s LT | SI | FIH+K+DiTi | .*{3,6} s FLT | SI | FIH+K+DiTi | .*{3,6} s PDLTC | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s PDC | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s D1LT | SI | FIH+K+DiTi | .*{3,6} s DLTC | SI | FIHiKiDiTi | .*{3,6} s DC | SI | FIHiKiDiTi | .*{3,6} s DLT | SI | FIH+K+DiTi | .*{3,6} s DAIDE | SI | FIH+KiDiTi | .*{3,6} s DFLT | SI | FIHiKiDiTi | .*{3,6} s PSTFC | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s PRC | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s PVC | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s PCC | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s NAIDE | SI | FIH+KiDiTi | .*{3,6} s NFLT | SI | FIHiKiDiTi | .*{3,6} s STFC | SI | FIH+K+DiTi | .*{3,6} s RC | SI | FIH+K+DiTi | .*{3,6} s VC | SI | FIHiKiDiTi | .*{3,6} s CC | SI | FIHiKiDiTi | .*{3,6} s CRUISE | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s OIC | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s ENSIGN | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s WHEEL | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s US | S- | F-H-K-D-T- | .*{3,6} s Generated SVG Zip Generated PNG Zip LOG correct_log_pattern = correct_log_pattern. gsub('+', '\+').gsub('|', '\|'). gsub(/#{@svg_flag} | S/, "#{@svg_flag} | \\."). gsub(/#{@svg_ins_flag} | SI/, "#{@svg_ins_flag} | S\\."). gsub(/#{@png_flag} | S(.) | F/, "#{@png_flag} | S\1 | \\."). gsub(/#{@png_ins_flag} | SI | FI/, "#{@png_ins_flag} | SI | F\\."). gsub(/#{@thm_flag} | SI | FIH(.)K(.)D(.)Ti/, "#{@thm_flag} | SI | FIH\1K\2D\3T\\.") correct_log_regexp = Regexp.new(correct_log_pattern) expect(@log_contents).to match(correct_log_regexp) end it 'should not match an incorrect log output' do incorrect_log_pattern = 'PLTC \| -- \| ---------- \| .*{3,6} s' incorrect_log_regexp = Regexp.new(incorrect_log_pattern) expect(@log_contents.match(incorrect_log_regexp)).to be_nil end end it 'should not raise an error while clearing all static files' do expect { USPSFlags::Generate.all(svg: false, png: false, zips: false, reset: true) }.to_not raise_error end it 'should not raise an error while generating zip files' do expect { USPSFlags::Generate.zips }.to_not raise_error end end end