//! Helper functions to gather information for each of the non-function sections of a //! WebAssembly module. //! //! The code of these helper functions is straightforward since they only read metadata //! about linear memories, tables, globals, etc. and store them for later use. //! //! The special case of the initialize expressions for table elements offsets or global variables //! is handled, according to the semantics of WebAssembly, to only specific expressions that are //! interpreted on the fly. use crate::environ::ModuleEnvironment; use crate::wasm_unsupported; use crate::{ DataIndex, ElemIndex, FuncIndex, GlobalIndex, GlobalInit, Memory, MemoryIndex, TableIndex, Tag, TagIndex, TypeIndex, WasmError, WasmResult, }; use cranelift_entity::packed_option::ReservedValue; use cranelift_entity::EntityRef; use std::boxed::Box; use std::vec::Vec; use wasmparser::{ self, Data, DataKind, DataSectionReader, Element, ElementItems, ElementKind, ElementSectionReader, Export, ExportSectionReader, ExternalKind, FunctionSectionReader, GlobalSectionReader, ImportSectionReader, MemorySectionReader, MemoryType, NameSectionReader, Naming, Operator, TableSectionReader, TagSectionReader, TagType, TypeRef, TypeSectionReader, }; fn memory(ty: MemoryType) -> Memory { Memory { minimum: ty.initial, maximum: ty.maximum, shared: ty.shared, memory64: ty.memory64, } } fn tag(e: TagType) -> Tag { match e.kind { wasmparser::TagKind::Exception => Tag { ty: TypeIndex::from_u32(e.func_type_idx), }, } } /// Parses the Type section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_type_section<'a>( types: TypeSectionReader<'a>, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment<'a>, ) -> WasmResult<()> { let count = types.count(); environ.reserve_types(count)?; for ty in types.into_iter_err_on_gc_types() { let ty = environ.convert_func_type(&ty?); environ.declare_type_func(ty)?; } Ok(()) } /// Parses the Import section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_import_section<'data>( imports: ImportSectionReader<'data>, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment<'data>, ) -> WasmResult<()> { environ.reserve_imports(imports.count())?; for entry in imports { let import = entry?; match import.ty { TypeRef::Func(sig) => { environ.declare_func_import( TypeIndex::from_u32(sig), import.module, import.name, )?; } TypeRef::Memory(ty) => { environ.declare_memory_import(memory(ty), import.module, import.name)?; } TypeRef::Tag(e) => { environ.declare_tag_import(tag(e), import.module, import.name)?; } TypeRef::Global(ty) => { let ty = environ.convert_global_type(&ty); environ.declare_global_import(ty, import.module, import.name)?; } TypeRef::Table(ty) => { let ty = environ.convert_table_type(&ty); environ.declare_table_import(ty, import.module, import.name)?; } } } environ.finish_imports()?; Ok(()) } /// Parses the Function section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_function_section( functions: FunctionSectionReader, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment, ) -> WasmResult<()> { let num_functions = functions.count(); if num_functions == std::u32::MAX { // We reserve `u32::MAX` for our own use in cranelift-entity. return Err(WasmError::ImplLimitExceeded); } environ.reserve_func_types(num_functions)?; for entry in functions { let sigindex = entry?; environ.declare_func_type(TypeIndex::from_u32(sigindex))?; } Ok(()) } /// Parses the Table section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_table_section( tables: TableSectionReader, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment, ) -> WasmResult<()> { environ.reserve_tables(tables.count())?; for entry in tables { let ty = environ.convert_table_type(&entry?.ty); environ.declare_table(ty)?; } Ok(()) } /// Parses the Memory section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_memory_section( memories: MemorySectionReader, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment, ) -> WasmResult<()> { environ.reserve_memories(memories.count())?; for entry in memories { let memory = memory(entry?); environ.declare_memory(memory)?; } Ok(()) } /// Parses the Tag section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_tag_section( tags: TagSectionReader, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment, ) -> WasmResult<()> { environ.reserve_tags(tags.count())?; for entry in tags { let tag = tag(entry?); environ.declare_tag(tag)?; } Ok(()) } /// Parses the Global section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_global_section( globals: GlobalSectionReader, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment, ) -> WasmResult<()> { environ.reserve_globals(globals.count())?; for entry in globals { let wasmparser::Global { ty, init_expr } = entry?; let mut init_expr_reader = init_expr.get_binary_reader(); let initializer = match init_expr_reader.read_operator()? { Operator::I32Const { value } => GlobalInit::I32Const(value), Operator::I64Const { value } => GlobalInit::I64Const(value), Operator::F32Const { value } => GlobalInit::F32Const(value.bits()), Operator::F64Const { value } => GlobalInit::F64Const(value.bits()), Operator::V128Const { value } => { GlobalInit::V128Const(u128::from_le_bytes(*value.bytes())) } Operator::RefNull { hty: _ } => GlobalInit::RefNullConst, Operator::RefFunc { function_index } => { GlobalInit::RefFunc(FuncIndex::from_u32(function_index)) } Operator::GlobalGet { global_index } => { GlobalInit::GetGlobal(GlobalIndex::from_u32(global_index)) } ref s => { return Err(wasm_unsupported!( "unsupported init expr in global section: {:?}", s )); } }; let ty = environ.convert_global_type(&ty); environ.declare_global(ty, initializer)?; } Ok(()) } /// Parses the Export section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_export_section<'data>( exports: ExportSectionReader<'data>, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment<'data>, ) -> WasmResult<()> { environ.reserve_exports(exports.count())?; for entry in exports { let Export { name, ref kind, index, } = entry?; // The input has already been validated, so we should be able to // assume valid UTF-8 and use `from_utf8_unchecked` if performance // becomes a concern here. let index = index as usize; match *kind { ExternalKind::Func => environ.declare_func_export(FuncIndex::new(index), name)?, ExternalKind::Table => environ.declare_table_export(TableIndex::new(index), name)?, ExternalKind::Memory => environ.declare_memory_export(MemoryIndex::new(index), name)?, ExternalKind::Tag => environ.declare_tag_export(TagIndex::new(index), name)?, ExternalKind::Global => environ.declare_global_export(GlobalIndex::new(index), name)?, } } environ.finish_exports()?; Ok(()) } /// Parses the Start section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_start_section(index: u32, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment) -> WasmResult<()> { environ.declare_start_func(FuncIndex::from_u32(index))?; Ok(()) } fn read_elems(items: &ElementItems) -> WasmResult> { let mut elems = Vec::new(); match items { ElementItems::Functions(funcs) => { for func in funcs.clone() { elems.push(FuncIndex::from_u32(func?)); } } ElementItems::Expressions(_ty, funcs) => { for func in funcs.clone() { let idx = match func?.get_binary_reader().read_operator()? { Operator::RefNull { .. } => FuncIndex::reserved_value(), Operator::RefFunc { function_index } => FuncIndex::from_u32(function_index), s => { return Err(WasmError::Unsupported(format!( "unsupported init expr in element section: {:?}", s ))); } }; elems.push(idx); } } } Ok(elems.into_boxed_slice()) } /// Parses the Element section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_element_section<'data>( elements: ElementSectionReader<'data>, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment, ) -> WasmResult<()> { environ.reserve_table_elements(elements.count())?; for (index, entry) in elements.into_iter().enumerate() { let Element { kind, items, range: _, } = entry?; let segments = read_elems(&items)?; match kind { ElementKind::Active { table_index, offset_expr, } => { let mut offset_expr_reader = offset_expr.get_binary_reader(); let (base, offset) = match offset_expr_reader.read_operator()? { Operator::I32Const { value } => (None, value as u32), Operator::GlobalGet { global_index } => { (Some(GlobalIndex::from_u32(global_index)), 0) } ref s => { return Err(wasm_unsupported!( "unsupported init expr in element section: {:?}", s )); } }; environ.declare_table_elements( TableIndex::from_u32(table_index.unwrap_or(0)), base, offset, segments, )? } ElementKind::Passive => { let index = ElemIndex::from_u32(index as u32); environ.declare_passive_element(index, segments)?; } ElementKind::Declared => { environ.declare_elements(segments)?; } } } Ok(()) } /// Parses the Data section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_data_section<'data>( data: DataSectionReader<'data>, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment<'data>, ) -> WasmResult<()> { environ.reserve_data_initializers(data.count())?; for (index, entry) in data.into_iter().enumerate() { let Data { kind, data, range: _, } = entry?; match kind { DataKind::Active { memory_index, offset_expr, } => { let mut offset_expr_reader = offset_expr.get_binary_reader(); let (base, offset) = match offset_expr_reader.read_operator()? { Operator::I32Const { value } => (None, value as u64), Operator::I64Const { value } => (None, value as u64), Operator::GlobalGet { global_index } => { (Some(GlobalIndex::from_u32(global_index)), 0) } ref s => { return Err(wasm_unsupported!( "unsupported init expr in data section: {:?}", s )) } }; environ.declare_data_initialization( MemoryIndex::from_u32(memory_index), base, offset, data, )?; } DataKind::Passive => { let index = DataIndex::from_u32(index as u32); environ.declare_passive_data(index, data)?; } } } Ok(()) } /// Parses the Name section of the wasm module. pub fn parse_name_section<'data>( names: NameSectionReader<'data>, environ: &mut dyn ModuleEnvironment<'data>, ) -> WasmResult<()> { for subsection in names { match subsection? { wasmparser::Name::Function(names) => { for name in names { let Naming { index, name } = name?; // We reserve `u32::MAX` for our own use in cranelift-entity. if index != u32::max_value() { environ.declare_func_name(FuncIndex::from_u32(index), name); } } } wasmparser::Name::Module { name, .. } => { environ.declare_module_name(name); } wasmparser::Name::Local(reader) => { for f in reader { let f = f?; if f.index == u32::max_value() { continue; } for name in f.names { let Naming { index, name } = name?; environ.declare_local_name(FuncIndex::from_u32(f.index), index, name) } } } wasmparser::Name::Label(_) | wasmparser::Name::Type(_) | wasmparser::Name::Table(_) | wasmparser::Name::Global(_) | wasmparser::Name::Memory(_) | wasmparser::Name::Element(_) | wasmparser::Name::Data(_) | wasmparser::Name::Unknown { .. } => {} } } Ok(()) }