--- layout: page scrollbar: false title: J1 Control Center tagline: Manage Your Site description: A CMS environment based on Netlify CMS tags: [ AdminCMS, CMS, Netlify, Site, Manager ] index: [] categories: [ apps ] toc: false permalink: /apps/protected/netlify-cms/page/ regenerate: false resources: [ iFramer ] resource_options: --- // Enable the Liquid Preprocessor // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set other global page attributes here // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Liquid procedures // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize entry document paths // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load tags and urls // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Additional Asciidoc page attributes goes here // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Include documents // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ifdef::cc-preface[] *J1 Control Center* is based on _Netlify CMS_, an open source content management system (CMS) for *static* websites: managed by _Netlify_. It provides a friendly user interface (UI) system to manage websites, stored in a Git repository. You can use *J1 Control Center* for all sites based on _J1 Template_ to create faster, more flexible web projects. Content is stored in a Git repository alongside your code for easier versioning, multi-channel publishing, and the option to handle sites content updates directly in Git. [NOTE, role="mb-4"] ==== No matter where you *access* J1 Control Center -- whether running locally, in a staging environment, or in your published site -- it will always fetch and commit files in your hosted *repository* (GitHub), on the *branch* you configured with your J1 Admin CMS configuration (`~/admin/config/config.yml`). Keep in mind, that content fetched in the UI will match the content in the *repository*, which may be *different* from your *locally* running *site*. This means that content *saved* using the UI will save directly to the hosted *repository*, even if you're running the J1 Admin CMS locally or in staging. ==== endif::[] ///// == GitHub Auth Demo ++++
++++ ///// // == Control Center ++++